New Jewish Homes in Hebron

Entrances to Beit Leah (L); Beit Rachel (R)

Members of the Harevei Makom Eilah movement report that fifteen Jewish families have joyously moved into two reclaimed buildings in Hebron, Beit Rachel and Beit Leah. The families have purchased the buildings with the approval of the Civil Administration. This was a positive answer to the removal of Jewish families from Beit Machpela, another home purchased by the Jews which remains a contested property because of the failings of the Israeli Supreme Court. AFSI’s dear friends, Yifat and Shalom Akobi, with whom AFSI stays in close touch, will be celebrating Passover with their family and friends in one of the new homes. We know this will be an especially happy Pesach for them.

“Baruch Atah Adoni…” Affixing the Mezuzah

Source – The Jewish Press

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