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Just Say No!

A dwindling economy. Shouts of “Death to Palestine,” “Help us, not Gaza,” and “Leave Syria alone and deal with Iran.” These are the cries of the Iranian people who are protesting in large numbers and expanding into more cities throughout Iran demanding that the government invest in the Iranian economy and not in other countries in the Middle East.

Iran Freedom, a popular Twitter account dedicated to bringing freedom and democracy to Iran, wrote that the protesters asked security forces to join the protests instead of breaking them up.

We believe that these protests are the direct result of President Trump tearing up the disastrous Iran ‘deal.’ America has empowered the Iranian man in the street. We wish them success.

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Good News for a Change

AFSI is pleased with two developments this week.

These developments are not about prejudice, racism or Islamaphobia. They are about recognizing right from wrong, about knowing the difference between what a moral, civil and democratic society is as opposed to one where terrorism threatens the country and its citizens.

We look forward to watching closely for further developments.

UN Condemns Terrorists’ Use of Human Shields

The United Nations General Assembly adopted an update of its Global Counter Terrorism Strategy today. Thanks to diplomatic efforts by Israel’s Mission to the UN in cooperation with the United States Mission, this year’s resolution included an unprecedented paragraph that condemns the use of civilians as human shields by terrorist organizations.

“Today’s resolution is another important step in our efforts as we change the rules of the game at the UN,” said Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon

Supreme Court Upholds Travel Ban

A US Supreme Court ruling has upheld President Trump’s travel ban, which prevents most immigrants, refugees and visa holders from five Muslim-majority countries – Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen, along with North Korea and Venezuela, from entering the US.

“The Proclamation is expressly premised on legitimate purposes: preventing entry of nationals who cannot be adequately vetted and inducing other nations to improve their practices,” Chief Justice Roberts wrote. “The text says nothing about religion.”

More HERE.

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Outrageous Harassment of IDF Soldiers Must Be Outlawed

We’ve Seen It – IDF Soldiers Being Harassed by ‘Machsom Watch’ – Outrageous and Disgraceful – What Other Army Would Permit It?

A new bill aimed to protect IDF soldiers from harassment by radical left-wing activists passed the preliminary Knesset reading last week.

The bill, which would prohibit the filming of IDF soldiers while on operational duty with intent to disrupt their activities, was drafted following material compiled by Im Tirtzu on the activities of the far-left NGO “Machsom Watch.”

More HERE. Video below with Matan Peleg, CEO of Im Tirtzu discussing the proposed new bill.

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Kuwaiti Arab Writer Speaks the Truth About Israel – Must Watch Video

To hear it is to believe it.

Read a few comments made by prestigious Kuwaiti Arab writer Abdullah Al-Hadlaq who says Israel is a legitimate state, not an occupier.

“Like it or not, Israel is an independent and sovereign state,” Abdullah Al-Hadlaq said. “It exists, and it has a seat at the United Nations, and most peace-loving and democratic countries recognize it.”

“When the State of Israel was established in 1948, there was no state called ‘Palestine’”

“There is no occupation.” “There is a people returning to its promised land.”

To believe it, watch the video below.

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Israeli Police Station, Placed to Prevent PA Plundering, Removed From Temple Mount

An Israeli police station that was recently opened on the Temple Mount has been removed. One reason for it being there was that during the month of Ramadan, when NO JEWS ARE ALLOWED ON THE MOUNT, the Arabs plundered archaeological treasures. The station was placed there to stop the thievery and destruction. For some reason, once PM Netanyahu met with Jordan’s King Abdullah, the station was removed. This is a disgrace. The Jordanian Waqf sources claim that the removal was to “give the Jordanian government a free hand in monitoring and regulating the behavior of non-Muslim visitors to the Mount.” That means even more restrictions on Jews on the Temple Mount.

Israeli Police stated: “Despite the claims by the Waqf, there has been no change to the policy of Israel Police regarding its role in law enforcement and keeping the peace. The claims are false and are the responsibility of those who made them.”

Story HERE.

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Keeping Israel Safe Means Responsibility to Jewish Citizens! Demolition of Jewish Homes is a Desecration of Jewish Values!

It was only last week on June 12 that Netanyahu demolished the Netiv Ha’avot Jewish community – all over a few inches of land. Pressure from AFSI and its supporters in America, along with Jews throughout the world, failed to prevent the destruction of Jewish homes. When did PA homes become more important to the Jewish state than the homes of their own people and citizens? This is SHAME & HUMILIATION!!

On June 17, another Jewish community, TAPUACH MAARAV, built in memory of Binyamin and Tali Kahane, who had been brutally murdered in a drive-by terror attack, was also destroyed. These are intolerable actions which PM Netanyahu MUST STOP.

AT THE SAME TIME THAT JEWISH HOMES ARE BEING DESTROYED, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu postponed the evacuation and demolition of five illegal “Palestinian” buildings in southern Hebron, in Sussya, following international pressure.

The JNS story speculates that the demolition may have been postponed in anticipation of the arrival this weekend of President Trump’s envoy to the Middle East, Jason Greenblatt and Jared Kushner.

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Will Recognizing Israeli Sovereignty in the Golan Heights Be Trump’s Next Move?

AFSI maintains that questions surrounding the “recognition” of Israel’s’ sovereignty over the Golan Heights is wasted conversation because the Golan Heights exists as a strategic territory which has been held by the Jewish state for over 50 years. That is the REALITY!!

The real “recognition” needed is by nations of the world to accept the FACT that the Golan Heights will remain under Israel’s control whether “recognized” or not.

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Israel Retaliating Against Kite Flyers

Early this afternoon, an IDF aircraft targeted infrastructure belonging to Hamas along the southern Gaza Strip after a group of terrorists launched arson balloons into Israeli territory.

On Sunday, the Israel Air Force targeted three cells launching incendiary balloons across the Gaza Strip, only hours after it struck the vehicle of one of the leaders responsible for sending incendiary kites and balloons from the northern Gaza Strip, the IDF stated.

The IDF was showing tremendous restraint in not targeting this evil, we are grateful that they have finally retaliated. AFSI maintains its position that the fire terrorism is as dangerous as any other form of terrorism and must be stopped. This battle must be won!

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AFSI Was There – With Women in Green – Holding Onto the Land That Would Become the New Home for the Displaced Jews of Netiv HaAvot

It was the Fall of 2011 and Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI was in Israel with its Chizuk Mission, preparing to go to Hebron for Shabbat Chaye Sarah. We had previously arranged with Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover of Women in Green (WIG) to meet them in Netzer, a contested area between Alon Shvut and Elazar, in order to plant trees so as to preserve the area for Jewish life. The day was rainy, but that didn’t deter us. We met Nadia and Yehudit as planned and began the planting. The confrontation with the Arabs was NOT planned, as the below video shows. But AFSI and WIG persevered.

It is because of the ongoing efforts of Nadia and Yehudit, and AFSI when the opportunity was there, that Netzer was saved and will now become the site of the new homes for the displaced Jews of Netiv HaAvot, who just experienced the irrational, unjustified, despicable demolition of their Jewish homes by the Jewish government in the Jewish homeland.

May this be the last such desecration of Jewish life in Israel.

Read more on this story here.

Rainy confrontation in Netzer:
Arabs attack AFSI and Women in Green members planting trees (Winter 2011)


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