True or False: Did Netanyahu Appease Biden?

On Monday sources report that Prime Minister Netanyahu pledged in a conversation with Joe Biden that he will freeze construction in Judea and Samaria until the end of 2023. The Prime Minister’s Office denied the report that there will be a construction freeze in Judea and Samaria.

Are these reports fact or fiction and will they be retracted from the media? The only truth right now is that Arabs do not stop illegal construction while the rights of Jews to build in their homeland continue to be denied, violated, and discriminated against.

Additionally, there are reports saying that Netanyahu agreed to limiting badly needed democratic judicial reforms.

Yesterday, Kan News reported that sources that know the details of Monday’s phone conversation between the two leaders claimed that the judicial reform was only brought up marginally and momentarily.

We would like to think that the marginal and brief moment between the two leaders sounded something like this:

Biden: “You’ll stop building in Judea and Samaria and kill judicial reforms, right?

Netanyahu: “That’s Israel’s business. Enough said!”

Report: Netanyahu pledges to freeze construction until end of 2023, by Israel National News, July 18, 2023

Senior source refutes claim Biden told Netanyahu to stop reform, by Israel National News, July 19, 2023


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