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Israeli security inspectors on Wednesday located a powerful bomb in a PA Arab truck at the Reihan crossing, west of Jenin. The truck was delivering goods to Jewish communities in Samaria. The explosive device was apparently intended for an Independence Day attack in Israel.

Source: Arutz Sheva 

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Update on Amona Community

Among AFSI’s many friends in Israel, we made it our priority to visit those from Amona to see the progress on their new community outside of Shilo.

It was our sincere hope that we would find that all of the evacuees moved from their dormitory accommodations in Ofra, to their new caravans. The plan is to eventually build permanent homes.

WE ARE HAPPY TO REPORT PROGRESS AT AMICHAI!! May this wonderful community go from strength to strength.

Pictured right is long-time Amona resident Eldad Ziv.

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Yom HaZikaron – Remembering Israel’s Fallen Soldiers

AFSI attended a Yom HaZikaron service at Wadi al-Haramiya, near Ofra, where 10 Israeli lives (7 soldiers and 3 civilians) were lost to lone Arab sniper who fired on March 3, 2002.

Our friend, Marc Prowisor, who was present that day, shared his personal experience of this tragedy.

This Memorial Day is set aside to remember the fallen heroes of the Israeli Armed Forces.

Marc Prowisor explains the terrible attack and his reaction to it
Marc took us to see the scene of the attack at Wadi Al-Haramia
The Kotel illuminates the night sky on Yom HaZikaron
Crowd scene at the Kotel for Yom HaZikaron
Yom HaZikaron service in Benjamin, near Ofra
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Robbing Anne Frank’s Legacy

Caroline Glick’s Opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post last week forces us to think about the damage that the recent merger of the New Israel Fund with the Anne Frank Foundation can produce. This is the latest chapter in the theft of Anne Frank’s legacy, which began in the 1950’s. The merger also de-judaizes Frank’s legacy.

Historic realities of past horrors against the Jewish people cannot be diminished. Unfortunately Anne Frank’s diary has been turned into a universal message of suffering, thereby removing any trace of its Jewish origin and the real reason for Frank penning her experiences.

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