Pollard: This Gov’t is Not Legitimate

The military court in Judea heard an appeal today by activist Elisha Yered, against the administrative order issued against him by the Yehuda Fox, the IDF Central District commander. The order requires him to leave Judea and Samaria for six months, without indictment and without a trial.

Elisha Yered said at the beginning of the hearing: “This order banishes me from my home and was issued for political reasons only. You can like or dislike my activity, but it is open and far from dangerous. I engage in establishing new settlements in the Land of Israel, in outreach activities, and in protesting against terrorism without fear.”

To further illustrate how political this order is, Yered is forbidden to have contact with Rabbi Menachem Ben-Shachar who leads the fight against the terror attacks raging in Judea and Samaria.

At a visit to local residents and Yered’s family, Jonathan Pollard spoke out strongly in defense of Yered: “We have been commanded to settle the land that God gave to us. I believe that until this whole concept of excluding Jews from Judea and Samaria ceases, no government, including the current one, has the legitimacy to claim that they, politically and legislatively, represent the Jewish people.”

It’s a very dark day for Israel when their own expels a Jew from the home and land he has a legal right to live in. To add insult to injury, they dictate to him who he can and cannot have contact with. Sovereignty is the only answer that will put a stop to a horrendous order such as this.

Right-wing activists: ‘Administrative removal to silence political opponents’, by Israel National News, October 5, 2023

Pollard slams government over ban on Elisha Yered entering Judea and Samaria, by Israel National News, October 4, 2023


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