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Letter to the Editor – The NY Post – February 8, 2018 Poland Attempting to Re-Write History – Cleansing Itself of its Crimes Against the Jews

Of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust of WWII, it is estimated that 3.5 million were exterminated by the Nazis in six killing camps located in Poland. The camps were Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and the best known one, Auschwitz-Birkenau. The round-up of the Polish Jews was aided and abetted by the anti-Semitic Polish population, who gleefully looted the homes and shops of the Jewish victims. The Poles, with few exceptions, were collaborators who served as Hitler’s willing workers. History also records Polish pogroms against Jews after the war when survivors returned to look for their homes. Many were murdered mercilessly. Now, the Poles seem to be offended because they are linked to the Nazi death camps. Now Poland is “making it a crime to ascribe any responsibility for the Holocaust to the Polish state or the Polish people.” This in itself is a crime, since no amount of Polish legislation can erase their guilt and complicity in this heinous stain on history.

Helen Freedman

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Start with Comey. End with Obama.

AFSI Chairman Mark Langfan’s Arutz Sheva article this week focuses on the “House Intelligence Committee’s “Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Abuses (FISA),” which outlines explicit prima facie criminal behavior that starts with former FBI Director James Comey and seems to end with President Obama. It may be the greatest subversion of the US Constitution ever, one that will expose the United States to necessary additional independent prosecution to unravel and uncover a far-reaching Obama Administration criminal enterprise.”

Yasher Koach Mark for another insightful article on pressing issues that matter.

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Unspoken Atrocities – Who is Leading?

As financial aid continues to be funneled to the Palestinians, we know the money fails to reach the one place it is sorely needed and that is for the welfare of the “Palestinians”.

An article in Gatestone Institute written by Khaled Abu Toameh clearly discusses this blemish.

While their leader Mahmoud Abbas speaks before parliaments and assemblies of many countries, his own people in Syria and the Gaza Strip are being killed due to senseless fighting and dying because of a lack of food and medicine. Hospitals are running short of fuel needed to keep operating.

How is it that Mahmoud Abbas spent $50 million on a new “presidential plane”? A leader should take responsibility for the needs of his people first. Enough said.

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Worth Repeating

“When the refugee card began to wear thin, the Palestinian terrorist appeared on the scene flourishing not the arguable claims of displaced refugees but of a ghoulish nationalism that could only be sated on the corpse of Israel.”

This quote is from a New York Times article dated January 24, 1976 written by former Prime Minister Golda Meir. Sadly, her words still ring true and illustrate how between then and now – nothing has changed.

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Thanks to AFSI

AFSI is proud to have its name cited favorably in media sources.

Lori Lowenthal Marcus, when asked about groups that supported her during her seven year effort to get a 501C3 tax exempt status for her pro-Israel organization, Z Street, from the Obama government, gave credit to AFSI for standing by her. She did it in an interview with Phyllis Chesler and also in a radio interview. We thank Lori for acknowledging AFSI, and remind our readers that AFSI always stands up for what is right, regardless of politically correct or mainstream views. Time, inevitably, proves us correct.

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Letter to the Israeli Knesset


We applaud your decision to legalize Havat Gilad and other such communities. We also join you in the condemnation of yet another brutal terrorist murder, that of Rabbi Itamar Ben Gal.

HOWEVER another tragedy is about to occur – this time at the hands of the Israeli government. I am referring to the planned demolition of 16 homes in Netiv Avot. You know the details of the dispute so there is no need for me to repeat them. This puts a scar of shame on the face of Israel. We either embrace all our brethren in the Jewish homeland, or we have made a mockery of Israel’s purpose. The Supreme Court decision is biased, ignorant, unwarranted, and cruel. It must be overruled.
PLEASE do everything in your power to avert the severe decree.

Helen Freedman

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Where is Sovereignty?

AFSI has reported on the recent, and much overdue, legalization of Havat Gilad. This area of Judea and Samaria was established in 2002 in memory of Gilad Zar, son of Moshe Zar and security coordinator of the Shomron Regional Council, who was shot and killed in 2001.

It took the death of a Jew, Rabbi Raziel Shevach, z”l, in order for the Israeli government to finally legalize Havat Gilad on February 4, 2018. Why didn’t Israel exercise its sovereignty on legalizing Havat Gilad years ago?

Now Netiv Avot is now facing destruction. Will it, God forbid, take the death of another Jew in order for the Israeli government to stop the destruction of Jewish property?

Read Helen Freedman’s letter below as she expresses AFSI’s views on this subject

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