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Twitter Thought Readers Might Want to Know the Truth About Israel

Squad member Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib got slammed by Twitter’s “Community Notes” fact-check feature, after she spread lies about Israel and US Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy.

Tlaib tweeted, “Speaker McCarthy wants to rewrite history, but the apartheid state of Israel was born out of violence and the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. 75 years later, the Nakba continues to this day.”

Under Twitter’s new policy, readers are allowed to add “Community Notes” and the ones listed in the photo above clearly convey the truth that combat the vicious lies Cong. Tlaib spewed against Israel.

Tsk, tsk Cong. Tlaib. What will you do now? Spew your lies elsewhere? We doubt Twitter will post any Community Notes that support the garbage that you tweet.

Antisemite Tlaib’s Anti-Israel Tweet Gets SHREDDED by Twitter’s Community Notes, by Yaakov M/VINnews, May 3, 2023

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What Happened to Judicial Reform?

The Knesset opened its summer session today convening for the first time since the Passover recess.

Topping the Knesset’s agenda is passage of the state budget. If the budget does not pass by May 29, the Knesset will automatically dissolve, and snap elections will be called.

Today the Knesset held a festive ceremony during which United States House Speaker Kevin McCarthy spoke.

The “March of the Million” took place last Thursday evening near the Knesset and is a clear demonstration that Israelis WANT judicial reforms. The turnout, in the hundreds of thousands, succeeded in putting to bed opposition claims that Israelis are united against judicial reform. This is what the people of Israel want, and judicial reforms must be realized as soon as possible. Negotiations continue under President Herzog with wide differences of opinion. The “Million March” participants chanted loudly against compromise. We hope their voices were heard and that reform legislation will resume soon.

Judicial reform not on the agenda as Knesset opens summer session, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, May 1, 2023

March of the Million’ shatters opposition claim nation opposes judicial reform, by David Isaac/JNS, April 28, 2023



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No Alternative: Khan al-Ahmar Must End

On Monday morning, the High Court of Justice heard arguments in yet another round of Regavim’s petition demanding the implementation of demolition orders issued by the state in 2009 to evacuate an illegal outpost on Route 1, in an area under full Israeli jurisdiction.

At the hearing, the state’s representative claimed that the state has no objection to the implementation of the orders but demands that it be given full discretion as to the timing and way in which they are to be implemented, due to the political and security considerations involved.

Attorney Avi Segal, representing Regavim in this petition, explained: “Although in principle it is true that the court should not interfere in political issues, in the event that the state refuses to enforce the law for 15 years and under the auspices of this situation the Palestinian Authority and the residents of the compound continue to take over territory, there is no alternative: the High Court of Justice must put an end to this saga and allocate a reasonable timetable for the state to enforce the law.”

Following Stormy Debate, High Court Again Postpones Its Khan Al Ahmar Ruling, by David Israel/Jewish Press, May 1, 2023




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With Zionism There is No Discrimination

In honor of Israel’s 75th birthday and Herzl Day, which will take place next week, the government will debate a historic resolution making Zionism the guiding and decisive value in all government actions.

The move has already been met with outrage by the former interim prime minister and opposition leader MK Yair Lapid.

The resolution, titled, “Zionism as Guiding Value in Government Activities,” calls to “order government ministries and all of the government’s arms that Zionist values as they are expressed in the Basic Law: Israel Is the Nation-State of the Jewish People, will henceforth be the guiding and determining values in shaping the policy of public administration, interior and foreign policy, legislation and action of the government and all its components and institutions, both at the phase of devising public policy as well as the phase of integrating and carrying out the same public policy, without diminishing the principles anchored in the Basic Laws.

The Zionist values that guide the Jewish State are also spelled out in relatively easy English:

“The State Of Israel will be open for Jewish immigration and for the Ingathering of the Exiles; it will foster the development of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will be based on freedom, justice, and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel; it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, race or sex; it will guarantee freedom of religion, conscience, language, education, and culture; it will safeguard the Holy Places of all religions; and it will be faithful to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations.”

Before he goes on another rant, Lapid obviously needs to read more carefully or get a pair of eye glasses.

Lapid Condemns as Racist Bill Saying Zionist Values Should Guide Legislation, by David Israel/Jewish Press, April 27, 2023



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Bibi Caves, Golan Out, Glick May Be In

Likud Party minister May Golan will remain a part of the current Israeli government, her short-lived consideration for the role of consul general is over.

It appears that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu caved following criticism from left-wing American Jewish leaders and the State Department over Golan’s past remarks.

Among the candidates now being considered for the high-profile position of consul general in New York is prominent Israeli-American author, columnist, and talk show host, Caroline B. Glick.

We are pleased that Caroline Glick is under consideration for this prestigious position, considered Israel’s third-most senior diplomatic position in the United States after the ambassadors to Washington and the United Nations. Despite this, we are shaking our heads with tremendous disappointment to see the current government, once again, bow to outside criticism that dictates to the Jewish Nation State how it should run the internal business of its own sovereign country.

Caroline Glick under consideration for New York consul post, by Etgar Lefkovits/JNS, April 24, 2023

Pushback against May Golan’s New York appointment was not universal, by Mike Wagenheim/JNS, April 24, 2023

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In Bad Taste! UN Stoops to a New Low

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Gilad Erdan read the names of Israeli victims of terrorism at a Security Council session. The Session criticized Israel before Erdan left the meeting in protest against the holding of the session on Israel’s Memorial Day for fallen soldiers and victims of hostilities.

“Today is one of the most sacred days of the year for the State of Israel,” Erdan told the Security Council members. “We made numerous requests to reschedule today’s debate, describing the deep importance of the day, yet tragically this council refused to budge.”
“Today’s debate has crossed all lines. While Israelis mourn, this council, as usual, will hear more blatant lies condemning the State of Israel and falsely painting it as the root of all the region’s problems.”

The UN’s despicable behavior should be of no surprise to anyone. Nothing better can be expected from this Israel hating organization known as the UN (Useless Nations).

Erdan reads names of terror victims, leaves Security Council session held on Memorial Day, by Israel National News, April 25, 2023


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Investment in State of the Roads Will Enhance Security

Israel’s Ministry of Transport and Road Safety announced this week that it has submitted an unprecedented 50 billion shekels budget proposal to the Ministry of Finance for the development and improvement of transportation over the next five years.

The goal is to improve transportation in Judea and Samaria that will enhance security in the face of constant terrorist threats, improve road safety and thus reduce traffic accidents and alleviate the traffic jams. The most significant budget allocation will be directed to widen Route 60, the main north-south highway traversing Judea and Samaria, in both the Binyamin and Gush Etzion regions.

We are pleased to see an important infrastructure plan to dramatically improve the quality of life for the residents, and others, who rely on this main artery to the Jewish towns in Samaria.

$960 million earmarked to improve transportation in Judea and Samaria, by Josh Hasten/JNS, April 20, 2023

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9th Postponement for Illegal Outpost

The Israeli government was set on Sunday to ask the Supreme Court, sitting as the High Court of Justice, to dismiss a petition seeking to force the state to evacuate the illegal Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar.

The government will cite ongoing negotiations with the residents of the encampment on a compromise plan to resettle them, along with the potential diplomatic and security ramifications associated with the prospective demolition.

Khan al-Ahmar has been an issue since 2009. It’s high time for this illegal outpost to be removed. No more negotiations. The longer it is allowed to stand only demonstrates that the current government is concerned with left-wing actions that appease the enemy and not those that benefit a Sovereign nation.

Israeli government to ask High Court to dismiss petition to evacuate Khan al-Ahmar, by JNS Brief, April 23, 2023





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Why Did Israel Take 2 Days to Exercise its Sovereign Rights?

A banner proclaiming support for terrorism against the Jewish State hung unimpeded for two days from the Temple Mount’s Dome of the Rock Mosque this week. The banner was finally removed two days later during the overnight hours following an appeal from Beyadenu to Israeli media and to National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Tom Nisani, executive director of Beyadenu protested the decision: “Who would have believed that under the right-wing government we would see a banner supporting Hamas and encouraging terrorism emblazoned in the heart of the Temple Mount, all the more so on Holocaust Remembrance Day. I’m ashamed.”

Hanging the PA flag on the Temple Mount is a clear violation of Israeli law. It’s enough of an outrage that the Jewish people must be subjected to restricted access to this holy site. To see this flag displayed, particularly on Yom HaShoah, adds insult to injury. The two days it took for Israel to act on this doesn’t indicate the immediate and timely action that should have been taken by a sovereign nation.

Hamas Banner Hangs Unimpeded on Temple Mount’s Dome of the Rock Mosque, Removed After 2 Days, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, April 19, 2023

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Dropped: A Crime in Homesh

The Petah Tikvah Magistrate Court this week ordered the annulment of criminal indictments for transgressing the Disengagement Act of 2005, against Rabbi Elishama Cohen, Rosh Yeshiva of the Homesh Yeshiva, the yeshiva rabbis, and several students following a request from the Samaria prosecution in Ariel. The request to drop the indictments followed Knesset legislation that repealed the Act about a month ago.

Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan said: “There is nothing more moral than transgressing the racist law that discriminates and prohibits Jews from being in any area of the Land of Israel. The filing of the indictments was a crime on top of a crime, and I welcome the decision to drop them.”

While this is an important step in the right direction, the fate of the evacuated Homesh community, and others, remains unclear.

With Disengagement Law Annulled, State Drops Indictments Against Israelis Who Visited Homesh, by David Israel/Jewish Press, April 19, 2023


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