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Sukkot Starts Tonight: Chag Sameach – Happy Holiday!

A sukkah outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem
Lulav and Etrog, symbols of Sukkot

Tonight starts the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.

Sukkot has a double significance, one being agricultural (“Feast of the Ingathering”), and the second, religious, commemorating the Exodus and the dependence of the Israelites on G-d ‘s protection.

It is a joyous holiday where people eat (and some sleep) in a temporary, somewhat flimsy structure known as a sukkah (tabernacle; plural: sukkot), as a remembrance of the Israelites’ travels in the Sinai after the Exodus from Egypt.

Sukkot is one of the three pilgrimage holidays when Jews in Israel would travel to Jerusalem and present offerings at the Temple. It is a joyous time to be in Israel! But if you can’t be in Israel for Sukkot, consider going with AFSI this November! Be in Israel for the Torah portion Chaye Sarah, when AFSI will be experiencing Shabbat in Hebron! Join tens of thousands in a once-in-a-lifetime experience of visiting and praying at the Machpelah, the burial place where our Jewish ancestors are buried.

See the flyer above for details and contact the AFSI office!

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AFSI Condemns Last Night’s Mass Murder in Las Vegas and Wishes a Full and Speedy Recovery for the Wounded

Americans For a Safe Israel (AFSI) condemns the horrendous mass murder committed last night in Las Vegas.

Our hearts go out to the families of the victims, and we wish a full and speedy recovery to all those wounded.

ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack, the deadliest gun massacre in modern US history. Although this claim has not been substantiated, there are reports that the gunman did convert to Islam several months ago.

We will continue to monitor this story.

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In Light of all the Damning Evidence, Much of the Jewish Media Continue to Support David Myers – A Response to the Editor of the Jewish Week

Letter to the Editor
The Jewish Week

Dear Gary,
Your article on David Myers downplays his “leftist” leanings to which he readily admits, and attributes the calls for his ouster as being on “political grounds.” You speak about the “lunatic fringe” of the Israeli right, to which Americans for a Safe Israel must also belong. We joined with Ronn Torossian, ZOA and JCC Watch in demonstrating outside the Center for Jewish History on September 27 to educate attendees to the Center, and passers-by, about the reasons we are calling for Myers to be fired.

Those reasons include Myers’ writings which are revisionist versions of Jewish history. Instead of seeing the Israeli victory of 1948 as a great moment that precipitated the declaration of the Jewish state, Myers speaks about the “wound of the Naqba” – the Arab word for disaster.

Myers also sees Israel’s 1967 victories which restored lost lands to Israel as the “conquering” of those lands. He preaches “the inevitable demise of Israel” and he excuses Arab terrorism as “frustration driven.” Although he denies affiliation with SJP, he is silent about his support for J Street, the New Israel Fund, and groups that support BDS, which blame the “occupation” and “West Bank settlements” for their boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel.

A large protest is planned outside the Center on October 18 to make it clear that those calling for the firing of Myers are not going away. Tragically, his supporters and the editor of Jewish Week do not see that they themselves are driving wedges within the Jewish world. Gary Rosenblatt writes that the “current toxic political climate, when divisiveness is a White House goal, and distorting the news is a favored technique, it is normative behavior for those who disagree on an issue – in this case, what it means to be “pro-Israel” – to seek to marginalize, demonize and defeat those with a different point of view…”

How sad that legitimate criticism, backed by facts and quotes, is blamed on President Trump, a toxic political climate, and labels pro-Israel defenders as demonizers. Clearly, the “left” is ready to see the re-writing of Jewish history, erasing the truths, and substituting the PC “moral equivalency” version.

We, who see ourselves as the defenders of Israel refuse to stand silently by with folded hands. We will continue to protest, and those who can evaluate the truth, will join us.

Helen Freedman
Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI

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“Son of Hamas” Tells the Truth A Bit of Sanity Emerges in a Sea of Absurdity (must-see video below)

Arutz Sheva is carrying the latest video of Mosab Hassan Yousef, known as the “son of Hamas.”
Here’s the story:
Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of Hamas founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, stunned the Palestinian delegation to the UN Human Rights Council when he called out the PA’s human rights abuses of their own people.
The PA delegation reacts with shock as Hassan Yousef calls the PA the “greatest enemy of the Palestinian people,” in a video posted by UNWatch.
“If Israel did not exist, you would have no one to blame,” he declared.
Son of Hamas speaking at the
UN Human Rights
Monday, 9-27-2017
2 min. 43 sec.
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Absurdity: Peace In Our Time

President Trump’s envoy, Jason Greenblatt recently arrived in Israel on a mission to try to jump-start peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. It is being reported that the Trump administration is urging Israel to make gestures toward the Palestinians to improve the overall atmosphere:
Why Trump is still putting so much time and effort in this endeavor is somewhat of a mystery, as it has been clear for a long time that the “Palestinian” Arabs are not interested in peace, unless that peace includes the demise of the Jewish state, Israel.
While Greenblatt was in Israel, a Palestinian Arab terrorist murdered three Israelis: a border policemen and two civilian security guards, guarding the town of Har Adar, north of Jerusalem.
As tragic as this is, it only points to the futility of the idea of peace between Israel and the “Palestinian” Arabs. As if on cue, what did the Arabs do after the murders? What they frequently do – despicably, they celebrated! They viewed the murderer as a hero, passed out candy to drivers, and perhaps most disgustingly, Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah organization pledged to pay the murderer’s family.
Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister sent a message to Jason Greenblatt right after the murders. Her message is one of sanity in a world filled with absurdity. It can be viewed here:
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To say the news is filled with absurdities is an understatement. Consider the following:
  • How absurd is it that the Center for Jewish History hires a CEO who supports anti-Israel organizations and rewrites Jewish history?
  • How absurd is it that the terrorist entity known as the Palestinian Authority was voted into Interpol, an international police organization whose mission is to fight terrorism and crime?
  • How absurd is it that a US “peace delegation” arrived in Israel just as three Israelis were murdered by Palestinian Arab terrorists, and the head of the PA, Mahmoud Abbas, applauds their heinous act?
  • How absurd is it that the UN Human Rights Council, whose membership consists of fascistic, terrorist states, holds court on a regular basis solely to bash and malign Israel?
We review these absurdities below.

Last Night’s Rally Against David Myers at CJH Was Only the Beginning!

Yesterday, AFSI, and a host of others rallied in front of the Center for Jewish History (CJH) on 16th Street, NYC, calling for the firing of its recently-installed President and CEO, David Myers.
We engaged many in fruitful dialogue, explaining why we were there, and handed out hundreds of copies of our Fact Sheet, recreated below. Passersby included those entering the facility for an event, CJH administrative staff, nearby NYU students and individuals out for an evening stroll.
This was the first in a series of planned demonstrations to oust Myers, whose support for anti-Israel organizations supporting a boycott of Israel, makes him unfit to head such a distinguished organization as CJH.


David Myers is the new President and CEO of the Center for Jewish History (CJH).
  1. Myers believes that Israel is an “OCCUPIER”, denying Israel’s biblical, historic, and legal entitlement to the Land of Israel.
  2. Myers is on the board, or a strong supporter of Israel’s enemies: Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), J Street, IfNotNow, New Israel Fund (NIF), BDS, Academic Advisory Council of Scholars for Israel and Palestine, Open Hillel
  3. Myers is mired in anti-Israel bias. He seeks “justice for Palestinians  as a political and moral imperative of the highest order.”
  4. Myers is guilty of re-writing history:He sees the Israeli victory of 1948 which led to the creation of the State of Israel as the “wound of the Naqba” – Arab disaster!He propagandizes that “the root cause of BDS is the “occupation” and “West Bank settlements.”

    He excuses rampant Arab terrorism and textbooks exhorting Arab youth to seek Israel’s annihilation as “frustration driven.”

    Instead of celebrating Israel’s victories in 1967 as the restoration and liberation and reunification of Israel, he labels Israel the evil “conqueror”.

    Myers declares that SCR 242 “requires an end to the “occupation.”

 As a UCLA professor, Myers was preaching the “inevitable demise of Israel” and the removal of Israel as central to Jewish identity. He espoused anti-Israel rhetoric at every opportunity.

All those who are properly incensed by this betrayal of Jewish interests are invited to participate! Bring flags and signs. Most importantly, alert your family, friends, and neighbors.
Questions may be directed to Helen or Judy at AFSI:
Here are a few pictures from last night’s rally:

Absurdity: Interpol votes to admit “Palestine” as a member state!

Putting it mildly, it doesn’t get more absurd than this:
As reported in the Times of Israel, Interpol voted Wednesday to include Palestine as a member state, in a new boost to Palestinian efforts for international recognition and influence amid long-stalled negotiations with Israel for full statehood.
And: A top US lawmaker said that Washington won’t honor Palestinian warrants issued through Interpol.
In a comprehensive review, Aaron Klein lays out Six Reasons Interpol’s Decision to Admit ‘Palestine’ Is Dangerous. These are:
  1. The terror-tied Palestinian Authority police will gain access to Interpol information about criminal activities.
  2. Hamas police may soon be part of the Palestinian Authority government that just joined Interpol.
  3. The PA can use Interpol to issue arrest warrants for Israeli officials.
  4. In recognizing a nonexistent state, Interpol legitimized the fake Palestinian narrative of “Palestine.”
  5. At least as far as the international policing agency is concerned, Interpol seemingly granted the Palestinians de facto sovereignty over Jerusalem and the West Bank.
  6. Interpol’s actions serve as a diplomatic assault on the Jewish state and will further Palestinian intransigence regarding negotiations with Israel.
U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), who has been a consistent staunch supporter of Israel, released the following statement condemning the Interpol General Assembly for accepting the Palestinian Authority as a member:
“The Interpol General Assembly’s decision is shameful and wrong. The Palestinians have been seeking membership and recognition in international bodies despite the reality there is no Palestinian state. This bid for membership is part of an effort to further the PA’s diplomatic and legal warfare campaign to delegitimize Israel in international forums, and I am concerned that the PA will now try to take advantage of its membership by seeking illegitimate and unjustified Interpol actions against Israeli citizens.
Senator Cruz’ full statement can be read here:
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Americans for a Safe Israel/AFSI and JCC Watch have announced plans for demonstrations to be held at the Center for Jewish History on September 27 and October 18 to protest the hiring of David Myers as President and CEO of the CJH. It is located at 15 West 16th Street between 5th & 6th Avenues, NYC.
Helen Freedman and Judy Freedman Kadish, Co-Executive Directors of AFSI, ask, “How was David Myers, former Professor at UCLA, selected to be President and CEO of such a prestigious institution as the Center for Jewish History? How does someone clearly aligned with Peace Now, the New Israel FundJ Street, and BDS sympathizers, qualify for a position where five estimable institutions will be guided by his anti-Israel stance? Can a man who talks about the ‘deep wound of the Naqba‘ and ‘Israel’s role in the dispossession of Palestinians‘ properly teach the history of the Jewish people? As a member of If Not Now, Myers called for a ‘stop to the occupation of the West Bank.’ How is it possible for someone who doesn’t understand Israel’s entitlement to its biblical promised land to be placed in a position of control over the Center for Jewish History?”
Richard Allen, founder and leader of JCC Watch, has called for “full disclosure as to who was behind the selection of David Myers as President and CEO of CJH.” He states, “Hiring a clear foe of Israel and someone who distorts Jewish history, does the Jewish community a terrible disservice. Myers must be fired.”
The Wednesday, September 27 demonstration at the Center for Jewish History will take place from 6-7:30 PM. All those who are properly incensed by this betrayal of Jewish interests are invited to participate. Bring flags and signs.
The Wednesday, October 18 demonstration will also be at the Center for Jewish History, from 4:30-6:30 PM. Again, flags, signs, balloons, are all welcome. Most importantly, alert your family, friends, and neighbors.
Questions may be directed to Helen or Judy at AFSI:
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Protesting Against Roger Waters At The Barclays Center

Members of several pro-Israel organizations including AFSI and JDL, as well as other concerned individuals, protested against musician Roger Waters at the Barclays Center, this past Monday and Tuesday evenings.
For years, Waters has been in the forefront of BDS, using his fame and public persona to promote a boycott of Israel. He has accused Israel of being an apartheid state, and has used anti-Semitic imagery during his concerts.
Although the concerts went on as scheduled, our presence outside the arena caused many individuals to stop and engage in conversation about Waters’ anti-Israel and anti-Semitic views. Many were unaware of his views, and although relatively few in numbers, we touched hundreds of concert goers. Time well spent.
Below are several photos of these protests.
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Al Sharpton – A Has-Been Who Has Been Around Way Too Long

Racist, anti-Semitic Al Sharpton has been in the public arena far too long. He passed his expiration date years ago, but stays around, spoiled and rotten.
For decades he has instigated violent protests throughout New York City – many of them anti-Semitic and causing the deaths of innocent bystanders. And for decades, he has hobnobbed with the rich and famous in order to pad his oversized pockets.
For decades Sharpton has epitomized sleaze.
No surprise he was a regular welcomed guest at the Obama White House.
While we had thought (and hoped) that he had retired from public life, he keeps on ticking, and he keeps popping up in the company of other leftist radicals. These include Jewish leftists who years ago had faded into irrelevancy, only to find new life with Donald Trump’s victory, as well as the Occupy Wall Street detritus who also lay dormant with nothing to do until The Donald assumed power.
The media have loved Sharpton, as he has always been a colorful figure (no pun intended). If there is a leftist cause deemed worthy of protest, especially one in which he could manufacture an excuse to blame the Jews, you can be certain that he will lead it, with those Jewish leftists who make cause with everything except Jewish causes, arm-in-arm with Sharpton the anti-Semite.
What is it with these Jewish leftists and Sharpton? Perhaps some insight can be gained from Daniel Greenfield’s article, which is well worth reading: JEWISH LEFTISTS MARCH WITH ANTI-SEMITIC SHARPTON AGAINST TRUMP.

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