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Can The U.S. Force Limitations On Israeli Building

Can The U.S. Force Limitations On Israeli Building?

Community of Efrat,
south of Jerusalem, between Hebron and Bethlehem

Soon enough, details will emerge about the meetings being held between U.S. administration officials and Israeli leadership. The press is reporting that the two parties are nearing an agreement on a slowdown in Israeli “settlement” growth in Judea and Samaria, with PM Netanyahu rejecting any claims of limitations on Jewish development and growth in Jerusalem. Continue reading “Can The U.S. Force Limitations On Israeli Building?”

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E-1: Now Is The Time To Build

E-1: Now Is The Time To Build

E-1, between Jerusalem and Ma’ale Adumim
(Map: Israel Hayom)

Israel Hayom published a piece a few days ago by journalist and commentator David Weinberg about the importance of the E-1 area east of Jerusalem. This piece of land, in Area C and thus under full Israeli jurisdiction, is considered critical for Israel to maintain, control and develop for several reasons, including demographic and strategic/security. Continue reading “E-1: Now Is The Time To Build”

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On The Chopping Block Tomorrow: Nine Homes In Ofra

Just weeks after the state destroyed homes in Amona and evicted its residents, nine homes in nearby Ofra are targeted for demolition. New homes have not yet been built for the Amona residents, and it is anticipated that the Regulations Law recently passed will be found “unconstitutional”, even though Israel does not have a constitution Continue reading “Hypocrisy”

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MSNBC’s Brzezinski: “Controlling What People Think is Our Job”

Today’s Jerusalem Post contains an insightful article about America: American Society Headed Toward A Breaking Point. Here, the author Michael Laitman posits that America is on the way to becoming a totalitarian, fascistic society. The author claims that although liberalism in itself may be a noble idea, in practice, “a society cannot be vital and vibrant unless many different views vie against one another and in the process become polished and refined,” and America has become a society where contrary views are barely tolerated anymore. Continue reading “MSNBC’s Brzezinski: “Controlling What People Think is Our Job””

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