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Israel Has the Right

“Under certain circumstances, I think Israel has the right to retain some, but unlikely all, of the West Bank,” US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said in a wide-ranging interview over the weekend.

If Israel made such a move he did not reveal what the US government’s position would be. Friedman did state that some degree of retention of Judea and Samaria would be legitimate.

This marks the first time in history that a US administration has come out in support of Israel retaining parts of its ancestral homeland in Judea and Samaria.

Read the Women in Green’s response to Ambassador Friedman’s remarks.

Trump Administration Green Lights Israel Annexing Parts of Judea and Samaria ~Avi Abelow. AFSI likes Abelow’s article as it explains how under international law Israel has been the ONLY one with rights to Judea and Samaria so there is no need to ANNEX the area. RETAINING it, the word Ambassador Friedman used, is correct and APPLYING SOVEREIGNTY is best.

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Israel Defends Itself Against Weekend Attack

The Israel Air Force struck several Syrian military positions in southwestern Damascus and Quneitra in retaliation for rockets fired into northern Israel yesterday.

“Last night, two rockets were launched from Syria to Israel, one landing within Israeli territory,” the IDF said. “In response, we struck a number of Syrian Armed Forces military targets. We hold the Syrian regime accountable and will firmly operate against any attempt to harm Israeli civilians.”

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Back to the Voting Booth, The Sequel

Israel will go back to elections as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form coalition.

Exactly one month after the wearing in of the 21st Knesset, a majority of the Knesset voted late Wednesday to disperse themselves and initiate an unprecedented repeat election on September 17.

‘I will do everything in my power to prevent another election,’ President Reuven Rivlin.

‘They’ve got enough turmoil over there, it’s a tough place,’ President Donald Trump

As elections loom, Bennett and Shaked get set to make a comeback ~JNS Brief

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Injustice in Tapuah West

One month after Moshe Herzlich paid the tax bill on his new home in the Tapuah West outpost, security forces arrived at his door and demolished his pink stucco one-story structure, nestled on a Samaria hilltop.

“They don’t treat terrorists this way,” said Herzlich, who was surprised to find a large contingent of IDF soldiers and border police at his door in the morning. He had not been served with a demolition order, he said – the security forces said that one had been faxed to him.

Full story HERE.

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A Gift With Israel’s Approval?

Armored vehicles were transferred to the Palestinian Authority security services as a gift from the EU and were reportedly sent to Judea and Samaria through Jordan, with Israel’s approval.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan attacked the defense establishment decision stating that the transfer is a “total abandonment of human life and taking an unacceptable risk both of the lives of IDF soldiers and of the lives of the residents of Judea and Samaria.”

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Ceasefire? What Ceasefire?

Many were hopeful that the recent transfer of Qatari money to Gaza would, at least temporarily, calm the terrorist organizations.

Sadly, this is not the case. The firing of balloons into Israel is only increasing. At least three fires have broken out since the morning hours in the Be’eri and Shokeda forests and near Kibbutz Nahal Oz.

In addition to the incendiary balloons, Gaza schools were closed and approximately 10,000 Arabs were called to riot and mark Nakba Day along the Gaza security fence.

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First Anniversary: US Embassy in Jerusalem

At an event on Tuesday marking the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Embassy move to Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted that the Jewish people are “the only people on Earth who live in the same land where they lived 3,000 years ago, with the same capital, the same language and the same religion.” What makes the feat even more extraordinary, he added, is that the Jews were exiled from the land and came back to it.

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3,000 years old and 71 years young! AFSI is thrilled to be celebrating Israel @ 71. It was this time last year that our Chizuk Mission Trip had the privilege to be in Israel and join in the festivities for Israel @70. In a little over two weeks our group will be travelling to Israel and looks forward to visits throughout the land, meeting with the people….and the enjoying the food!

Watch the Independence Day Flyover from the great big blue skies front row seat HERE.

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