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Supreme Court Decision Weakens Israel

The Civil Administration last week attempted to uproot trees, including fruit trees, planted over four years ago, by residents of the Jewish town of Nokdim. The Civil Administration sought to uproot the trees after local Arabs claimed ownership of the land. Those trees belong to the State, located near homes in Nokdim where the town’s residents have cared for the trees continuously.

The Civil Administration sent Nokdim residents a note last Tuesday that they would be arriving the next day to uproot the trees. The decision was made by the Civil Administration itself, following an appeal by a leftist organization which was later supported by residents of nearby Bedouin towns. That appeal claimed that the land in question belonged to these local Bedouin, but did not provide any proof. Of course, the proof if it did exist, would most likely be a land grant from Jordan, an illegal occupier of the land from 1948 – 1967. The fact that the Courts and the Civil Administration are giving credence to these grants is absurd, and worse.

Nokdim residents responded with an appeal against the Civil Administration’s decision. Despite the appeal that expected a temporary order preventing the uprooting would be issued within less than an hour, the Civil Administration official in charge of the operation insisted on uprooting the trees quickly, before the temporary order could be issued.

MK Uzi Dayan was among many who spoke to the Civil Administration chief and the forces then left Nokdim to wait until the Supreme Court had issued its ruling. Later in the day, the Supreme Court rejected the residents’ appeal outright due to a technicality and other issues.

The Supreme Court’s decision does not show any strength in protecting land that legally belongs to Israel. It disturbingly and continuously baffles the mind to see Israeli official appease Bedouins and PA Arabs. Decisions such as this only serve to weaken Israel’s legal right to its own sovereign land.

Civil Administration to uproot trees near Jewish settlement?, by Israel National News, August 22, 2022




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Calls For Criminal Probe Into Political Terror Plot

According to a Channel 12 report Friday night, MKs Ayman Odeh, Ahmed Tibi and Sami Abu Shahadeh, the heads of the Arab-majority Joint List faction, recently met secretly in Ramallah with the head of PA intelligence in an attempt to influence the results of the Israeli elections. The PA is reportedly pushing to have the Islamic Ra’am party rejoin the Joint List to prevent opposition leader and former prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from winning the upcoming November election.

Such a meeting could be considered contact with a foreign agent, punishable by 15 years in prison according to the Penal Code.

Several Israeli politicians and activists have called on the security establishment to launch a criminal probe against three Arab MK’s for breach of trust and conspiracy against the State of Israel. Among them are MK Bezalel Smotrich, Matan Peleg, Im Tirtzu CEO, and MK Avi Maoz.

Smotrich stated, “The choice [in the elections] is simple – a national government or a government with those allied with Israel’s enemies,” he said.

Knesset members met secretly with Palestinian Authority intelligence, by Aryeh Savir, TPS via World Israel News, August 21, 2022



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Jews Fight for the Land, Will Not Give in to Terrorism

Three new candidates running on the Likud list for Knesset in Israel’s national elections this November joined Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan last night in vowing to “fight for the Land of Israel” at Joseph’s Tomb. But as the delegation and other worshipers were praying, IDF soldiers outside the tomb were also fighting — to protect those inside.

This is the first time Israeli worshipers traveled to the tomb since the ceasefire following Operation Breaking Dawn. During the visit, Arabs rioted and opened fire on the IDF troops escorting the visitors.

Dagan called the visit a “sharp and clear statement” that Israelis will continue to visit Joseph’s Tomb and “not give in to attempts to stop the Jewish presence” there.

The fortitude and leadership of Yossi Dagan and his colleagues is what will ensure that the right to live in the Land of Israel will remain in Jewish hands. As it should be.

Shootout, Dead Terrorist as Knesset Candidates Visit Joseph’s Tomb, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, August 18, 2022


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What Goes Up Could Go Down

After all these years can we believe this?

After a 20-year diplomatic crisis between the two countries, Israel and Turkey announced a full restoration of diplomatic ties on Wednesday. This news followed a recent phone conversation between Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Lapid hailed the development as “an important asset for regional stability and very important economic news for the citizens of Israel,” adding, “We will continue to strengthen Israel’s standing in the world.”

Ariel Kahana writes in Israel Hayom today: If past is prologue, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan can be expected to continue with his outbursts. His hatred of Jews was passed on through his mother’s milk and his capricious demeanor has only gotten worse over the years. Israeli leaders are well aware of this, and a senior Israeli official told Israel Hayom that if Erdogan turns on Israel, it would know how to respond in kind. “Just like diplomatic ties were upgraded, so too could they be downgraded if needed. But if we can now reconcile, then why not?” the Israeli official added.

POOF!! Just like that – are we supposed to believe that Turkey will reverse course and stop hating Israel? Does this agreement really signal the end of the 20-year diplomatic crisis between the two countries?

P.S. Refer back to the title of this article: What Goes Up Could Go Down. Just saying.

Senior official: If Erdogan reverts to anti-Israel posture, Jerusalem will respond in kind, by Ariel Kahana/Israel Hayom, August 18, 2022

Israel and Turkey to restore ambassadors in full renewal of diplomatic ties, by Ash Obel/Times of Israel, August 17, 2022

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Haredi Group Joins “Settlement Movement”

A group of Haredi yeshiva students and families established a new community on Sunday in eastern Gush Etzion near Metzad. The new community is called “Derech Emuna” (Path of Faith), after the title of Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s book.

Within two and a half hours the community built 15 buildings including a shul and a yeshiva. So far, 11 families have moved in.

Activist Tzvi Succot pointed out that this is the first time ultra-Orthodox “settlers” have established such a community. The goal was to increase consciousness within the Haredi community of the religious commandment of settling the land. It also demonstrates that the housing crisis in the community could be resolved through housing construction in Judea and Samaria.

The realization of the Zionist dream was intended to be inclusive of all Jews, not just a specific segment of the Jewish people. The more that the entire spectrum of the Jewish population in Israel awakens to the Zionist dream, the more the land will be built up. The more the land is built up the stronger Am Yisrael will be.

New Ultra-Orthodox Settlement in Gush Etzion, by Jewish Press News Desk, August 16, 2022

Ultra-Orthodox activists establish illegal settlement outpost in southern West Bank, by Jeremy Sharon/Times of Israel, August 16, 2022


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Applying Sovereignty Was So Close – With One Condition

Former US president Donald Trump authorized then-prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to annex parts of Judea and Samaria, in a letter obtained exclusively by The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

In a three-page letter dated January 26, 2020, two days before Trump presented his Vision for Peace in the White House, the president summarized some of its details. These included that Israel would be able to extend sovereignty to parts of Judea and Samaria, as delineated in the map included in the plan if Netanyahu agreed to a Palestinian state in the remaining territory on that map.

“We will also work to create a contiguous territory within the future Palestinian state for when the conditions for statehood are met, including the firm rejection of terrorism,” Trump said. AFSI does not support any vision for a Palestinian state.

A Trump administration source closely involved with the president’s letter said that “it was a key part of Israel’s acceptance of the Vision for Peace as the framework for negotiations [with the Palestinians] for America to accept sovereignty up front, as per the mapping process and the plan, and for all the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley to be included.

We are grateful for President Trump’s enormous support for Israel and wonder what would have transpired if this plan had been executed. To hear that sovereignty was close to fruition is music to our ears. However, even though Trump’s plan set conditions for PA statehood being met, including the firm rejection of terrorism, AFSI’s position does not accept a PA state. With the PA perpetually refusing to accept Israel’s right to exist and putting a complete stop to terrorism against Israel, it seems not too much would have changed under Trump’s plan.

It is our belief that there must be many more Jewish neighborhoods (“settlements”) in Judea and Samaria and that the Arabs must immediately be stopped from all illegal activity including building and demolition in areas designated under the (failed) Oslo Accords for Jews. Of course, to take it one step further we believe that the PA would be unable to govern a state and it would soon be controlled by Hamas or another Iranian terror proxy.

Trump letter authorized Israeli sovereignty in West Bank – exclusive, by Lahav Harkov/Jerusalem Post, August 15, 2022





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Terror Near The Kotel

Jerusalem was the scene of a violent attack very early on Sunday morning when a gunman opened fire on a bus outside the Old City. A 26-year-old Palestinian, Amir Sidawi, later turned himself in to police.

Eight people were injured and three people were reported in serious condition. We pray for their speedy recovery.

Amir Sidawi, the 26-year-old terrorist who carried out the terror shooting near Jerusalem’s Old City overnight Sunday which wounded eight people, had a lengthy criminal record and has served time in prison before, according to police records. He is believed to have acted alone, was suspected of murder in the past but was eventually convicted of grievous bodily harm in 2015 and sentenced to eight years in prison, of which he served five.

In August 2020, he was released from Hermon prison as part of an administrative release, after the parole board found that he underwent treatment that included, among other things, anger management workshops. Undergoing treatment for things like anger management just doesn’t cut it. The one thing he never underwent was treatment and detoxing from Israel hatred.

Jerusalem shooter had a long history of violence, police records show, by Ynet Reporters/, August 14, 2022




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MK Strock on Homesh: Correct the Sin of Disengagement

In a recent radio interview, Member of Knesset Orit Strock expresses the fear that the Israeli Supreme Court will give the order to demolish the Homesh yeshiva during the interim period before the elections. In the attempt to prevent that, she sent a letter to Supreme Court Chief Justice Esther Hayut demanding that she refrain from issuing an eviction order for Homesh while Israel is being led by a caretaker government only. The letter was also signed by dozens of MKs, including four faction leaders.

Strock discusses her intention to continue to promote the bill that would cancel the Disengagement Law (2005) that ordered the evacuation of four Jewish communities in Area C in the Jenin region of northern Samaria at the same time as all Jewish communities were removed from Gaza. The bill was in process already under the last Netanyahu government and passed the preliminary reading with a large majority, with 70 MKs in favor. According to Strock, “the law got stuck only because a horrible government was set up with Ra’am and the left wing. We intend to promote it again after the elections.”

No decision on Homesh should be made while Israel’s is under an interim government. It’s leaders like MK Strock that give us hope that the right decision will be made.

MK Strock: Hope for Homesh after 17 years of repeated demolitions, by Michelle Eytan/Israel National News, August 15, 2022



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Destructive to Israel From Within: Ramat Migron Demolished, Residents Threatened

A sizable force of Israel Police officers and the IDF Civil Administration raided the hilltop village of Ramat Migron in the Binyamin region last night, destroying the houses of three families, the synagogue that had been built there.

The residents claimed that the forces broke into the houses and confiscated the cell phones of the families without any reason or court order. One resident demanded that his cell phone be returned was threatened with arrest and warned: “One wrong move on your part and you will find yourself thrown on the floor and arrested.” The residents also testified that boys who live on the hill were beaten by the police and one of them was injured in the face and needed medical treatment in the field.

MK Itamar Ben Gvir criticized the government for what he called selective enforcement. “The extreme left-wing government of [Defense Minister Benny] Gantz, [Prime Minister Yair] Lapid and [Interior Minister Ayelet] Shaked continues to act in a racist and discriminatory way toward Jewish settlements.” Ben Gvir added that this “proves how much the government is disconnected and destructive to the state from within.”

The recently dissolved coalition and now the interim government’s obsession with destroying Jewish homes and traumatizing Jewish lives continues. This only increases the Zionist resolve of residents to build upon the Zionist dream. While the government is hurting its own, the PA’s illegal land grabs with the goal of building a state on Jewish owned land is still allowed to go unchecked.

Civil Administration destroys Israeli village in Binyamin, by Israel National News, August 11, 2022

Security forces dismantle illegal West Bank outpost Ramat Migron, by Jeremy Sharon and Tobias Siegal/Times of Israel, August 11, 2022

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Fate of Homesh May Be Delayed

The State submitted its response to the Supreme Court Wednesday evening on its position regarding the Samaria community of Homesh. In its response the State said that “the law is to evacuate” Homesh.

Atiya Dimentman, widow of Yehuda Dimentman, appealed to Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar to prevent Homesh from being destroyed again. Her letter reminds Sa’ar of the fact that it is close to the 17th anniversary the expulsion from Gush Katif and northern Samaria, and she also reminded the minister of his own words after her husband’s murder, in which he supported the regulation of Homesh, and also called for no reward for terrorism.

Yesterday, the leaders of the Knesset Land of Israel Lobby and the Homesh lobby sent a letter to Supreme Court President Esther Hayut demanding that the decision to evacuate Homesh be delayed until after the upcoming elections.

The MKs noted that a bill to save Homesh won a respectable majority in a preliminary vote in the Knesset before its dissolution and is expected to be voted on again and even passed into law by the Knesset that will convene after the elections. There is a significant chance that the victory of the right in the elections will bring about a significant change regarding the legal status of the yeshiva and the grounds for removing it.

Instead of looking to demolish Homesh, the State should be looking for ways to save it. We are grateful to the MKs involved for asking for a delay in the decision making process.

State to Supreme Court: Homesh must be evacuated, no date set, by Israel National News, August 10, 2022

MKs ask Supreme Court to hold off on Homesh ruling until after election, by Israel National News, August 9, 2022

Terror victim’s widow: Don’t reward terrorism, build Homesh, by Israel National News, August 9, 2022

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