The Clock in the North is Ticking

The Israeli military announced Tuesday that the heads of the IDF’s Northern Command and Operations Directorate approved a tactical schedule for an offensive into southern Lebanon.

In a statement, Major Generals Ori Gordin and Oded Basiuk, said that after an assessment of the security situation in northern Israel, “operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were approved.”

The decision comes amid an eight-month-long terror campaign by the Tehran-backed Hezbollah militia in Lebanon that has included almost daily incursions of drone, missile, and rocket attacks targeting the Druze and Jewish communities in the area.

The frequent bombardments have caused 60,000 residents to be evacuated, the closure of major roadways, the diversion of emergency and combat personnel, and multiple wildfires to scorch the region.

In addition to the vast infrastructure damage created by the relentless attacks, at least 11 civilians and 15 soldiers have been killed because of the aggression.

Negotiations with Hamas keep failing. Hostilities from Hezbollah keep increasing. It seems this leaves Israel with no other choice to defend itself but to remain on high alert and be prepared to wage war against Hezbollah.

The Muskets are Cocked: IDF Approves Battle Plans for Southern Lebanon, by Foreign Desk News, June 19, 2024


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