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With a Pile of Dirt, Gantz Gets His Last Dig In

An IDF tractor has formed a dirt levee blocking the parking lot at the entrance to the community of Homesh.

Homesh Yeshiva director Shmuel Wendi claims that this was a direct order from Defense Minister Benny Gantz who is in the last days of his term: “Gantz doesn’t rest and obsessively takes advantage of every minute that he has left on the job to continue to abuse the Homesh Yeshiva.”

The Disengagement Law is what shamefully prevents Israelis from entering or remaining in the evacuated area of Homesh except for yeshiva members who have special clearance from the Defense Minister. While the policies of Israel’s security forces have not changed, we trust that we can look forward to a complete turnaround with the soon to be fully formed Netanyahu government. In order for normal life to resume in northern Samaria, the cancellation of the Disengagement Law must be a top priority for Netanyahu.

IDF blocks parking lot at entrance to Homesh, by Israel National News, December 8, 2022

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Smotrich: Netanyahu Is With Us All the Way

Religious Zionism party chairman Bezalel Smotrich sat down with Besheva newspaper. He talked about the coalition agreement and said he was expecting a “revolution” in how the residents of Judea and Samaria are treated.

Smotrich emphasized that he has received the full backing of Prime Minister-designate Netanyahu on “the dissolution of the Civil Administration and the subordination of all powers to the regular government ministries. He’s with us all the way.”

The Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria number roughly half a million. They pay taxes, play free gambling games no download, vote for the Knesset, and serve in the army, plus they build up – not destroy – the land they live on. They deserve no less than the right to be governed by a fully functional government and not, as Smotrich said, a “Banana Republic.” It’s long overdue that Jewish residents in Judea and Samaria be treated with the dignity they deserve and not like terrorists criminalized over and over just to appease the PA Arabs.

Smotrich: Netanyahu fully backs dissolution of the Civil Administration’, by Israel National News, December 7, 2022

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UNGA: Israel Needs to Give Up Nukes, Not Iran

The U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday voted with an overwhelming majority on a resolution calling for Israel to get rid of all its nuclear weapons and place its nuclear sites under the supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The vote at the UNGA First Committee passed the vote 149-6. The five nations that voted against the resolution apart from Israel are the United States, Canada, Liberia, Micronesia and Palau.

While Iran flagrantly continues to stockpile its nuclear arsenal in violation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, this is just another typical day at the United Nations working very hard on its anti-Israel agenda.

U.N. Demands Israel Surrender Its Nuclear Arsenal, by Deborah Brand/Breitbart, December 8, 2022



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Huge Win for Judea and Samaria

According to the coalition agreement between Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu and Religious Zionism Chairman Bezalel Smotrich that was published Monday morning, the appointment of the head of the Civil Administration in Judea and Samaria will involve politicians – after 55 years during which only the IDF chief of staff made this appointment. Likewise, politicians will take part in appointing the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT). That part of the agreement means representatives of the “settlement” enterprise in Judea and Samaria such as Bezalel Smotrich.

It’s a huge win for Judea and Samaria, more important than Itamar Ben Gvir taking over the ministry of national security. The deal neutralizes the main enemy of Jewish prosperity in Judea and Samaria and the biggest drive behind the Palestinian Authority’s encroachment into Area C.

This agreement will have a dramatic impact on reality in Judea and Samaria, and lead to the expansion of communities as well as the legalization of existing communities, complete with their connection to electricity and water. In the coming months we feel confident we can look forward to these advancements coming to fruition for residents in Judea and Samaria who have been suffering too long. Next step: SOVEREIGNTY!

Sovereignty Today: Smotrich Takes Over the IDF Civil Administration, by David Israel/Jewish Press, December 5, 2022


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US Doesn’t Hide Hatred of Israel

Secretary of State Blinken delivered an address at the annual event for the anti-Israel group, J Street.

Secretary of State Blinken took an opening shot at the incoming conservative Israeli government, warning that “We expect the new Israeli Government to continue to work with us to advance our shared values, just as we have previous governments.”

Blinken insisted that the Biden regime would hold Israel “to the mutual standards we have established in our relationship over the past seven decades” and “work relentlessly to prevent any parties from taking actions that could raise tensions or further raise tensions and push the two-state solution even further out of reach.”

How dare Blinken instruct Israel as he makes statements that favor the terrorists. Time and again, the current US administration’s hatred of Israel is on full display.

At Anti-Israel Event, Blinken Warns Jewish State Not to Allow Prayer, by Daniel Greenfield/Front Page Magazine, December 5, 2022




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Free Homesh From This Stupidity

Rabbi Elishama Cohen, Homesh Rosh Yeshiva, was indicted for violating the 2005 Disengagement Law, which bars Jews from entering and living in the four northern Samaria communities.

The indictment stated that Rabbi Cohen visited the Homesh Yeshiva without the proper authorization on November 15. The prosecution seeks prison time if he is convicted.

The Samaria Regional Council has launched a campaign to pressure the government to repeal the Disengagement Law as it applies to northern Samaria and to legalize the Homesh Yeshiva.

Rabbi Chaim Druckman said: “The Disengagement Law is just stupidity, and it should be repealed as soon as possible. I have no words to say and I don’t want to talk about how we did this to ourselves, this nonsense and stupidity. We should be freed from it as soon as possible.”

Rabbi Druckman further stated that he is confident that the current government with its healthy approach will act quickly to free Homesh from this disgrace. We hope so too.

Homesh Rosh Yeshiva indicted for violating Disengagement Law, by Gary Willig/Israel National News, November 29, 2022




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Where Was the REAL Nakba?

The United Nations General Assembly yesterday passed a resolution to mark the 75th anniversary of the founding of Israel as a “catastrophe (nakba).” Adopted by a vote of 90-30 with 47 abstentions, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and most European Union countries including Germany voted against the anti-Israel resolution.

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan held up a picture that shows the expulsion of the Jews from Arab countries and Iran as well as a sign with the headline from The New York Times written days after the establishment of the State of Israel. He said, “Two days after Israel’s establishment, this was the headline in the New York Times. It did not read, ‘Arabs in Grave Danger in all Jewish Lands.’ It read, ‘Jews in Grave Danger in all Moslem Lands.’

The real nakba here is the United Nations. What a shameful, hypocritical and Jew hating “world body” they are. Every rational minded and peace loving nation should stop paying their dues to the UN. Now, what a nakba that would be for the UN, wouldn’t it?

Amb. Erdan to UN: Stop ignoring the Jewish Nakba, by Israel National News, November 30, 2022

Israel slams UN after vote to mark Palestinian ‘catastrophe’, by i24NEWS and ILH Staff/Israel Hayom, December 1, 2022





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Children Attacked in Hebron: UNACCEPTABLE!

Three Israeli children were attacked Tuesday evening by Palestinian Authority Arab terrorists near the Givat Gal neighborhood in Hebron, according to Tazpit Press Service.

The terrorists beat the children, hurled rocks at them and aimed pepper spray at them, the news agency reported.

A 12-year-old boy was evacuated to a hospital with multiple injuries. A 14-year-old boy was treated at the scene for minor injuries. Third, a 10-year-old boy, did not require medical care. Earlier in the day, a 14-year-old Jewish girl was wounded by PA terrorists who hurled rocks at the vehicle she was a passenger in.

Is going after the children the new target for PA terrorists? The government must exercise every defense tool it has to act immediately and put a stop to this and secure its residents.

Israeli Children Attacked by Terrorists in Hebron, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, November 29, 2022



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First Things First: Will Ben-Gvir’s Initiative Be Realized?

Otzma Yehudit leader and the next national security minister, MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, plans to advance measures to expropriate land for developing infrastructure, as well as to allot hundreds of thousands of shekels to various unrecognized Judea and Samaria communities that have so far lacked official status. The plan depends in part on having the necessary sign-off from the various other agencies outside his ministry.

The plan details that the cabinet will pass a motion within 60 days of Netanyahu becoming prime minister. The motion would grant the necessary approval for 60 unauthorized communities in Judea and Samaria. The government would also advance legislation to amend the law in a way that would allow those communities to connect to the national electricity grid and allot yearly funding for building and maintaining various infrastructure, including water and sewage systems, roads, electricity pylons, and roads. The government will also create a special budget to bolster security there.

Ben-Gvir’s initiative is a huge step in the right direction but we’re not there yet. What we know has rightfully always belonged to Israel holds the promise of being made official in the coming months. When it does happen there should be NO turning back. Next step: SOVEREIGNTY!

Revealed: Dozens of Judea and Samaria communities to get official recognition by ILH Staff and Hanan Greenwood/Israel Hayom, November 28, 2022


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Free Electricity in Area C, But Not for the Jews

On a long road between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim in west Binyamin are electricity poles that carry a sign that reads in English and Arabic: Jerusalem District Electric Company (JDECO).

These electricity poles have the authorization of the Civil Administration. They provide electricity to Palestinian villages and will soon carry voltage from the enormous solar farm that the Palestinian Authority has built between Neve Tzuf and Ofarim.

The Civil Administration does not penalize JDECO for providing electricity to illegal buildings in Area C. Instead, the company is rewarded with authorization to advance huge projects while the company’s growing debt to the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) has topped a billion shekels.

To date there is no policy on disconnecting illegally constructed buildings from the grid, and no action has been taken against JDECO. Jewish residents in Area C have been unnecessarily waiting a very long time to be connected to the basic service of electricity. Instead of demolishing Jewish homes and treating Jews like terrorists, the new government’s priorities must focus on the development of the legitimate Jewish presence in Area C. It should also halt further development of any kind – certainly in area C – by Palestinian Arabs.

How Israel let the Palestinians get free electricity while taking over land, by Yifat Erlich/Israel Hayom, November 24, 2022


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