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Yesterday, Rep. Roskam spoke with Neil Cavuto on Fox News and Fox Business about the risks posed by selling aircraft to Iran. On Tuesday, Rep. Roskam sent a letter with Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) urging President Donald J. Trump to suspend the sale of aircraft to Iran until Iran ceases using commercial aircraft for military and terrorism-related purposes. Please see the press release on this letter here and the clip of Rep. Roskam’s appearance on Fox News  below. Continue reading “NO AIRCRAFT FOR IRAN!”

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Helen Freedman: Debating Settlements and Solutions on JBS TV

AFSI’s Executive Co-Director Helen Freedman was a guest on the Jewish Broadcasting Service TV program where the topic of the day was the “settlements.” As part of a Round Table Discussion, Helen’s position was of wholehearted support and endorsement of the application of sovereignty to all of Judea and Samaria. The conversation took some interesting turns as the legal “expert” on the panel had to admit that Israel’s legal entitlement was the strongest. Helen fought hard aganst the “two-state solution” which continued to be used by the other panelists despite her efforts to insist that there are other possibilities.

Continue reading “Helen Freedman: Debating Settlements and Solutions on JBS TV”

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Recent Chemical Attacks In Syria: Who, If Anyone, Will Take Action?

US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, holding photos of gassed children in Syria.

There have been reports of two chemical attacks in Syria during the past few days; the most recent yesterday. The first, reportedly with sarin gas killed approximately 100 people including many children. The second attack is believed to have used chlorine gas. The impact of the second attack is still undetermined as of this writing. Continue reading “Recent Chemical Attacks In Syria: Who, If Anyone, Will Take Action?”

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