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Pioneering Spirit in Amichai

MK Gideon Sa’ar of the Likud party visited the communities of Amichai and Shilo, in the Binyamin region, on Sunday. The focus of his visit was on ongoing attempts by the Palestinian Authority to seize control over open areas near Israeli communities.

Following his tour, Sa’ar told his hosts, “I was very impressed by what I saw today in Amichai, but especially by the pioneering spirit that you are exhibiting here, after many years during which no new settlements were established in Judea or Samaria. This is the way in which we need to pursue and expand settlement.” He added that, “The Palestinian Authority is engaged in an ongoing battle to seize land. This is a very aggressive battle, funded by the European Union, well planned and organized, and the State of Israel needs to respond to this.”

We at AFSI are extremely proud of our friends in Amichai, most of whom were expelled from Amona under the harshest circumstances. They have made Amichai into a thriving and enjoyable place to live. They deserve the most positive assistance possible in order to maintain the safety and security of the new community and its residents.

The heads of the “Forum for Zion and Jerusalem” within the Likud party, Avichai Boaron and Doron Nir Tzvi, also spoke following the tour, echoing Sa’ar’s remarks, “…the Arabs are gaining control over hill after hill – and they don’t care if it’s in Area B or C. And Israel isn’t doing a thing in response.”

‘The Palestinian Authority is seizing hill after hill while Israel does nothing’, by Hezki Baruch. Arutz Sheva, November 1, 2020

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Effective Immediately: Passports Stamped Jerusalem, ISRAEL

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced today that ‘Israel’ will be permitted to be listed on the US passports of citizens born in Jerusalem, reversing decades of US policy that only “Jerusalem” could be listed.

Until now, US passport holders born in Jerusalem could not list their country of birth as Israel even if they were born in western Jerusalem. Until yesterday, US policy was that the status of Jerusalem was to be determined in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority. AFSI is grateful to President Trump for taking another step in the right direction.

US ends ban on listing ‘Israel’ on passports of people born in Jerusalem, by Gary Willig. Arutz Sheva, October 29, 2020

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Righting a Wrong: Judea and Samaria US Scientific Funding Ban Lifted

Israel said on Tuesday the United States is effectively lifting a ban on US funding of Israeli scientific research projects conducted in Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights.

Past scientific accords with the US government stipulated that Israeli research projects receiving US grants could not be carried out in areas that came under Israeli administration in the 1967 Six-Day War.

The Trump administration last year effectively backed Israel’s right to build Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria by abandoning a long-held US position that they were “inconsistent with international law.”

The revised agreements signed yesterday “will expand scientific cooperation between Israel and the United States to Judea and Samaria and the Golan Heights,” the Israeli statement said.

AFSI is grateful to President Trump for all he continues to do for Israel. However, let’s pause a moment and remember that this agreement is not an acceptance of Israel’s right to apply Sovereignty. Sovereignty is our goal and we continue to advocate for it.

Friedman: US-Israel ‘righting old wrongs’ by extending W. Bank agreements, by Lahan Harkov. Jerusalem Post, October 28, 2020

US will now fund research in Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria, by Reuters and ILH Staff. Israel Hayom, October 28, 2020

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Has Israel Made True Friends in the Neighborhood?

On October 23, the US, Israel, and Sudan issued a joint statement on the normalization of relations between Khartoum and Jerusalem. This step follows the peace agreements between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain and helps cement the nascent regional axis that features Israel as a highly prized ally rather than a vilified enemy.

Sudan is the third Arab country to make peace with Israel in the past two months.

Time will tell to what extent this step will help the provisional Sudanese government overcome its own internal differences and reach the 2022 elections as a functioning and effective body.

Soon to follow? A normalization agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia is rumored to also be in the works, a diplomatic official said Thursday night. “The Saudis will soon ‘come out of the closet,'” the official said. If this comes to fruition, it will be a significant game changer in the Middle East.

AFSI applauds President Donald Trump for his ongoing efforts to broker normalization between Israel and its too many hostile enemies. These new peace deals are rapidly redefining the Middle East paradigm. We look forward to future relationships with Arab nations that will represent diplomacy, cooperation and a full rejection of the anti-Israel delegitimization agenda that has been the norm for much too long.

Sudan and Israel: An Era of Change, by Dr. Haim Koren. BESA Center, October 26, 2020

Report: As Sudan poised to normalize ties with Israel, Saudis warming up to idea, by Ariel Kahana. Israel Hayom, October 23, 2020

How Sudan’s wall of hostility crumbled, by Oded Granot. Israel Hayom, October 26, 2020

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A First for a Muslim Country: Albania Adopts IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism

The Albanian parliament last Thursday endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s working definition of anti-Semitism, making Albania the first majority-Muslim countries to adopt the definition.

The definition agreed by IHRA, (spelled out in full in the source below) an inter-governmental organization including 34 member countries, is an internationally agreed upon classification of anti-Semitism.

The decision comes six days before the Parliament of the Republic of Albania, in partnership with the Combat Anti-Semitism Movement and the Jewish Agency for Israel, hosts the first-ever Balkans Forum Against Anti-Semitism.

Albania becomes first Muslim country to adopt IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, by  News Agencies and ILH Staff. Israel Hayom, October 23, 2020

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Jews Exercise Their Right to Assemble as They Fight Off Anti-Semitism

Seven were arrested Sunday in clashes between a “Jews for Trump” caravan that was passing through Times Square in midtown Manhattan and a march of anti-Trump protesters who arrived from Brooklyn. The anti-Trump protesters blocked the cars in the convoy and clashes began as some drivers got out of their cars to confront their attackers.

In addition to Jews being attacked, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani who rode through the NYC with Trump Caravan, was pelted with eggs and vile insults.

Giuliani said, “I would love to have had a campaign commercial of it and put it on in the middle of America and say, ‘Who would you prefer for the next four years? This group of foul-mouthed people who don’t seem to have a vocabulary beyond three words, or these very nice Jewish people who are driving in the car and not saying anything back and not doing anything other than exercising their right to say they’re for Donald Trump.”

Americans For A Safe Israel does not endorse candidates for political office. We do, however, demand that Jews be free to exercise their rights in this country without being attacked, such as we saw yesterday. Thank you Mayor Giuliani for coming to the defense of NYC’s Jewish community by speaking the truth.

‘Jews for Trump’ Pelted with Eggs, Stones, Punched Out in Times Square, by David Israel. Jewish Press, October 26, 2020

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Report: 38th World Zionist Congress

Thanks to your vote earlier this year, Zionist right-wing organizations came in ahead of the left-wing with a very strong showing in the elections. I was pleased to be elected to represent Americans For A Safe Israel and serve as your delegate in the 2020 World Zionist Congress that took place this week.

Seven hundred twenty delegates and observers from over 30 countries participated in the three-day virtual conference. Among the current issues on the world Jewish agenda that were deliberated at the Congress: the battle against antisemitism; the Coronavirus pandemic’s effects on Jewish communities worldwide; preparation for a wave of immigration to Israel as a result of this worldwide crisis; reaching Diaspora youth with good educational materials, development in Judea and Samaria, and more.

On Tuesday, a coalition of Jewish groups including Hadassah and B’nai B’rith International tried to temporarily block a plan by Orthodox and right-wing parties to take over top positions throughout the World Zionist Congress, the Jewish National Fund and other crucial groups that spend $1 billion annually on international Jewish causes.

Several left-wing groups stepped in to delay the vote on the right-wing plan until Thursday to renegotiate how the professional leadership will be selected. Until now, the top positions have been filled in consultation with all constituent bodies, allowing liberal groups a say on spending related to religious pluralism in Israel, minority communities in the country and activity in Judea and Samaria.

Last night, coalition chairman Miki Zohar told The Jerusalem Post that he still intended to try to push through an agreement he reached with right-wing parties and Orthodox groups, despite the opposition of centrist and left-wing parties, non-Orthodox religious streams and Jewish organizations.

The World Zionist Congress was scheduled to conclude this evening in Israel with elections for the leadership positions of the National Institutions – the World Zionist Organization, Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (Jewish National Fund-JNF), and Keren Hayesod. The official program did finish off with the presentation of awards and a clever concluding film, and closing ceremony, featuring remarks from the incoming slate of officers.

We have word that a final agreement has been hammered out between the parties, however, as of right now, it has not been voted on by the Congress. (See chart below, which is in Hebrew.) One thing appears to be definite: Yaakov Hagoel will be the new Chairman of the World Zionist Organization. Voting to confirm the rest of the agreement is scheduled to start before 6pm EDT.

To all of AFSI’s like-minded Zionist supporters of Israel, you can be assured that our voice is now stronger than ever in support of a Whole, Sovereign, Safe and Strong Israel.

Judy Freedman Kadish
Executive Director
Americans For A Safe Israel

Hadassah and other groups block right-wing takeover of World Zionist Congress positions, by Ron Kampeas. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, October 20, 2020

Zionist Congress headed for showdown over top jobs, by Gil Hoffman. Jerusalem Post, October 21, 2020

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The Battle for Area C

The director general of the Regavim movement, Meir Deutsch, led a a tour of the Eretz Israel lobby of Members of Knesset in Gush Etzion. He addressed the challenge of preserving state lands and expanding Jewish communities.

During an interview with Arutz Sheva, Deutsch described the PA’s methods of usurping large swaths of land in Judea and Samaria, noting that Israeli settlement covers only about one percent of the territory.

In the wake of the government’s recent approval of the construction of thousands of housing units in Judea and Samaria, Deutsch argued that the approach should be changed expanding Jewish communities instead of adding new housing.

“Over the last decade, the government of Israel has not added one inch of land to the already-existing Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria. We need reassess our focus,” he added.

Special guest, Attorney Marc Zell, Director of “Republicans Overseas – Israel,” greeted the crowd out in the field, and reiterated the policy shift initiated by US President Trump, Vice-President Pence and Secretary of State Pompeo, recognizing the rights of the Jewish People throughout the Land of Israel.

Regavim head: Take control of land – not new housing units, by Hezki Baruch. Arutz Sheva, October 22, 2020

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IDF Uncovers “Major Terrorist Asset”

The IDF has identified a terrorist attack tunnel which infiltrated into Israeli territory from the southern Gaza Strip, the military announced Tuesday evening.

An IDF spokesperson said that the tunnel was located and exposed in the Khan Yunis area. The route was located as part of the ongoing effort to locate and neutralize terrorist tunnels. It was found thanks to the technological and collection capabilities of the barrier on the Gaza Strip border. The tunnel did not cross the underground barrier and did not pose a threat to localities in the area yet.

Hours after the announcement, a rocket fired from Gaza was intercepted by Israeli missile defenses. There were no reports of casualties or damage.

On Wednesday, military chief Aviv Kohavi described the tunnel as a “highly significant asset” to terror groups in the Strip. Thank Gd it was found before it became a real threat!

Army chief: Uncovered Gaza attack tunnel was ‘major asset’ to the enemy, by Judah Ari Gross. Times of Israel, October 21, 2020

IDF uncovers Gaza terror tunnel, by Gary Willig. Arutz Sheva, October 20, 2020

Rocket fired on Israel after IDF exposes terrorist tunnel, by  AP and ILH Staff. Israel Hayom, October 20, 2020

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Sovereignty: “To suspend is by definition temporary,” Says Ambassador David Friedman

The American position is that Judea and Samaria communities should remain in place permanently and Israel should apply Sovereignty to them at a later date, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman said on Wednesday.

“The position of the United States is that Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria will never be evacuated. We will never ask any community in Judea and Samaria to ever disband,” Friedman said in a Kohelet Policy Forum conference on the Abraham Accords, conducted online. “We believe in long run, it is in Israel’s interest and America’s interest to extend [Israeli] Sovereignty over these communities.”

AFSI, too, believes it is in Israel’s and America’s interest to apply Sovereignty. The difference here is that AFSI believes that Sovereignty should be applied sooner rather than later.

Friedman: US position is never evacuate settlements, by Lahav Harkov. Jerusalem Post, October 21, 2020

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