Levin: This Should be a Time of Unity

Justice Minister Yariv Levin on Thursday afternoon responded to reports that the Supreme Court intends to invalidate the Reasonableness Standard.

The standard is an amendment to a Basic Law and therefore considered even by the Supreme Court’s own precedent to be untouchable and part of Israel’s constitution.

“While our soldiers are fighting side-by-side on the various fronts, as the entire country is hurting from the loss of many lives, we must not rip the nation of Israel with disagreements. The citizens of Israel expect the Supreme Court not to publish, during a war, a ruling which is controversial even among its own justices,” stated Levin.

The events of October 7 have temporarily halted progress on judicial reforms. When the war successfully concludes, and Israel gets back to whatever measure of normal daily life that it can, would be a preferable time to introduce a contentious issue.

Justice Minister: Supreme Court shouldn’t publish controversial ruling during times of war, by Israel National News, December 28, 2023

Supreme Court to speed up ruling publication after leak to press, by Israel National News, December 28, 2023


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