As Israel Fights for Survival, Iran Violates Nuclear “Deal”

Iran has greatly increased activity at the Fordow nuclear facility, moving it closer than ever to the production of nuclear weapons, according to a Washington Post report published Wednesday.

Citing the International Atomic Energy Association’s (IAEA) report on its February inspection of the Fordow facility, the Post noted that Fordow is undergoing a significant expansion that could double its output. In addition,Iran has been enriching an increasing amount of uranium to near-weapons-grade at higher levels,violating most limits on the amount of enriched uranium the country is allowed to have.

While The Washington Post is not necessarily a source we rely on, we believe the content of this article deserves serious attention. Iran is the #1 state sponsor of terrorism and continues to be enabled by the Biden administration. Iran remains a growing threat to not just Israel but the entire world. The IAEA’s ability to get Iran’s nuclear facilities under control has failed and this leaves the world under constant threat from Iran’s nefarious nuclear activities.

Report: Iran closer than ever to nuclear weapons, by Israel National News, April 10, 2024



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