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Unbalanced! Herzog’s Plan Takes Sides Against Sovereign People

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a judicial compromise proposal presented on Wednesday night by President Isaac Herzog during an address to the nation earlier in the evening.

“The issues presented by the president were not agreed upon by the coalition and key clauses in his outline only perpetuate the current situation and do not bring the necessary balance between the branches,” stated the premier. “This is the unfortunate truth.”

Herzog presented what he termed the “people’s plan,” beginning his speech by painting a bleak picture of Israel’s political situation, in which protests have roiled the country, saying that he had spoken to thousands of citizens and never before heard such “frightening rhetoric.” “I’ve heard real, deep hatred. I’ve heard people from all sides [say] that, Gd forbid, if there’ll be blood in the streets, it will no longer shock them,” he said.

Herzog is only fanning the flames of hate, anger, and protest. He should know better in the leadership position he holds. It makes us wonder just how many facts he really has about the imbalances and abuses in the existing Israel judicial system. Whose is he siding with anyway?

Netanyahu: Herzog’s judicial reform proposal perpetuates power imbalance, by JNS/March 15, 2023


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First Step to Rebuild Within Reach?

Monday night the Knesset approved in a first reading a bill repealing sections of the 2005 Disengagement Law that prevent Israelis from entering or living in parts of northern Samaria. The proposed legislation would restore freedom of movement to Israelis in four communities razed following the 2005 Gaza disengagement.

The new bill would require the government to reverse parts of the disengagement and allow for the Homesh Yeshiva to remain as a first step towards rebuilding the four communities. Now that Israel is no longer under an interim government, we trust we can look forward to the Jewish people returning to and re-building what was destroyed and never again be forced from their homes.

Excellent and timely reading from the apparently middle of the road Israel Policy Forum, “Undoing Evacuation: Where the 2005 West Bank Disengagement Stands in 2023.”

Bill restoring freedom of movement to Israelis in northern Samaria passes first reading, by JNS, March 14, 2023

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Promote Changes Without Fear

On Sunday, the Sovereignty Movement joined the battle in support of judicial reform.

Dozens of the movement’s activists came together with Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar, Sovereignty Movement Co-Chairs, for a vigil of support for legal reform. They gathered opposite the government meeting in Jerusalem. The movement was initiated by the “Kol Yisrael” movement and will intensify its activity in the near future.

Yehudit Katsover said, “We came to strengthen the government so that it will pass the necessary amendment to the judicial system. Until now, we have voted Right and received Left.” The Movement extended their support to Justice Minister Yariv Levin and MK Simcha Rothman to “promote the changes without fear.”

The support of this and future rallies are at a critical juncture. The coalition is expected to bring a part of its judicial overhaul package to a first Knesset vote early this week, advancing a bill that will give MKs the ability to protect nearly all laws from interference by the High Court.

Though we’re not in Israel now to rally alongside the Sovereignty Movement, AFSI is with them in spirt and is proud to support their work that backs the judicial reform process. The stronger and louder the voices are heard on this – peacefully – the stronger and more successful the entire process will be.

Sovereignty Movement rallies in favor of judicial reform plan, by Israel National News/March 12, 2023



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Lieberman: Apply Sovereignty. If You Don’t, We Will.

Earlier this year, it was announced that Likud MK Danny Danon was drafting a plan to apply Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, a key campaign commitment of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, this Wednesday it will be Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party placing a bill to apply sovereignty over the Jordan Valley before the Knesset. Undeterred by the results of a ministerial committee vote rejecting his bill, Lieberman has vowed to move ahead and is scathing in his criticism of the Likud-led coalition for failing to do so.

Security in the Jordan Valley is of strategic importance for Israel, now, more than ever, especially in light of the increased terror attacks there. What is Prime Minister Netanyahu waiting for? We will stress over and over – SOVEREIGNTY NOW – make it a priority!

Avigdor Liberman: ‘We need full sovereignty over the Jordan Valley’, by Shimon Cohen/Israel National News, March 13, 2023


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Just a Matter of Time Now

The Netanyahu government is preparing to dramatically speed up the process of passing its judicial reform plan, even as efforts to bring the Opposition to the negotiating table for a compromise deal continue.

MK Simcha Rothman is planning to bring the second half of the government’s judicial overhaul plan for its first vote in the Knesset next week, while moving forward with final passage of the first half of the reform package. The Coalition is preparing to somewhat soften at least one portion of its judicial reform package, further reducing the number of judges required to invalidate a Knesset law.

The pace at which the Coalition is progressing with judicial reform legislation is a wakeup call to the left: work with us rationally and peacefully or be left out. The left is still choosing to fight it in increasingly violent ways. No number of protests, threats, or violence will stop what is coming and it is only a matter of time before judicial reforms are implemented and Israel’s Democracy advances. The strength that the Coalition puts forth now on its historic work will determine the future direction of the country.

Coalition preparing to speed up passage of judicial reform, by Israel National News, March 8, 2023



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Report Card: Israel A+, Moody’s F

Earlier this week, credit rating company Moody’s issued a rare and extremely unusual warning: “Government of Israel: Planned judicial changes could weaken Israel’s institutional strength.” Moody’s move represents a reading of the judicial reform that’s gleaned from the most biased, left-leaning mainstream media in Israel.

On March 1, the Hong Kong Fitch Ratings company affirmed Israel’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating at ‘A+’ with a Stable Outlook. Moody’s has also rated Israel A+ with a positive outlook––and that last part about a positive outlook means Moody’s plans to raise Israel’s credit rating.

Moody’s needs to learn to speak the truth about Israel. Until they pass the test, we give them a failing grade of F!!

Moody’s Ultimatum to Netanyahu: Stop Judicial Reform or Face Diminished Credit Rating, by David Israel/Jewish Press, March 8, 2023



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Israel Defends Itself, Terror Increases

The IDF raid in Jenin on Tuesday that killed the terrorist who murdered the Yaniv brothers, has resulted in an increased wave of terror.

Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket towards Israel overnight Tuesday. The rocket was misfired and landed inside the Palestinian enclave, according to the military.

Wednesday afternoon shots were fired at Samaria Regional Council chairman Yossi Dagan as he was conducting a tour in Har Bracha. After soldiers took control of the situation, Dagan continued his tour.

Despite all this, Israelis remain resolute and fearless in their Zionist determination to live in and build up the land that legally belongs to Israel.

Shots fired at Samaria Council chairman, by Israel National News, March 8, 2023

Gaza terrorists fire rocket towards Israel, setting off sirens, by JNS, March 8, 2023

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Why is Evyatar Still a Question?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday held a discussion on the question of how to settle the community of Evyatar and establish a yeshiva there. Defense officials expressed opposition to the establishment of the yeshiva at the current time, due to the political-security tensions with the Palestinian Authority, the United States, and Europe.

While officials continue to delay the establishment of a yeshiva in Evyatar, as promised by Netanyahu’s predecessor, officials continue to bow to outside pressure. The only question to ask is when will the application of sovereignty be applied across Judea and Samaria? With sovereignty in place, there will be no questions on settling Evyatar.

Smotrich and Ben Gvir demand resolution to Evyatar saga, PM holds off on deciding, by Israel National News, March 7, 2023



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A Modern Day Haman – the IAEA?

The following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s remarks at the start of the weekly his Cabinet meeting yesterday.

“International Atomic Energy Agency Director General Rafael Grossi just said in Tehran that an Israeli attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities is against the law. Rafael Grossi is a worthy gentleman who said something unworthy. Against which law? Is Iran, which openly calls for our destruction, permitted to defend the destructive weapons that would slaughter us? Are we permitted to defend ourselves? It is clear that we are and it is clear that we will do so. And we will do so in discussions or actions around the clock, which I will not detail here, of course.

I say this because nothing will deter us from defending our country and preventing our enemies from eliminating the state of the Jews.

We are on the eve of Purim: 2,500 years ago an enemy arose in Persia who sought to destroy the Jews. They did not succeed then, neither will they succeed today.

I wish the entire people of Israel a Happy Purim.”

Excerpt from PM Netanyahu’s Remarks at the Start of the Weekly Cabinet Meeting, by Prime Minister’s Office Press Release, March 5, 2023


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Demonstration Against Terror Attack Blocked in Evyatar

A rally was supposed to be held last Thursday in Evyatar to support those who responded to the shooting attack that murdered the Yaniv brothers. Although the event was approved in advance, the approval was canceled at the last minute and according to its organizers, the IDF is blocking roads to prevent citizens from attempting to reach the area.

A concerned community peacefully organizes a gathering to show support for the Yaniv brothers and the IDF blocks it. However, the increasingly angry protests and threats against judicial reform are allowed to take place. There cannot be two standards of application of the law. Evyatar, along with all the communities of Judea and Samaria, must be treated equally and in line with the rest of Israel.

Security forces prevent approved rally in Samaria village, by Israel National News, March 3, 2023



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