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Saudi-Israel Peace: Is the US Meddling Again?

Israeli and Saudi officials and leaders are reportedly frustrated with the Biden administration’s insistence on giving the Palestinian issue so much weight in the talks to reach a tripartite agreement between Saudi Arabia, the US, and Israel. Israel Hayom reported this on Monday, citing sources that are informed of the details, that the U.S. administration’s exaggerated obsession with the issue is impeding the process of normalizing ties and halting any breakthroughs.

One of the sources stated that disagreements regarding the central issues on the agenda, including the US-Saudi defense pact and the Saudi nuclear program, are not highly significant and can be overcome.

On the other hand, the source says the American emphasis on the Palestinian issue is so excessive that it can be the thing that collapses the entire process. Saudi officials criticized the US administration’s insistence on the issue as well.

It’s high time for the US to stay out of Israel’s affairs since they bring nothing but a destructive agenda to the table. The terms the US has for peace with any nation with Israel only endangers the security of Israel as a whole and threatens the safety of its population.

Israeli, Saudi sources: US focus on Palestinians harming normalization, by Ariel Kahana/JNS, October 2, 2023

Israeli, Saudi officials fear US insistence on Palestinian issue can harm normalization, by Israel National News, October 2, 2023


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The Season of Our Rejoicing Met with Violence From Within

A group of right-wing coalition Members of Knesset led by Simcha Rothman sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel Police Chief Kobi Shabtai demanding an examination of the treatment of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount by police officers.

Akiva Ariel, the spokesman for the Beyadenu Temple Mount advocacy group, noted that police have been aggressive towards Jews at the Temple Mount during this holiday. The organization documented that Jews visiting the Temple Mount were met with severe violence by policemen. In the video, a policeman is seen turning off his body camera, approaching and brutally beating a young boy. The policemen were also observed trying to take cellphones by force and used threats and harsh language against them.

“So far, 22 Jews have been arrested on the Temple Mount. several of them for attempting to bring a lulav and etrog into the compound in order to perform the mitzvah that is specific to the holiday. Others were arrested for attempting to prostrate themselves on the holy stones.”

The Sukkot holiday is in progress and the Jewish people wish to ascend the Temple Mount to perform a mitzvah but still they are treated like criminals. Israel must assert its legal rights to the Temple Mount and become a government in control of its sovereign rights. This is a disgrace and there’s nothing else to be said about it or describe the ongoing shameful treatment of the Jewish people that this is.

MKs petition Netanyahu to improve treatment of Jews at Temple Mount, by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz/Israel365News, October 2, 2023




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Mass March in Samaria Sends Gov’t Strong Message

Samaria governor Yossi Dagan joined the Samaria march together with the Minister of Settlements Orit Strook. The march went towards the altar of the biblical Joshua in response to attempts to destroy the site by the Palestinian Authority.

The participants called to protect the historical sites in Judea and Samaria and protested the Palestinian Authority’s attempts to appropriate the Jewish historical sites including the Cave of the Patriarchs, Ancient Jericho, the Temple Mount, the Joshua’s altar in ancient Samaria, which they are trying to appropriate “for Palestinian heritage” with the assistance of the European Union.

Minister Strook said that “It should be clear: wherever the Palestinian Authority acts contrary to its commitment according to the Oslo Accords – in any such place the State of Israel must take responsibility and act on its own, and this principle certainly also includes situations of destruction of heritage.”

Governor of Samaria: ‘The nation is voting with its feet’, by Israel National News, October 2, 2023








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Treated Like a Terrorist to Cover for Their Failure

Elisha Yered, the man who was seriously injured when he was struck in the head by a stone in a near-lynching near the PA town of Burqa, received an order this week barring him from Judea and Samaria for six months.

Yered was one of a group of Jews who came to the aid of a Jewish shepherd who was attacked by a mob of Arabs in early August. He was arrested for shooting and killing one of the Arab rioters after he was struck in the head by a stone.

The order also forbids Yered from meeting with Rabbi Menachem Ben Shahar, one of the teachers at the Homesh Yeshiva, as well as a number of other Jewish activists.

Rabbi Ben Shahar said, “This is a clear attempt to silence us that is reminiscent of the conduct of dark regimes. The Commander-in-Chief and the Shin Bet are acting in a desperate attempt to forcefully silence criticism, to cover up their failure in the face of terrorism.”

Jewish man wounded in near-lynching banned from Judea and Samaria, by Israel National News, September 29, 2023









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Blessing or a Curse: New US Visa Waiver

This article was written by Jonathan Pollard in response to the new US Visa Waiver.

It was reported several weeks ago that the ambassadors of Canada, the EU and Australia requested that Israel allow their Palestinian Arab citizens the same right of free entry into Israel that the US is demanding for its Palestinian American citizens.

For those of us opposed to the US Visa Waiver deal, all we could say was: “We told you so”. Although our Foreign Ministry quickly rejected the requests of the three governments, it’s likely that Israel will eventually accede to this latest attempt to use a Visa Waiver program as a means of flooding our country with hostile visitors.

At first glance, the US-Israel Visa Waiver deal seems rather innocuous. After all, what could be wrong with the free movement of people between two allies?

But the hyphenated Americans this agreement is meant to cover are some of the most vicious anti Semites one could imagine.

Pollard concludes: This foreseeable tragedy will be due to one unfortunate fact: namely, that our leaders have conveniently forgotten that their loyalty should be to the Land and People of Israel, not a bunch of left-wing foreign governments, which want to use the Visa Waiver programs as Trojan Horses to infiltrate their hate filled Palestinian citizens into Israel.

Jonathan Pollard: US Visa Waiver deal is a nightmare, by Jonathan Pollard/Arutz Sheva, September 26, 2023

US announces: Israel accepted to Visa Waiver Program, by Israel National News, September 27, 2023




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Netanyahu Meets Biden: At What Cost?

Last Wednesday’s meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden led to a softening in US-Israel ties following a 10-month period of distance.

It should also be noted that Netanyahu paid a price to bring about a turnaround in Biden’s attitude, mostly by ignoring the bad agreement reached by Biden with Iran, including billions of dollars.

It seems that the restraint that the IDF is exhibiting in Judea and Samaria, as well as Netanyahu’s decision to bolster the Palestinian Authority, also resulted from pressure from Washington. Biden is also urging Netanyahu to reach a consensus on the judicial reform.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman says in his latest piece that Biden put on a “master class” in forcing PM Netanyahu to choose between his coalition and a peace deal with the Saudis. Among the conditions Netanyahu would have accept in exchange for normalization with Saudi Arabia, as outlined in the article, would be curbing Jewish construction in Judea and Samaria, improving living and travel conditions for Palestinian Arabs there, advancing Palestinian Arab administration over more of their populated areas in accordance with the Oslo Accords and in essence agreeing to steps on the ground that preserve the option of a two-state solution.

It’s obvious the pressures from Biden were to be expected but did Netanyahu also appease Washington? If so, at what cost to Israel? Could it be that Netanyahu knows since Biden has only one year left in office that he can play nice with him, make Biden think he’s appeasing him, and still protect Israel’s interests?

US-Israel ties are back on track, by Ariel Kahana/Israel Hayom, September 21, 2023

Thomas Friedman: Biden told Netanyahu to choose between his coalition and Saudi peace, by Israel National News, September 24, 2023




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Netanyahu Demands UN Cease Hostility to Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and António Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations, met on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday in New York City.

The Israeli leader stressed Iran’s role in destabilizing the Middle East and the world.

Netanyahu also “demanded” that Guterres “change the attitude of the organization’s institutions towards the State of Israel,” according to the readout, “and said that it was untenable that while major changes for the better were taking place in the entire world and in the Middle East that the U.N. was unaffected and remained steadfast in its hostility to Israel.”

Netanyahu told Guterres that “the time has come for the U.N. to condemn Iranian subversion and Palestinian terrorism against innocent civilians, and to refrain from its baseless criticism of Israel,” the readout added.

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s demand is on point and needed to be not only said but HEARD by this international gathering of world leaders. However, unless there’s a major turnaround in leadership at the U.N. itself, we have no hope of the U.N.’s ongoing hostilities changing toward the only democracy in the Middle East.

Netanyahu demands that Guterres halt ‘baseless’ UN criticism of Israel, by JNS Update Desk/September 20, 2023

PM Netanyahu Meets with US President Joe Biden, by Prime Minister’s Office, September 20, 2023








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US Shows Support for Samaria

Members of the US Congress and Senate, many from Long Island, NY, together with official representatives of the State of New York, toured Samaria during a visit to Israel.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan said, “This is another step on the path towards beating the lies of the BDS. We thank Bruce Blakeman, our dear friend, and the County Executive of Nassau County in New York, who brought about this visit and has helped us greatly. He also passed a law in his county against the Ben & Jerry’s corporation, which called to boycott Judea and Samaria.”

Congress members visit Samaria: ‘Biden’s policy is flawed, his advisers are anti-Israel’, by Israel National News, September 19, 2023


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Terror Wave Strikes in the New Year

Three separate terror attacks were reported across Israel Monday morning, hours after the end of the Rosh Hashana holiday. The first incident, a stabbing attack, was foiled in Jerusalem Monday morning.

Hours later Monday morning, Palestinian terrorists operating in the town of Dayr Sharaf in Samaria opened fire on an IDF post.

In the afternoon, a third attack was reported just outside of Kibbutz Meirav, near the Green Line separating Samaria and the Galilee.

On Friday Israeli security personnel foiled a terrorist bombing attack in Tel Aviv and apprehended three suspects believed to be responsible for the attempted attack.

While all attackers were neutralized and nobody was hurt, Israel remains on high alert during this holiday season. These latest terror attacks make calendar year 2023 the deadliest year of terrorism since the Second Intifada.

TERROR WAVE: Three shooting, stabbing attacks in one day, by David Rosenberg/World Israel News, September 18, 2023

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Who’s Destroying Israel’s Image?

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was harshly criticized Monday morning for saying anti-judicial reform protesters were “joining forces with the PLO and Iran” in harming Israel.

“The protesters have made blocking roads a normal event, refusal [to serve in the military] normal, and they are defaming Israel before the world,” said Netanyahu ahead of his departure to the United States. “I was the head of the opposition, and I did not slander Israel in front of the world.”

Netanyahu’s office later clarified that he did not mean to equate protesters with Iran, but merely pointed out that for the first time in history, Israelis will be protesting outside the UN headquarters during an address by an Israeli premier along with Palestinian and BDS supporters.

Opposition Leader Yair Lapid said, “There is no person who has destroyed our image in the world more than Netanyahu in recent months. Nothing helps the Iranians more than the ‘coup d’état’ of his government. His accusations against the patriots of the protest is more proof of the serious disruption to his judgment and understanding of reality.”

Of course, we differ with Lapid. The agitators are being funded to purposely protest and create havoc against their own government. We know it’s all about the left’s desire for power and we fear that desire will reach a dangerous point where they will be equated too closely with what defines a terrorist. Their ongoing willingness to be a part this quest for power sends a bad message to the world and only fuels the flames of anti-Semitism and Israel hatred.

Netanyahu issues clarification after suggesting protesters helping PLO, Iran, by Ariel Kahana and JNS/Israel Hayom, September 18, 2023


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