MK Simcha Rothman, Chairman of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee, on Monday remarked about the reservations submitted regarding the changes to the reasonableness standard.
“I want to thank the members of the opposition for their integrity, and for the fact that they did not agree to advance any compromise on this bill, on what they call ‘dangerous legislation,’ since that was said by them in a unilateral fashion,” Rothman said. “The submission of the reservations is only a sign of the behavior which has taken place here throughout the discussion and the lack of willingness to hold a practical discussion… Unfortunately, any attempt to reach agreements is barren.”
The Knesset’s legal adviser, Sagit Afik, remarked, “This is an unprecedented high in the number of reservations: 27,677, of which 1,649 are party reservations.” She added that, “The Knesset’s job is to legislate, and we will not allow, through a high number of reservations which borders on misuse of the institute of reservations, to delay and even stop the process of legislation which the Knesset desires to advance by means of the committees and the plenum.”
The 27,677 reservations hiding behind a smokescreen find it perfectly acceptable to be present to protest, block roads and threaten violence. Come out, come out wherever you are….speak up and make yourself known. Tell the committee why you object to the reasonableness bill and judicial reforms. Do tell. The curiosity is killing us.
Unprecedented: 27,677 reservations submitted to block reasonableness standard, by Israel National News, July 17, 2023