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It’s Happening: Taking Back Area C

Civil Administration inspectors on Tuesday destroyed an illegal structure built by Arabs in Area C near the settlement of Peduel in Samaria. The building’s demolition comes after a long struggle by the Samaria Regional Council and the Regavim.

Regavim responded: “the building that was destroyed this morning is in the area of the Sarida Nature Reserve, which suffers from massive Palestinian takeover through building construction, road construction, and agricultural work, all without a permit and against the law.”

This is welcomed news. Enforcing the law and asserting Israel’s legal rights are finally off to a good start and on the right path under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. We look forward to more activity on the urgent need to take back Area C.

The battle over Area C: illegal Arab building near Peduel finally destroyed, by Israel National News, January 10, 2023




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Off to a Good Start: Smotrich Cancels Support for Terrorism

Israel on Sunday transferred 138.8 million shekels ($39.5 million) of revenues collected for the Palestinian Authority to the victims of terrorism and their families.
At a press conference yesterday Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said, “We promised to fix this, and today we are correcting an injustice. This is an important day for morality, for justice and for the fight against terrorism.”

The P.A. pays monthly stipends to Palestinians, and/or their families, for carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel. In 2021, the P.A. paid out an estimated 512 million shekels ($157 million) as part of this “pay for slay” policy.

The “pay for slay” program is just one terrorist tactic the PA employs. While no amount of money can reverse the injuries, damages, and loss of life to Israelis, we are glad to see Smotrich take steps to correct this horrible injustice. The PA encourages and commits terrorism against Israel and wants her wiped off the map. Until they can conduct themselves in a serious manner befitting the human race, no help for them, no negotiation, nothing.

Israel moves ahead with transfer of PA funds to terror victims, by Jewish News Syndicate, January 9, 2023

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Plans for Sovereignty Over the Jordan Valley

MK Danny Danon is drafting a plan to apply Israeli sovereignty over the Jordan Valley, a move which would become the first move by Israel to extend its laws over parts of Judea and Samaria since the expansion of Jerusalem’s boundaries shortly after the Six Day War in 1967.

Though not included in the new Netanyahu government, Danon will instead focus on drafting right-wing legislation – including a plan to push for full sovereignty over the Jordan Valley.

The move challenges the approach favored by some coalition members, who prefer a staggered approach, starting with measures creating de facto Israeli sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria. By contrast, Danon’s plan would explicitly extend Israeli sovereignty over the strategic area on Israel’s eastern border in a single step.

The bill is being drafted with the support of the Sovereignty Movement and Jordan Valley Regional Council chairman David Elhayani.

This is the kind of news we are happy to report on. The fulfillment of the wishes of Israel’s voters and the execution of Israel taking back what is rightfully hers.

Likud MK drafting plan to apply Israeli sovereignty to Jordan Valley, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, January 9, 2023






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An Illegal Mansion Grows in Area C

Last week, a new petition was submitted to the Jerusalem District Court demanding stop-work and demolition orders against a new three-story luxurious villa complete with a swimming pool in its expansive yard. Of course, this was built without a permit in violation of the law near the village of Al-Funduq, in Area C, which is under full Israeli jurisdiction.

The villa was built on the designated path of the Al-Funduq bypass road, a new thoroughfare planned by the Israel Roadworks company at a cost of hundreds of thousands of shekels, to ease traffic congestion in the area and improve road safety and security for all residents of the area – Jews and Arabs alike. This illegal mansion is obstructing the construction of the new road, thwarting development, and deepening the traffic chaos in the region from which all residents suffer.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan said, “This is absurd. The state plans to invest millions of shekels to double the capacity of the road to provide a safety and security solution for thousands of Israelis and Palestinians, but on the other hand, it does not enforce the law and does not maintain the area.”

We trust we can look forward to MK Bezalel Smotrich making the demolition of this illegal structure a priority and allow for the legal and necessary building of the new road that will serve to benefit everyone.

Regavim Petitions Court to Demolish Illegal PA Arab Mansion Obstructing Major Samaria Road Project, by David Israel/Jewish, January 9, 2023


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Return to Sanity: Israel’s Kangaroo Court Days Are Numbered

Between 1978 and 2006, the former president of Israel’s Supreme Court, Justice Aharon Barak, commanded a vigorous and impudent effort to raise the judiciary, especially the Supreme Court and the High Court of Justice, above the other two branches of government––the Knesset and the government. He did this through intricate rulings, ever-increasing power grabs and installing his agents as legal counselors in all the government ministries––to the point where, despite the shrinking political power of the old leftist elites that established the state of Israel 75 years ago, Justice Barak’s clique of dedicated judges continued and even increased their tyrannical hold on the country’s legal system, and its legislative and executive branches.

A little after 8 PM on Wednesday, Justice Minister Yariv Levin took the podium at the Knesset in front of all the media outlets in the country and announced a series of moves that, in a relatively short time, could be weeks, would bring down Barak’s entire magnificent array of sandcastles, returning Israel to the sanity of the days when justices ruled based on the law, and not on what they believed the law should be.

Here is an outline of the initial four changes Levin will submit to the Knesset:
A change in the composition of the committee to select judges. The judges will no longer choose themselves in chambers without a protocol.
The disqualification of laws by the high court will be regulated. The court may no longer question the basic laws, which are Israel’s equivalent to a constitution.
The High Court may no longer use the “unreasonable cause” argument to invalidate government action. From now on, if it’s legal, it’s legal.
Finally, the legal counselors installed in every government ministry are just that – they offer their legal advice – and the minister is free to use or reject it.

It’s imperative that Israel’s public trust be restored with a drastic reform of its judicial system. While drastic sounds like a revolutionary way to describe this, it’s what is required for a return to sanity – a return to the rule of law and not personal interests taking priority. The court exists to work on behalf of the interests and wishes of the people who voted them in. A return to what is right, lawful, and just can only strengthen Israel’s democracy.

In 10 Minutes Justice Minister Levin Wipes Out Aharon Barak’s 30-Year Judicial Revolution, by David Israel/Jewish Press, January 4, 2023

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Support for Homesh Gains Ground

Israel’s new government is committed to strengthening the Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria and is therefore contesting a Supreme Court order to evacuate Homesh.

“The government is changing directions and supports the yeshivah in Homesh. As we promised, we will do everything in order for the communities in Judea and Samaria to grow and flourish,” Finance Minister and Minister within the Defense Ministry Bezalel Smotrich said.

Israel’s Supreme Court, sitting as the High Court of Justice, this week gave the new government a three-month extension to explain why the Homesh Yeshivah in northern Samaria should be allowed to remain intact, despite previous court opinions stating that the community of Homesh was built on private Arab land.

Minister of National Missions Orit Strock told JNS, “The new Israeli government 100% supports correcting the injustice and idiocy of the uprooting of the northern Samaria communities during the disengagement. We intend to quickly amend the Disengagement Law in order to allow the yeshivah to remain in Homesh and maintain an Israeli civilian presence in northern Shomron [Samaria].”

We trust that Homesh will be among the first community of many to see a full reversal of the ongoing nefarious and destructive intentions to wipe it from Israel’s map. The reconstruction of Homesh and other developing communities in Judea and Samaria deserve no less than the proper regulation they’ve been denied for too long.

Smotrich: Government will fight to prevent dismantlement of Homesh Yeshivah, by Josh Hasten/JNS, January 4, 2023


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Let the Changes Begin: Netanyahu Sworn in

Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn in for his third time as Prime Minister of Israel last Thursday following the country’s fifth election in less than four years. Netanyahu is forming what experts say could be the most right-wing government in Israel’s history. His Likud Party formed a governing coalition with several nationalist, religious Zionist parties which, in recent memory, have not been in the inner circle of the government of the Israeli political system.

Netanyahu presented his agenda to the Knesset plenum, which included: stopping the Iran nuclear program, developing state infrastructure, and restoring internal security and governance.

During his address, which was interrupted by opposition members, Netanyahu said “Losing elections isn’t the end of democracy – it’s the essence of democracy. In a democracy, we don’t climb the fences of the Capitol, and we don’t climb the fences of the Knesset.”

We trust that Israel can look forward to the long overdue changes in so many areas that MUST happen. In order to truly move Israel forward we trust that Netanyahu will begin the mandatory process of applying Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria NOW.

Netanyahu swears in new government, begins 6th term, by Yehuda Shlezinger, Amir Ettinger and i24NEWS, December 29, 2022



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Americans For A Safe Israel Supports Israeli Democracy, Signs Letter in Support

Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI responded to the open letter coordinated by Lori Lowenthal Marcus that 300 reform, conservative, reconstructionist and “renewal” Rabbis made public demonizing the new Israeli government.

Proud AFSI signers of this letter are:
Judy Freedman Kadish, Director
Dr. Jonathan Gold, Board of Directors
Helene Fragman Abramson, Advisory Board Member

We are Zionists who believe that when the people of Israel exercise the sovereign right to vote, the result should be respected by all, by non-Jews and Jews throughout the world, and by Jews within Israel.

After years of attacks on Israel’s right to exist voiced from the lofty halls of academia, left-wing social movements, church associations, unions, “human rights” groups and oh-so-many others, now comes a gaggle of American Jewish clergy and leftist Jewish leaders claiming that democracy is threatened by recent choices of Israeli voters who do not mirror their political views.

We Support Israeli Democracy, by Lori Lowenthal Marcus, January 2, 2023


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Last Stab in the Back: “Disruptive Land-Use Order”

On Monday morning, the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria, under the auspices of the Defense Ministry, uprooted a vineyard near the Yitzhar community in Samaria. This was following a petition submitted by PA Arabs to Israel’s High Court of Justice,

The petitioners did not provide a smidgen of proof of ownership of the land on which the vineyard had been planted some four years ago, and yet the vineyard’s Jewish owners were handed a “Disruptive Land-Use Order,” a unique military order permitting the removal of agricultural assets even when no conflicting claim of ownership is submitted or proven.

To date, laws have not been enforced against the constant violations committed by PA Arab encroachment on legally owned Jewish land. This vineyard uprooting is but another example of how severely out of control and unaccountable the Civil Administration has become. It’s now up to MK Bezalel Smotrich to reverse these ongoing travesties of justice and thoroughly unjustified attacks against innocent Jews in Judea and Samaria.

Final Acts of Nasty: Civil Administration Uproots Jewish Vineyard near Yitzhar, by David Israel/Jewish Press, January 2, 2023



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Hilltop Youth is Renewed

Ariel Dahari, a resident of Samaria, received a detention order Monday morning signed by the Head of the Home Front Command, forbidding him from leaving the Samaria community where his parents reside.

Attorney Adi Kedar of the Honenu legal organization representing Dahari sent a letter to the Head of the Home Front Command, Rafi Milo, who signed the order, demanding that it be canceled immediately. “As you know, my client is making final preparations for his wedding planned for January 26 in Jerusalem,” opens the letter. “Last night at midnight the restraining order issued against my client expired and we were hoping that the prolonged harassment of my client and his family members would come to an end. We were hoping that he could now look toward the future and get married with the peace of mind he deserves.”

Dahari’s wedding, the Sheva Brachot, where he and his bride will live, all of it will be tracked with extreme detail because he has been identified as a substantial threat to Israel’s national security. He is in the same category as an Arab terrorist. The difference is that the Arab terrorist will barely get a slap on this wrist. This treatment is appalling and obviously intentional. We hope that under the new government attacks like this against Israel’s own will stop and justice will be executed evenly according to the law.

Samaria youth confined to parents’ home 3 weeks before wedding, by Israel National News, January 2, 2023




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