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Opinions by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar

We must not hide support for the Land of Israel
Right-wing leaders, wave the banner of the Land of Israel and we will stand behind you.

Our previous article, in which we called on right-wing leaders not to abandon or forget the banners of the national camp in the name of the battle for health and the economy, won much resonance and gave rise to many responses.

Along with the many supporters, who encouraged and strengthened our remarks, there were also those who claimed that the blurring of ideology is a well-known and accepted tactic in an election period.

The way to the ballot box passes through an appeal to the broadest common political denominator to garner votes both from the Right and the Left, they explained, attempting to reassure us, adding with a wink: The day after the elections everything will look different.

There is (almost) no one to vote for
It appears that the trend in the present election campaign is the obfuscation of ideological positions, descent to the lowest common denominator, to fundamental life and existence, and to transform it into the only banner with which they are going to the polls.

A cursory glance at Gideon Sa’ar’s campaign platform reveals fundamental principles which virtually any party or any citizen can identify with. Ron Ḥuldai’s speech, too, reflects a similar element. For all intents and purposes, both are adopting the principle that Naftali Bennett has been advocating for a significant period: “Not Corona, not interesting,” a principle whose basis is shelving values and philosophies in the name of some artificial unity.

It is feasible that this constitutes an additional proof of the shallowness of Israeli politics. Conceivably, this is the nature of the process of gathering votes, and perhaps, it is testimony to the longing of the people for something different and inexplicable. In any case, the unity about which the politicians are speaking today, for which they sacrifice and slaughter ideologies and values, is far from bona-fide unity. In fact, it also leaves us with virtually no reason to leave the house and go to the polls.

There is (almost) no one to vote for, by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar. Arutz Sheva, December 31, 2020

We must not hide support for the Land of Israel, by Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar. Arutz Sheva, January 4, 2021

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Homecoming! Pollard Makes Aliyah, Lands in Israel After 35 Years

Jonathan Pollard made aliyah early Wednesday morning, landing in Israel 35 years after he was arrested for passing classified information to an ally.

He and his wife Esther arrived on the private plane of American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and they immediately kissed the ground upon arrival.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu greeted the Pollards at Ben-Gurion Airport and said the shehecheyanu (You kept us alive) and matir asurim (freeing of prisoners) prayers with them. Netanyahu said he is glad that they are home. “Now you can begin your lives anew in freedom and happiness,” Netanyahu said. “Now you are home.”

Jonathan Pollard: Former Jewish spy lands in Israel 35 years after arrest, by Gil Hoffman. Jerusalem Post, December 30, 2020


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Lack of Funding for MDA Services is Concern in Judea and Samaria

Magen David Adom announced a reduction in activity starting tonight due to the Ministry of Health’s and federal government’s failure to fulfill their commitment of transferring funding for services requested by the company.

The Ministry of Health requested that MDA perform a number of supplementary services outside of its handling of the coronavirus crisis in the country including sending additional ambulances to Israel’s northern border, Judea and Samaria, and Gaza envelope communities. MDA was also asked to conduct special blood count examinations in addition to its standard testing programs.

MDA representatives say that after months of unfulfilled promises and needless waiting, the funding has yet to arrive, forcing it to make substantial cuts in these areas.

The organization says it hopes the avowed funding will be transferred in the nearest future to enable it to continue providing its regular services.

“MDA will continue to provide dedicated medical care in Judea and Samaria and the northern border. The original medical centers in these areas will continue to serve local residents,” read a statement by the group.

MDA discontinues ambulance services to Judea & Samaria, northern border, Gaza envelope, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, December 31, 2020

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Illegal Takeover in Area C, New Plan Announced to Monitor Illegal Activity

The Arab Group for the Protection of Nature (APN) is a Jordanian organization based in Amman. It claims to focus on protecting natural resources in Arab countries. However, in practice, most of his activity is in Israel, and it seeks to take over Israeli territory by planting millions of trees.

The organization has set up a comprehensive project called “A Million Trees in Palestine” and through it seeks to take over territories in Jerusalem, the Jordan Valley and Judea and Samaria.

Matan Peleg, chairman of the Im Tirzu movement, called on the Israeli government to “stop this phenomenon of silent land seizure that is being waged against Israel in Judea and Samaria.”

Settlement Affairs Minister Tzachi Hanegbi announced on Thursday the establishment of a new initiative aimed to prevent the “illegal takeover” of state lands in Judea and Samaria.

In a joint press release, the Settlement Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office announced that the government will be allocating NIS 20 million in 2021 toward vehicle and drone patrols that will collect information on illegal activities to seize lands in Area C of Judea and Samaria. This information will be relayed to the IDF, police and Civil Administration.

Exposed: Jordanian Org Taking Over Israel’s Area C, by TPS/Tazpit News Agency. Jewish Press, December 30, 2020

Govt. launches new initiative against illegal takeover of state land in Judea and Samaria, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, December 31, 2020

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Remembering Miri Tsahi, z”l, Photographer of Judea and Samaria

As you surely know, Americans For A Safe Israel’s mission is to educate the public on the truth about Israel. We also support Sovereignty over all of Israel, and especially Judea and Samaria.

In every fight for the truth, aside from advocacy organizations and politicians vigorously working toward that goal, there are many behind the scenes people who are an equally important part of the process too. The late Miri Tsahi was one such person.

The Sovereignty Movement issued a statement:

The Sovereignty Movement expresses its deep sorrow on the passing of the photographer and ideologist Miri Tsahi, z”l, a friend of the movement, a partner who was with us every step of the way, since the movement’s inception.

“Miri conveyed her great love for the Land of Israel through the lens of her camera to the general public. In her unique way, she strengthened in all of us, the connection and historical duty to the ancestral landscapes; to the images of the Land of Israel and historic moments that she documented – moments of sorrow, joy, pain and excitement”, say the co-chairwomen of the movement, Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar.

“Miri accompanied us and others in tasks of settlement and clinging to the Land of Israel; she was always there, near the residents and the settlers, day and night, to document, augment and eternalize it for future generations. There would have been a huge gap in the story of the settlement of Judea and Samaria if Miri had not been there with her camera at the right times and the right places.

The two women note Miri Tsahi’s contribution to the movement through her professional world as well, as she rushed to volunteer the best of her photographs of the Land of Israel for the movement’s publications. “She saw it as her personal mission to contribute her unique talents to the advancement of the vision of Sovereignty”.

Renowned Israel Hayom photographer Miri Tzachi dies at 66, by Hanan Greenwood. Israel Hayom, December 29, 2020

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This is Outrageous and Paving the Wrong Way for Justice!!

Police raise level of offenses against 4 youths who were car in which Ahuvya Sandak was killed.

The four young men who were in the car with Ahuvya Sandak and were lightly injured during the police chase were questioned by the police on suspicion of involuntary manslaughter and fleeing the scene of a crime.

The Supreme Court is expected to hear as soon as possible a petition demanding that the police be banned from investigating Ahuvya’s death, arguing that the police ordinance prohibits the police from investigating incidents in which police officers are also suspects.

The Honenu legal organization criticized the strengthening of the potential charges against the youths. “The blood of the next boy who is killed will be on the police and the Department of Internal Police Investigations. Anyone who does not conduct an honest investigation into the killing of a Jewish boy is paving the way for the killing of the next boy.”

Friends of Ahuvya Sandak face manslaughter charges, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva, December 28, 2020

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Red Light, Green Light, Go! Traffic Lights Approved in Samaria

After two years of work and concentration of effort, the Transportation Ministry complied with the demand of the Samaria Regional Council and the Karnei Shomron Local Council for traffic lights at the Jinsafut and Funduk Junction on Route 55. This route is one of the most dangerous junctions in Samaria.

Work is expected to start February 2021.

The project is expected to serve Samaria Regional Council residents including Nofim, Yakir, Revava, as well as the residents of Kedumim Local Council, Karnei Shomron, and Emanuel Local Council.

Karnei Shomron Local Council Chairman Yigal Lahav said: “…On behalf of all the residents, I thank Minister Miri Regev for her personal intervention in providing a solution to this dangerous intersection and in promoting the transformation of Route 55 into 4 lanes, and I hope that the response to the additional intersections that have become many road accident hotspots will be answered quickly.”

AFSI is glad to see this welcome development in Samaria but there is still much more to be done for the entire region.

Traffic lights in Samaria to cost NIS 14 million, by Hezki Baruch. Aurtz Sheva, December 26, 2020

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1, 2, 3, 4…Knesset Dissolved. Israel Heads to 4th Election in 2 Years

Parliament dissolves as deadline to approve budget expires with coalition failing to legislate extension; Netanyahu to remain as PM until vote expected to take place on March 23; Likud set to remain biggest party despite strong challenge from its ex-MK Gideon Sa’ar.

Israel headed into its fourth election campaign in two years at the stroke of midnight Tuesday, as the deadline for passing a state budget expired and the Knesset automatically dissolved by law.

Elections are expected to take place on March 23, 2021 – exactly 90 days after the Knesset dissolved as required by law.

Our hearts go out to the Israeli people who will have to go through another election process. Election season is now in full swing with multiple candidates vying for the top position. Netanyahu, Sa’ar and Bennett all say they are committed to Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria. Yair Lapid cannot be counted out. Israelis are in for a bumpy ride. One thing appears to be certain: there will be a delay for SOVEREIGNTY NOW!

Israel embarks on fourth election in two years as budget row topples Knesset, by Ynetnews., December 23, 2020

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Enforcing the Truth Begins Now

Today, U.S. Customs and Border Protection published a Federal Register Notice to ensure that country of origin markings for Israeli and Palestinian goods are consistent with the United States’ foreign policy approach. The notice establishes that producers within certain areas designated in the Oslo Accords and the Hebron Protocol (the areas under Israeli control) must mark their goods as “Israel,” “Product of Israel,” or “Made in Israel” when exporting those goods to the United States. Parties that import these goods into the United States are responsible for ensuring compliance with the marking requirements.

CBP Statement on Country of Origin Markings for Israeli and Palestinian Goods, Official Release from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, December 23, 2020

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OUTRAGEOUS – This is COVID-19 Relief?

The US Congress Coronavirus relief bill released Monday includes $250 million in investment aid for the Palestinians and for encouraging Israeli-Palestinian dialogue. This can be found in a provision titled the “Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act of 2020.”

Let’s remember that in 2018 Congress limited funding to the Palestinian Authority under the Taylor Force Act. The Act prevents US taxpayer dollars from going to the Palestinian government while it continues to pay stipends to terrorists and their families.

TAKE CAREFUL NOTE!! On pages 1425-1426, if the PA “… has demonstrated firm commitment to peaceful co-existence with Israel….”, there is a provision for “Palestinian Statehood.”

While President Donald Trump is vowing to veto the bill, due to the insulting $600 checks slated for the American people, AFSI would also like to see him cancel the $250 million slated for the Palestinians along with any promise of PA statehood.

Coronavirus Stimulus Bill Funds Hundreds of Millions in Aid to Palestinians, by Joel B. Pollak. Breitbart, December 21, 2020

Full Text of the COVID-19 Stimulus Bill, December 21, 2020


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