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Halamish: It’s Time to Avenge the Massacre

By now we are all too familiar with the horrendous news of the murder of three Jews in the town of Halamish, Israel, this past Friday night. All these innocent people were doing was sitting around a Shabbat table, enjoying a festive meal, and celebrating the upcoming circumcision ceremony for a newborn male grandchild.
An Arab carrying a knife and a Koran was able to scale the community’s security fence. He then entered a home, and stabbed three people to death, a grandfather, and his son and daughter. The murdered were: Yosef Salomon, 70, and his children Chaya, 46, and Elad, 36. Yosef’s wife, Tovah, was severely injured and as of this writing, remains hospitalized
As is typical, the Arab and Muslim community both in and out of Israel celebrated these murders as an act of heroism, not as the heinous act that it is; even the terrorist’s mother! (click HERE). Today, we learned that the terrorist committed these murders knowing that he (i.e., his surviving family) would be financially compensated for his actions, another disgusting behavior practiced by Israel’s enemies.
How many times do we need to cry out, Enough is Enough! What does it take to understand that among Arabs and Muslims, compromise is viewed as a sign of weakness and capitulation? When will appropriate punishment be meted out to the savages who refuse to admit Jews have a permanent homeland in the Middle East, and that homeland is Israel, including Jerusalem?
Events in Israel and the greater Middle East are occurring at breakneck speed, and we await the decisions, pronouncements and actions of the Netanyahu government. Strength is required. Capitulation of any sort is not, and can never be an option.
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Keeping Our Eye On The Ball

There has been so much speculation and growing anticipation these past few days: Will President Trump announce the moving of the U.S embassy to Jerusalem? Will he announce that Jerusalem is the undivided capital of Israel? Will Bibi escort him to the Kotel? Will Trump speak at Masada? What will Trump say when he visits with Abbas? Will there be a resumption of peace talks? On and on it goes. Continue reading “Keeping Our Eye On The Ball”

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Today: Last Day of AFSI Chizuk Mission

On this last day of the tour, the group arrived in Hebron to celebrate Hebron Day there with original “settlers”. Yehudit Katzover, co-leader of Women in Green and spearhead of the Sovereignty Conferences, was there with WIG co-leader Nadia Matar. Rabbi Waldman, founder of the Yeshivat Nir in Kiryat Arba, Elyakim HaEtzni, another Hebron pioneer, and Sarah Nachshon, whose remarkable courage opened the Hebron cemetery to Jews, were also present. These individuals formed a panel, over which Noam Arnon, leader of the Hebron community, served as moderator. The AFSI group heard their amazing stories about the efforts to reclaim Hebron after the 1967 victories.  Continue reading “Today: Last Day of AFSI Chizuk Mission”

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It’s Great on the Golan!

The Group at Har (Mount) Bental, Golan Heights

The AFSI Chizuk Mission spent Thursday touring the Golan Heights with Yifa Sigal, Director of the International Legal Forum. The ILF is a nonprofit proactive legal “hub” centralizing efforts of lawyers, organizations and activists worldwide, in their fight to promote justice, peace and equality in Israel and the Middle East. The ILF provides them with much-needed knowledge, strategic planning, research and international networking in order to successfully tackle human rights violations, radical ideologies, terror and the BDS movement. Continue reading “It’s Great on the Golan!”

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AFSI’s Historic May, 2017 Chizuk Mission Begins!

View of beautiful Haifa and Haifa Bay, from the Dan Panorama Hotel

After gathering at Ben Gurion Airport, members of the Chizuk Mission began their historic trip by traveling to Haifa to visit the company Pluristem Therapeutics Inc. at Matam Park. They were met by Yaky Yanay, Co-CEO & President of the firm, who explained the company’s extraordinary biotechnology achievements. Continue reading “AFSI’s Historic May, 2017 Chizuk Mission Begins!”

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