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Netiv Avot on the Chopping Block

In 2016 the Israeli High Court ruled that 15 out of 42 homes in the Netiv Avot neighborhood in the Elazar community in Gush Etzion were illegally built on “private Palestinian land,” and a March 2018 date was set for their demolition by the state.

In an additional bizarre ruling, the court ruled that an “illegally built” carpentry shop in Netiv Avot (really just a shack) would be demolished before the end of this year. A number of the shop owner’s friends – army reservists – have written to PM Netanyahu promising to rebuild the shop if the government goes forward with its destruction.

Reservists tell PM: If Netiv Ha’avot carpentry shop torn down, we’ll rebuild it

Carpentry shop in Netiv Avot slated for destruction before the end of this year


At a rally held last night to show support for the 15 families in Netiv Avot, Jewish Home Party Minister Naftali Bennett said that there is no reason the homes should be torn down. He told The Land of Israel Network’s Josh Hasten that destroying those homes “makes no sense,” and he is calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to do what he can to save those houses. Last night’s rally saw hundreds in attendance including Government Ministers, Members of Knesset, and many other Israelis who do not want to see the unnecessary demolition of the Jewish homes in Netiv Avot.

You can hear Josh Hasten’s report from the rally, including Naftali Bennett’s remarks, on the Land of Israel Network, by clicking HERE.

For additional background information on Netiv Avot, including the absurdity of the court’s decision, please read Josh’s report in the Jerusalem Post here: DON’T DESTROY THE NETIV AVOT HOMES.



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Deputy FM Tzipi Hotovely: Courage to Speak the Truth

Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely’s recent comment that “US Jews do not fully understand the realities of life in Israel” has drawn criticism from many on the left, both in Israel and the US. As a result, Hotovely was disinvited to speak at Princeton University, and there have been calls for her resignation. Tellingly, her remarks are neither anti-Semitic nor disrespectful of US Jewry as some have reported. As Sderot Hesder Yeshiva Dean Rabbi Dovid Fendel stated, Hotovely’s words were “spoken with grace and with compassion, out of faith and humility. She did not attack US Jewry, and did not insult them, either.”

AFSI stands behind Hotovely 100%.

Read about it HERE, and view the video of her interview with i24NEWS below:

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AFSI Wishes all our Friends and Supporters a Happy Thanksgiving

We have a lot to be thankful for, this Thanksgiving season.

We give thanks for:

  • The ability to continue our AFSI Chizuk Missions twice a year, visiting our friends in communities throughout Judea and Samaria, some living in beleaguered communities with minimal resources and support.
  • The strength of those living throughout Israel, holding on to Jewish land and not succumbing to threats or temptation to give up.
  • The support of our members and friends, whose primary interest is the security and well-being of Israel.
  • The contributions made by millions of Americans who support Israel.
  • The IDF, which defends Israel and never sleeps, and whose strength, courage, dedication and expertise are unparalleled.
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Another Peace Plan In The Offing: Worries Ahead Or Much Ado About Nothing?

The past few weeks have witnessed media speculation about President Trump announcing a US initiative toward restarting negotiations between Israel and the “Palestinian” Arabs.

Caroline Glick’s piece in the Jerusalem Post puts to rest any idea that if what we are reading in the media is accurate, Trump’s initiative would have any chance of success at all.

Yet, there are also reports that Trump’s plan would differ from that of previous presidents in several important ways, including:
– It would not be based on the pre-1967 lines
– It would not include the uprooting of Jews in Judea and Samaria (nor Arabs)

Regardless of any differences between Trump’s plan and those proposed by previous presidents, AFSI, since its founding, has been a staunch adherent to the idea of full Israeli sovereignty throughout the Land of Israel, i.e., Yisrael Shleyma – Israel from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. Any notion of an Arab state within the borders of Israel is nothing but a supreme threat to the existence of Israel, and must never happen.

As written by Women In Green, proponents of the Sovereignty Movement:
“Anyone who has forgotten: A Palestinian state between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River endangers the State of Israel. We are shocked by the weak memory that leads the planners of the deathtrap to the State of Israel.”

“For all those who have forgotten the fundamental principles of Zionism, we will recall that the Land of Israel is our land, and the only way to lead to true peace is to apply Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria.”

“An Israeli concession to the Zionist-historical principle that this land belongs to the people of Israel alone, will lead to further concessions as has been proven in the past. Israel is once again asked to continue to pay in the currency of territory for insignificant signatures of the Arab side on pieces of paper, and reminds that there is no country in the world that desires to live that gives up its achievements in a war that was forced on it.”
(Read about Women In Green HERE.)

In addition, Yoram Ettinger makes the case against a Palestinian state, from a US perspective:
A Palestinian Arab state – enhancing or eroding US national security?

Whether or not Trump’s purported plan sees the light of day or is just a diversion from other, more important issues in the Middle East, such as Iran’s march toward creating a Shiite crescent all way to the Mediterranean Sea, any plan that proposes a Palestinian state within the borders of Israel, is by definition, a non-starter, and one which we, and all supporters of Israel, will continue to vociferously rally against.

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Another Memorable AFSI Chizuk Mission Winds Down

The last two days of the AFSI Mission were action-packed and focused on the south. It started with a visit to Sderot. There they met with a city guide to learn about the remarkable rebirth that has occurred in the city, despite the frequent rocket attacks from Gaza. From Chanukah candles to rock music, all of this can be found in Sderot. They also meet with Rabbi Fendel of the world-famous Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot, which has become a landmark Yeshiva and has contributed greatly to creating the revival of Sderot.

They then traveled on to the picturesque Lachish area where they were met by Dror Vanunu, AFSI’s longtime friend and representative of the former Gush Katif communities. With him and a guide, they explored some of the historic caves in the area.

Karmei Katif – the caves below

One highlight was a visit to the very new Gush Katif community of Karmei Katif. David Hatuel, resident of the community, greeted the group in his new home. They saw the groundwork laid for the Karmei Katif synagogue being built in the name of Tali Hatuel and her four children who were murdered in 2004 by Arab terrorists.

At Aleh Negev

On the last day of the mission the group visited the Aleh Negev Nahalat Eran Rehabilitation Village. From their they continued on to the Halutza communities of Shlomit, Neve, and B’nei Netzarim, and ended the day and the mission, in Modiin for their Gala Farewell dinner.

AFSI looks forward to being reunited with our Chizuk friends to celebrate the wonderful occasion of Israel’s statehood, Yom Ha’Atzmaut – Israel’s 70th birthday, on our next Chizuk Mission, April 17-25, 2018.

Plan Now for the next AFSI Chizuk Mission!

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AFSI Chizuk Mission On The Move!

It was a busy few days for the AFSI Chizuk Mission, traveling throughout Yehuda and Shomron:

On Friday, they visited Oz V’Gaon where they were greeted by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, leaders of Women In Green. MK Yehuda Glick and AFSI’s Helen Freedman and Judy Freedman Kadish gave greetings to the assembly. AFSI Board member Ken Abramowitz gave the morning talk on SavetheWest. The group was privileged to walk the new Zionism path celebrating 120 years since the first Zionist Congress and 50 years since the liberation of Gush Etzion.

At Oz V’Gaon

This was followed by a visit to the Boys’ Promenade, newly built in Gush Etzion, and then a meeting with members of the Netiv Avot, Elazar community, where they learned firsthand about the threats by the Israeli government to destroy their homes.


Members of Netiv Avot meeting with AFSI, discussing government threats to
expel them and destroy their homes

The group then continued on to Hebron for Shabbat lodging at their traditional “home” in Kiryat Arba, Yeshivat Nir.

Members of the mission joined tens of thousands of people Friday night for stirring and inspirational Shabbat services at the Maarat HaMachpela in Hebron, followed by dinner at the home of AFSI’s good friend, David Wilder.

Shabbat Chaye Sarah was spent in Hebron where the group had lunch with members of the Hebron Fund, followed by a tour of the city with David Wilder and Hebron leaders.

Chabad had a strong presence in Hebron this Shabbat, and hosted visitors for meals in a beautiful tent.

Chabad tent in Hebron, providing a beautiful place for visitors to eat during
Shabbat Chaye Sarah
Posing on the roof of the Beit Machpela in Hebron,
after Shabbat

At the Yatir Winerye

They then meet with Mr. Arye Odess at a private home in Sussya, who spoke about the transition from Gush Katif to Har Hevron.

Mr. Arye Odess, meeting with the group

In Mitzpe Yair they met with Mayor Yochai Damri, to learn about the eighteen Jewish communities which comprise the Har Hebron bloc. Rabbi Aaron Egeltqal, head of Friends of Har Hebron, greeted the group.

Hangin’ with soldiers in Mitzpe Yair

Finally, they headed for the Israel Air Force Museum in Hatserim, outside BeerSheva, followed by dinner and lodging in Ashkelon.

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The Latest About Israel and the Middle East (a roundup of important news items)

Are Israel and Saudi Arabia “allies” against Iran?
The Taylor Force Act makes its way through Congress
Will the US finally move its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem? An update
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The Chizuk Mission Continues

The group spent the entire day Wednesday in Yerushalayim, which began early for their visit to the Temple Mount. Yaakov Hayman, head of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation, under the umbrella of the Israel Independence Fund, was their guide.

Later that morning, the entire group met with longtime AFSI friend Dan Luria, Executive Director of Ateret Cohanim/the Jerusalem Reclamation fund, who guided them to several special sights inside the Old City.

In the afternoon they traveled toward the Judean Desert, near Maale Amos, to visit Jeremy Gimpel and Ari Abramowitz at the Land of Israel Network, with dinner in Gush Etzion.

The picture below is of members of the group on Har Habayit, sitting on the Eastern Wall. This Wall has special significance as being the only Wall that was in the same place where it was at the time of the Second Temple.

Today, Thursday, the group spent the day in the Shomron.

First on the agenda was a visit with AD Kan in the town of Eli. Here, they learned how MASA, funded by the JEWISH AGENCY, supports and promotes the extreme anti-Zionist “Achvat Amim” group. This group leads anti-Israel activities in the southern Hebron Hills, often in violent confrontations with the IDF. AD Kan is supported by the Israel Independence Fund.

They then continued on to Shilo where they met Elad Ziv and members of the displaced Amona community to learn about progress, or lack thereof, on their new homes.

From there, they visited Har Bracha and the Tommy Waller Christian community project, before returning to Jerusalem.

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AFSI’s Fall 2017 Mission Begins!

AFSI’s Fall 2017 Chizuk Mission kicked off yesterday (Tuesday) with a visit to Palmachim, a beautiful community on the Mediterranean coast, originally created as a kibbutz by members of the Palmach. Today it is also home to a community of Gush Katif refugees who have re-settled in the area.

There, they were guided through Beit Miriam, a new archeological museum, by Moti, originally from Eli Sinai in Gush Katif. They viewed the treasures and photographs of some of the local objects from the sea.

Beit Miriam, archeological museum

From there, the group continued on to visit the ILTV studio in Tel Aviv, in time to celebrate the studio’s 2nd anniversary, which they did on camera with a hearty Mazel Tov!

It was very interesting viewing the behind the scenes action – watching the tape and teleprompters roll.


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AFSI’s Jonathan Grauman speaks at Red Bank, NJ Synagogue

AFSI’s Research Analyst Jonathan Grauman was the guest speaker this past Shabbat at Congregation Beth Shalom in Red Bank, NJ.

Rabbi Dovid Harrison, his wife Hindy and their children graciously hosted Jonathan and his wife Lainee, who had the pleasure to be the recipients of wonderful hospitality and the opportunity to meet and speak with members of the congregation.

Jonathan’s topic during their stay in Red Bank was, AFSI: Supporting Israel at Home and Abroad.

Jonathan spoke during dinner Friday evening to an enthusiastic and knowledgeable group, and continued the conversation on Saturday.

We thank Rabbi Dovid and Rebbitzin Hindy Harrison for their hospitality and the opportunity to speak about AFSI and its support of Israel.

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