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As Israel Waits for Election Final, Is Israel Missing Out?

Speculation is rampant about how Israel’s September 17 elections will be resolved. With all but the votes of the IDF Soldiers and the diplomats counted, Blue and White has a slight lead over Likud but no way to form a government without Likud. Netanyahu has solidified a right-wing bloc of 55 that has pledged in writing to remain a bloc with him at the head. Gantz says he should head a unity government and wants it to be a “liberal” one.

Do you think Israel will have a third round of elections in February?

Or will someone put the country ahead of themselves and find a path to forming a government?

Since President Donald Trump’s election in 2016, Israel has benefited from many golden opportunities in its partnership with Trump. AFSI remains concerned about lost time – the lack of a functional government means more lost golden opportunities working with President Trump.

Election results hanging in the balance also mean a delay in the long awaited release of the ‘Deal of the Century.’

And what about promises made to reclaim the Jordan Valley and Hebron?

It’s true patience is a virtue but the loss of time in Israel’s case is not productive.

In the meantime, here are a few of the latest reports and opinions on the election:

Gantz says he should lead unity government, rejects coalition led by right ~TOI Staff

Elections Update: Still No Clear Winners: Another Round of Elections Appear to be on Horizon ~David Sidman

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Arab Nation Invites Israel to Showcase Tech Advances at 2020 World Expo

The Jewish state was invited to showcase its innovations in water technology, health and hi-tech at a major exposition in Dubai to be held on October 2020 through April 2021 at he the 2020 World Expo.

This opportunity represents Israel’s rising status, not only in the world-at-large, but in a region that has historically been hostile to Israel.

Preview Israel’s planned Pavillion at the 2020 World Expo HERE.

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Tomorrow Is Only A Day Away: Netanyahu’s Pledge to Apply Sovereignty

With just a day away from learning who will be Israel’s next Prime Minister, current PM Netanyahu has pledged to fulfill his promise to apply Sovereignty over the Jordan Valley – and without delay.

The subject of Sovereignty opened Netanyahu’s weekly Cabinet meeting. “We will apply sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and the Northern Dead Sea as soon as the next government is established in the next Knesset. I have appointed a work team headed by the director of the Prime Minister’s Office, which will formulate an outline for applying sovereignty,” said Netanyahu.

We like hearing it and the fact that on Thursday he promised to apply Sovereignty to the E1 area of Ma’aleh Adumim!

More to come? Netanyahu Vows to Annex Hebron, Kiryat Arba After Election.

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Rockets Fired Into Israel Two Straight Days

On both Tuesday and Wednesday this week, rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel’s Southern communities of Ashkelon and Ashdod. One attack earlier in the week forced Prime Minister Netanyahu to be rushed off stage at an election rally campaign appearance.

No injuries were reported on either day. There was shrapnel damage to one home.

In retaliation for these latest attacks on Israel, the Israel Defense Forces shelled Hamas military posts in the north.

What are Israel’s options to put a complete stop to these ongoing attacks against? Lately, there’s been much talk swirling around about a full scale military operation in Gaza. When and will it happen?

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Do Not Delay! Enforce the Law Now

After five years of non-enforcement by the Civil Administration against illegal Arab construction in Gush Etzion, Israel’s Supreme court has had enough.

Justice Noam Solberg ordered the state to update the court within two weeks about the demolition date.

With so many illegal buildings constructed in Area C, it is in Israel’s best interest to enforce the law, assert its lawful rights and carry out demolition without delay. The fact that this has been delayed for five years demonstrates Israel’s systemic failure to implement correct action in a timely manner. Without action taken, the situation will only worsen, notes NGO Regavim.

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Netanyahu’s Dramatic Statement On Sovereignty

In a Tuesday morning address to the media and with less than a week away from Israeli elections, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated:

“There is one place that Israeli sovereignty can be applied immediately after the elections if Israeli citizens let me in. Today I announce my intention to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea,” he declared. He also emphasized that the forthcoming release of the long-awaited ‘Deal of the Century’ presents an historic opportunity to apply Sovereignty.

We appreciate hearing Netanyahu’s post-election plans for Sovereignty, but of course, remain cautious. No intention of applying Sovereignty should be met with empty promises or be a part of a political deal. AFSI looks forward to the real deal.

Read the Women in Green’s response to Netanyahu’s announcement HERE.

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Israel Defends Against Hostilities

The IDF stated that Israeli jets struck a Hamas naval-equipment depot and two aerial operations “military centers” on Saturday. This was in response to an armed drone that entered Israeli airspace from the Gaza Strip earlier in the day,

“The IDF will continue to act against attempts to harm Israeli citizens, and holds the Palestinian terror group Hamas responsible for everything that takes place in the Gaza Strip and which emanates from there,” said the IDF.

The new terrorist threat on Israel’s borders ~Yoav Limor

Israel released a statement today stating that on Monday several rockets were fired at its territory from Syria by an Iranian-backed force in what would be a rare incident, but that they all fell short. “Earlier this morning, a number of rockets were launched from Syria towards Israel, all failed to hit Israeli territory,” a statement from Israel’s military said.

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Netanyahu Warned Everyone. Now An Explanation is Needed.

In a speech last year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit the site of what he warned was a “secret atomic warehouse” in Tehran.

As we expected, the UN nuclear watchdog found samples of traces of uranium from this site. Iran has yet to offer and explanation, reports two diplomats who follow the IAEA’s inspections closely.

Images show Iranian efforts to cover up nuclear facility ~Arutz Sheva Staff

UN atomic watchdog confirms Iran installing advanced centrifuges ~AFP and TOI Staff


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An Early Al Chet

For those of you who had the opportunity to join AFSI at last month’s Jabotinsky Memorial & Tribute, you’ll remember that Amotz Eyal of TPS showed us the many ways in which the media distorts not only written text, but images too. These false narratives end up slandering and hurting Israel.

On this subject, last week, action was taken by Ad Kan’s attorney Tzur Falk. Ad Kan is a group dedicated to defending the good name of Israelis who are attacked by the left, as well as turn in leftist criminals who collaborate with the Palestinian Authority. Falk sent Meretz leader Moshe “Mossi” Raz a strong warning letter describing the actual event behind the provocative image shown here.

Raz issued an apology via his Twitter account to Yair Trabelsi, local security coordinator for Karnei Shomron. While AFSI appreciate’s Raz’s apology, it is imperative that facts on the ground be established first before rushing to judgment and spewing unnecessary attacks against Israel. We expect better from all of Israel’s leaders.

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