Terrorists Barred From Running in November Elections (For Now)

The Central Election Committee (CEC) voted on Thursday to block the Israeli-Arab party Balad from running in the upcoming election, on the grounds that it opposed Israel’s definition as a Jewish state. Meanwhile, the CEC voted earlier in the day to allow Ra’am to run in the election, after two appeals were filed against it on the grounds that it “supported terror” Both decisions are likely to be the appealed in the High Court of Justice, which overturned a similar decision against Balad in both 2009 and 2019.

NGO Ad Kan, who filed the appeal against Ra’am, issuesd the statement, “There is no place in the Israeli Knesset for representatives of a movement that operates in an institutionalized manner to aid declared terrorist elements and for the benefit of elements in enemy countries in violation of the law.”

The Religious Zionism party response pointed out that the decision “…has no meaning because the Supreme Court will in any case legalize the running of the Arab parties that support terrorism.” In what world does a sovereign nation’s highest court in the land allow a political party that supports terrorism against citizens of that nation to run in its election?

Although NGOs like Meshilut have been fighting the method of choosing justices with a bit of success, the High Court is still operating like a Left Wing club with the sitting justices choosing the majority of the new justices. With the upcoming November elections, we trust the Israeli people will vote for a government that will demand measures be implemented to limit the unfettered power the High Court of Justice has given itself. The tyranny of the High Court must be stopped.

Balad banned from running in election, Central Election Committee rules, by Eliav Breuer/Jerusalem Post, September 29, 2022

Arab Balad party barred from running in Knesset elections, by Israel National News, September 29, 2022


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