A Limited Deal is Still NO DEAL, Says Netanyahu

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated a warning Sunday that Israel will do whatever it must to defend its people from Iranian aggression, regardless of whatever agreements are signed between Tehran and other nations — including the United States.

Speaking Sunday during a visit to Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the prime minister said, “We are determined to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. We have also made it clear to our American friends that more limited agreements are also unacceptable to us.”

In his speech, Netanyahu firmly reiterated, “We will do whatever we need to do in order to defend ourselves, with our own forces, against any threat.”

While Netanyahu remains firm on his stance against any deal with Iran, Ariel Kahana in his Israel Hayom piece yesterday points out the prime minister’s deafening silence in calling out the US on this, as he has in the past. In the past, Israel’s ” vigorous opposition to returning to the original nuclear agreement contributed to the American decision not to do so.” Why has Netanyahu not yet confronted the US this time around?

Last week we commented that the US is playing nice hoping for an agreement that will never come and if it does it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on. We don’t know what the outcome will be of the recent and clearly desperate negotiations with Iran that the US keeps pushing, hoping to keep the two state delusion viable. We remain concerned about any deal that may be signed. Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI says, “The Best Deal With Iran is NO Deal!!”

Netanyahu: Limited US-Iran Nuke Deal Not Acceptable, Either, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, June 18, 2023

As Biden moves forward with Iran, PM’s relative silence is deafening, by Ariel Kahana/Israel Hayom, June 18, 2023

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