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Sovereignty Movement Gains Traction!

Exclusive – a Proposal for legislation to apply Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria

Annexation is on the Agenda
Likud Central did it, now it’s the Knesset’s turn: MK Yoav Kish has proposed legislation for annexation with the same wording as that which was passed by the party members . “The time has come”, he says, “we will not have a better and more appropriate opportunity”

Amihai Attali, Sunday January 28th 2018, Yediot Aharonot page 8
Translated by Sally Zahav for the Sovereigny Movement

A month ago, the Likud Central Committee passed a decision in favor of applying Israeli sovereignty in all areas of Jewish settlement in Judea, Samaria and the Jordan Valley. And now, with the extra tailwind provided by U.S. Vice President Mike Pence’s visit and President Donald Trump’s rebuke to the Palestinians, the Central Committee’s decision has resulted in legislation proposed by MK Yoav Kish.

The history of legislation for annexation in this Knesset is very rich: in the past, Kish, together with MK Bezalel Smotrich, has proposed legislation to annex Ma’ale Adumim, but the discussion of this legislation was postponed by the Ministerial Committee for Legislation; MK Moti Yogev and MK Miki Zohar proposed legislation to annex Gush Etzion, the City of Ariel and the Jordan Valley; Minister Yisrael Katz attempted to promote legislation to annex Givat Ze’ev; MK Shuli Mualem proposed legislation to rescind the Disengagement Law in northern Samaria – however, all of these proposals failed, mainly because of the coalitions’ concerns over reactions from the international community.

But now there is someone who has decided to take the proposed annexation laws another step forward. A few days ago, MK Kish presented the Knesset with proposed legislation with wording that is identical to that which was passed by Likud Central. Note: The decision that was made by Likud Central did not state that the territories of Judea and Samaria would be annexed, but that the territory of all the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria would be annexed to the State of Israel and that Israeli law would be applied there.

With Kish’s proposed legislation, the rightist politicians will have to demonstrate that they are willing to take the decision to annex the settlements one step further to implementation. There is no doubt that the path for this proposed legislation will not be easy and it will probably cause some unpleasantness for Prime Minister Netanyahu.
A forum entitled Uniting for Sovereignty, with hundreds of members of Likud Central, will soon take place, as part of a campaign called Making History, with the objective of pressuring MKs and ministers to promote the sovereignty law.

MK Kish stated: “The time has come to take the decision of Likud Central, turn it into practical details and apply sovereignty over the areas of Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. There will not be a better and more suitable historical opportunity to do it”.
Ariel Morali, a member of the Uniting for Sovereignty Forum, said: “We are grateful to MK Kish, who is leading the implementation of the historic decision. In 2018, the Likud is making history just as David Ben Gurion made history in 1948, Moshe Dayan and Rabin in 1967 and Menahem Begin in 1977”.

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Diplomatic Success Against UNHRC

UN Human Rights Commissioner, Jordan’s Prince Zeid bin Ra’ad al-Hussein has decided to indefinitely postpone the publication of a “blacklist” of Israeli and international companies operating in Judea and Samaria.
The postponement of publication of the list comes after heavy pressure exerted by the US and Israel on the Commissioner with the assistance of diplomats from other countries.

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Holocaust Remembrance Does the World Really Remember?

An OpEd by Giulio Meotti in Arutz Sheva brings a critical point to the forefront as the world just observed Holocaust Memorial Day.

The basis of his article states that the direct and indirect threats against Israel that go unpunished make a mockery of Holocaust Remembrance.

Though on Holocaust Memorial Day we remember the horrific acts against the Jews, anti-semitism, terrorism and hostility toward Jews still threaten Israel and the Jewish people everyday.

Meotti notes in his article, “A few days ago, in Brussels, Yuli Edelstein, president of the Knesset, condemned the hypocrisy of those who honor the memory but accuse Israel of ‘war crimes’, dialogue with Hamas and do not see the Jews who hide the star of David.”

Does the world remember this very dark chapter in history or do they choose to forget?

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Letter Sent to President Duda

Yesterday, US Representatives Roskam (R-IL), Nita Lowey (D-NY), Chris Smith (R-NJ), Eliot Engel (D-NY), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), Ted Deutch (D-FL), Kay Granger (R-TX), and Marc Veasey (D-TX), the co-Chairs of the Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Anti-Semitism, sent a letter to Polish President Andrzej Duda urging him to reject legislation passed by the Sejm that would criminalize references to Polish complicity in Nazi war crimes against Jews during the occupation of Poland during World War II.

Read the full letter HERE.

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“The Historic Truth of the Jewish People is Not for Sale” -MK Itzik Shmuly

Swift action on a new bill co-sponsored by 61 Knesset members would make recently announced Polish legislation to outlaw Poles’s talk of its country’s complicity in the Holocaust, a form of illegal Holocaust denial.

The bill seeks to amend the Law for Defense Against Holocaust Denial to state that denying or minimizing the involvement of the Nazi’s helpers and collaborators will also be a crime.

Similarly, Israel’s Foreign Ministry responded on Thursday. “This law…is very serious and shows a dismissal of responsibility and a denial of Poland’s part in the Jewish Holocaust.”

Full Jerusalem Post story HERE

Arutz Sheva article HERE

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Letter to the Editor – The Jewish Press From Helen Freedman

Stephen Flatow’s description of his shiva call to the Shevach family in Havat Gilad accurately describes a community, built on private Jewish land, which has experienced discrimination from the Israeli government since its creation about 15 years ago. Struggling with the label, “illegal settlement”, the residents have experienced sporadic electricity and water, which they must purchase themselves. These are basic necessities, which, if denied by Israel to the Gazans, would have the world screaming about inhumanity. If it’s done to Jews it seems to pass unnoticed.

It took the murder of Rabbi Raziel Shevach, a beloved resident of Havat Gilad, for attention to be paid. My organization, Americans for a Safe Israel, as well as the Israel Independence Fund, led by Aharon Pulver, have been the few, perhaps only, organizations that have tried to help the community.

I recently paid a late condolence call to Rabbi Shevach’s widow, Yael. I was introduced to her by Ilana Shimoni, an ardent spokeswoman for the community whom we have befriended over the years. I marveled at Yael’s strength of character and beauty during our meeting. The one thing the women asked for was help with building their mikveh. The women of Havat Gilad, who struggle with all the hardships the community presents, are entitled to have the comfort of a mikveh. They have already raised some funds for the project and are hoping to raise more.

Another wish expressed by Yael Shevach was for the donation of a Torah scroll in time for the shloshim for her husband. He was killed on Jan. 9 so the time is growing short.

For information about donating to the mikveh or the Torah scroll, please contact AFSI at 212-828-2424,, or the AFSI website
. If using the website to make a donation, just hit the DONATE button, use your credit card, and earmark the amount for Havat Gilad.

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From Sderot

Longtime friend of AFSI, Alon Davidi, Mayor of Sderot, proudly spoke about the amazing growth taking place in the city. The city, known for the thousands of rockets it has endured from Gaza, is experiencing huge building expansion. Two new beautiful new communities are now under construction. It’s heart-warming to see this rebirth of the city under the leadership of Mayor Davidi.

Alon Davidi with Helen Freedman
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The Light at the End of the War From Yisrael Hayom Newspaper December 29, 2017 Translated by Yehudit Tayar

Yehudit Tayar was born in Chicago Illinois and has lived with her family in Bet Horon in the Benjamin Region for over 30 years. There she serves as an emergency first response medic,is on the Board of Directors of Hatzalah Yehudah and Shomron,and is a spokesperson for the Jewish pioneers in Yesha.Yehudit is married to Ami, mother of four children, and grandmother.

This is a reprint of her article. CLICK HERE TO READ

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Israel – “Help Your Own Poor First” Chief Rabbi Supports Government Deportation Plan

The Chief Rabbi of Israel, David Lau expressed his support Monday for a government plan to remove 40,000 illegal immigrants from Israel, and decried comparisons opponents of the plan have made between Jewish refugees of the Nazi Holocaust and the illegal immigrants living in Israel.

Rabbi Lau cites that many refugees claim they are fleeing mandatory military service, while they are actually seeking jobs and not refuge. AFSI strongly feels that putting the needs of Israeli citizens first should be a top priority for the Israeli Government.

Read today’s Arutz Sheva article

May Golan, CEO of The Hebrew City, discusses the social problems she sees in Israel. The Hebrew City is an Israeli NGO that fights for the salvation of the South Tel Aviv and other neighborhoods that have been overrun and terrorized by the illegal infiltrators.

Pictured left to right: AFSI Chairman Mark Langfan, May Golan, William Langfan

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