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New Jewish Homes in Hebron

Entrances to Beit Leah (L); Beit Rachel (R)

Members of the Harevei Makom Eilah movement report that fifteen Jewish families have joyously moved into two reclaimed buildings in Hebron, Beit Rachel and Beit Leah. The families have purchased the buildings with the approval of the Civil Administration. This was a positive answer to the removal of Jewish families from Beit Machpela, another home purchased by the Jews which remains a contested property because of the failings of the Israeli Supreme Court. AFSI’s dear friends, Yifat and Shalom Akobi, with whom AFSI stays in close touch, will be celebrating Passover with their family and friends in one of the new homes. We know this will be an especially happy Pesach for them.

“Baruch Atah Adoni…” Affixing the Mezuzah

Source – The Jewish Press

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We’ll Find Someone Else

UN Ambassador to Israel David Friedman noted that if Mahmoud Abbas continues to refuse to sit down for talks with the US and Israel, the US is open to seeking out someone else who will be. The bottom line is that the PA will not be allowed to harm the interests of the US and its allies while continuing to receive funding.

As for the foolish comments Abbas recently made about the Ambassador, Friedman diplomatically commented that Abbas can continue his rhetoric or “…work with us for the people that need electricity, water, schools and medical services.”

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Taylor Force Act – Will the PA Be Compliant?

The Taylor Force Act was recently passed into law, but the PA’s new budget is not hiding the fact that it has not cut-off funding to terrorists and their families.

The Taylor Force Act requires that within 30 days the U.S. State Department must certify to Congress whether the PA and PLO have stopped the payments to terrorists and their families and repeal the pay-for-slay laws. No later than 45 days after enactment, State must report to Congress an explanation of why State was unable to certify PA/PLO compliance, plus the total amount of funds to be withheld.

The Knesset Israel Victory Caucus (KIVC) and Congressional Israel Victory Caucus (CIVC) will work together to highlight PA non-compliance and the continuation of the PA’s policy of issuing payments terrorists and their families.

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IDF Thwarts Terror Infiltration and Prepares for March 30 Demonstration

An IDF force arrested 3 Arabs carrying a knives and grenades who had infiltrated into Israeli territory from Gaza on Tuesday. They admitted under interrogation that they had intended to attack soldiers.

Eshkol Regional Council head Gadi Yarkoni commented, “…the capture proves the efficiency of security forces and the strength of spirit among our people.” Source – Arutz Sheva 

The IDF is readying itself for a march by Gazans starting on March 30 and ending six weeks later on May 15 to coincide with Israel’s 70th Anniversary. Islamic Jihad officials have called on thousands of Gazans to march en masse towards Israel to demonstrate for their so-called “right of return” in what has been dubbed the “March of the Return.” Detailed information can be found on The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center.

IDF General Yoav Mordechai firmly stated, “…we will take harsh and tough measures against any attempt by demonstrators to reach the security fence or try to break into Israeli territory. The Israeli response will be strong, not just against the demonstrators. We intend to do everything to prevent violent demonstrations and terror demonstrations.”

Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Gadi Eizenkot has warned that the army has been given authorization to open fire ahead of mass protests on the Gaza border planned for Friday if there are any attempts to cross the Gaza border fence into Israel.

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Is an Israel Victory the Key to Middle East Peace?

According the Professor Daniel Pipes it is.

If Palestinian defeat is good for Israel, it is ironically even better for Palestinians, who will finally be liberated from ugly ambitions, revolutionary rhetoric, and genocidal fantasies. An educated and skilled people can then improve its life by building its polity, economy, society, and culture. And if diplomacy is now premature, issues such as Jerusalem, borders, and resources can be fruitfully discussed after a Palestinian defeat.

Read Pipe’s excellent OpEd HERE

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Ronald Lauder’s False Claims Betray Israel

World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ron Lauder’s opinion piece in The New York Times on March 18 unconditionally demands a Palestinian State as the solution to the Arab war against Israel. Lauder ignores the fact that Palestinian Arabs rejected Israel’s statehood offers three times in the last 17 years, not to mention rejecting Statehood in 1937 and 1947 because it required accepting Israel, which they won’t do because their goal is its destruction.

In a nutshell, Lauder is placing the entire blame on Israel. This is a disgrace for a leader of a major Jewish organization.

An excellent OpEd in Arutz Sheva by Dr. Martin Sherman dissects Lauder’s article and sets the record – and Ronald Lauder – straight.

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Israel Must Change Its Message

The last few months have been characterized by a slow but steady heightening of security tensions in Gaza, Judea and Samaria (to whose issues one must add knifings and ramming attacks) and Lebanon, Syria and the developments involving Hezbollah, Iran and Russia.

The escalating tension makes it imperative for Israel to raise its level of response, because continuing to retaliate on the response level of the past years does nothing to deter Israel’s neighbors nor does it restore tranquility and security to Israel’s population.

Read Dr. Mordechai Kedar’s Arutz Sheva OpEd 

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UNHRC – Hypocrites Unworthy of Their Name

The UN Human Rights Council recently passed five anti-Israel resolutions in what they are calling “human rights violations” and “violations of international law.”

In response to this Danon threatened that there would be “significant consequences.”
US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley blasted the UNHRC for its continuous anti-Israel bias, stating “when the Human Rights Council treats Israel worse than North Korea, Iran, and Syria, it is the Council itself that is foolish and unworthy of its name,” said the American Ambassador.

Source – Arutz Sheva 

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Put Him on the First Flight Out of the Country!

The PA is now demanding that US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman be added to a ‘global terror list.’

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren (Kulanu), now an MK and Deputy Minister in the Netanyahu government, suggested an appropriate response:

“Palestinian Authority demands that US Ambassador David Friedman be placed on the “global terror list.” Wouldn’t it be fitting if the PA’s Washington representative were placed on the first flight out of the country?”

AFSI agrees. Read the story HERE 

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