Sukkot Starts Tonight: Chag Sameach – Happy Holiday!

A sukkah outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem
Lulav and Etrog, symbols of Sukkot

Tonight starts the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Sukkot has a double significance, one being agricultural (“Feast of the Ingathering”), and the second, religious, commemorating the Exodus and the dependence of the Israelites on G-d ‘s protection.

It is a joyous holiday where people eat (and some sleep) in a temporary, somewhat flimsy structure known as a sukkah (tabernacle; plural: sukkot), as a remembrance of the Israelites’ travels in the Sinai after the Exodus from Egypt.

Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage holidays when Jews in Israel would travel to Jerusalem and present offerings at the Temple. It is a joyous time to be in Israel! But if you can’t be in Israel for Sukkot, consider going with AFSI this November! Be in Israel for the Torah portion Chaye Sarah, when AFSI will be experiencing Shabbat in Hebron! Join tens of thousands in a once-in-a-lifetime experience of visiting and praying at the Machpelah, the burial place where our Jewish ancestors are buried.

See the flyer above for details and contact the AFSI office!

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