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Disaster in Beirut: Circling Back?

The explosion in Beirut earlier this week is beyond catastrophic. At least 137 people are dead, with hundreds more feared dead. US and French citizens are among those reported as casualties and over 5,000 are reported injured. Hundreds of citizens are now homeless.

The investigation is focusing on how 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate, a highly explosive chemical used in fertilizers, came to be stored at the facility for six years, and why nothing was done about it.

The ammonium nitrate stockpile is that which Hezbollah has threatened time and again to unleash on Tel Aviv.

In the aftermath of the explosion, Israel estimates that the likelihood that Hezbollah will carry out its threats to harm Israel have dropped significantly. The risk of Hezbollah confronting Israel is considered too high after the disaster.

Israel’s doctors have gone above and beyond in reaching out with medical assistance. They have implored the Lebanese people to accept their expert help. Israel’s humanitarian spirit applies to all in need.

Hezbollah has been a long-standing threat to Israel. But in this case, the harm Hezbollah has long wished to inflict on Israel has only returned bad energy back to them. As the old adage says, what goes around comes around.

Death Toll Rises In Beirut Blast Linked To Seized Russian-Owned Ship, by RFE/RL. Radio Free Europe – August 6, 2020

Assessment: Likelihood of Hezbollah revenge attack has decreased, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – August 5, 2020

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Border Breach Successfully Thwarted

Four people crossed into Israeli territory from Syria and planted improvised explosive devices inside an unmanned IDF outpost along the Syrian border late Sunday night.

Soldiers from the Maglan special forces unit and unspecified aircraft opened fire at the four suspects, some of whom were armed, killing them all, IDF Spokesperson Hidai Zilberman told reporters Monday morning. The army also released video of the incident, showing figures approaching a fence near the border and being hit with a missile.

IDF forces conducted a tour of the area today where the bomb was thwarted last night. Weapons and a bag were found, containing a number of explosive devices that were ready to be used against an IDF force, 25 meters from the perimeter fence, inside Israeli territory.

Despite all of this, no Israeli soldiers were injured. Life for the residents of the Golan continues as normal. Israelis are a resilient and amazing people. We say this is a miracle and we are thankful.

For an insider report, Golan resident Yaakov Selevan shares a Facebook post to let us know how the community fared during this security breach. Listen to Yaakov HERE.

Syrian cell entered Israeli territory to plant bomb in unmanned army post — IDF, by Judah Ari Gross. Times of Israel – August 3, 2020

IDF locates explosive devices on northern border, by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – August 3, 2020

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Rocket Launched Into Israel

The IDF reported on Sunday that the Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory.

The launch set off sirens in the southern town of Sderot as well as in the Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council in the north-western Negev.

As sirens blared, dozens of citizens were enjoying the inauguration screening at a new drive-in cinema complex at Sderot’s municipal market.

The only casualty was a vehicle damaged by shrapnel following the interception near the Gaza border and the interruption of an otherwise enjoyable respite from the solitude of Covid 19 by the Sderot residents.

Iron Dome intercepts rocket launched from Gaza Strip, by YNet News. YNet News – August 2, 2020

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Remembering Gush Katif with Yaakov Hagoel

In 2005, a reckless and irresponsible government decision put our Zionist vision to the test.

10,000 people from 28 communities were expelled from their homes.

Today, on the 15th anniversary of the destruction of Gush Katif and four communities in northern Samaria, it is time to correct this historical injustice. We call for the application of Israeli sovereignty in all parts of the Land of Israel.

“For the Lord will not abandon His people, nor will He forsake His inheritance.” – Psalms 94:14

Americans For A Safe Israel joins Yaakov Hagoel in remembering the senseless destruction of the beautiful Jewish community of Gush Katif. The expulsion from Gush Katif 15 years ago was a tremendous mistake, and even worse, an incomprehensible human tragedy. Never again should any Jewish community in Judea and Samaria be expelled from their land only to be used as a pilot program to test the potential for peace.

Yaakov Hagoel is the Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization and Head of the Department for Activities in Israel and Countering Anti-Semitism. Yaakov’s remembrance of the Gush Katif expulsion first appeared on his Facebook page on July 31, 2020.

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Keeping Up With UNRWA- Any Potential for Change?

In 1978, Dalal Mughrabi took part in the Coastal Road Massacre in which an Israeli bus was hijacked. Thirty-eight Israelis lost their lives in the attack, including 13 children. To Israelis, Mughrabi is a terrorist.

To the Palestinians, she is a national treasure. Children are taught to emulate her example. She also pops up regularly in textbooks, where she is lauded as martyr and a hero.

Responsibility for reaching a definitive ruling on Mughrabi’s status – if such a thing is possible – may ultimately fall to Philippe Lazzarini, the incoming commissioner-general of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) for the Palestinians.

Lazzarini tells the Jerusalem Post, “We have zero tolerance for [teaching] incitement or violence. We are focused on human rights values in our schools.”

To the contrary, sources in the Israel government said,“Either Mr Lazzarini is living with his head totally in the sand or he is misleading the public,” the Post was told. “UNRWA schools are a hotbed of indoctrination, incitement and total obsession with the right of return. Their schoolbooks are PLO schoolbooks, and their teachers’ manuals are PLO manuals. UNRWA schools are essentially in contravention of UN principles of peace and reconciliation, and are bringing us further away and not closer to a resolution with the Palestinians.”

Lazzarini has every opportunity to make necessary changes to the terrorist preaching, anti-Israel UNRWA curriculum. But will he? We’re not holding our breath.

New UNRWA head to ‘Post’: No glorifying terrorists in our schools, by Donna Rachel Edmunds. Jerusalem Post – July 30 , 2020

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Make Sovereignty a Force to Contend With, Says Regavim

The Regavim Movement recently submitted a formal complaint to Ramle Mayor Michael Vidal, demanding enforcement of the Construction and Planning Law against an illegal structure built by members of the city’s Islamic Movement – in a local Muslim cemetery.

Responding to Regavim’s complaint, Vidal admitted that the newly-completed structure is, in fact, illegal, and violates Ramle’s Municipal Planning and Zoning Masterplan. At the same time, Vidal claimed that the local planning and construction committee is taking the necessary enforcement action against the illegal structure.

“We must not allow law and order to be buried by the Islamic Movement,” said Regavim’s spokesman. Our goal is to make equal and universal law enforcement more than just a slogan, and to make Israeli Sovereignty a force to be contended with.”

Arabs complete construction of illegal structure in central, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – July 28, 2020

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Israel’s Sovereignty Breached. Lockdown Order for Residents Now Lifted

The Israel Defense Forces reported today at noon that an incident has taken place on the Israel-Lebanon border near Har Dov (also known as Shebaa farms).

The incident appears to have been triggered by a Hezbollah terrorist squad that had attempted to stage a cross-border attack. IDF troops managed to thwart the attack and fired at the squad.

The IDF confirmed that no Israeli troops or civilians were hurt in the incident. It was not immediately known if they were injured.

Residents in the area reported explosions and the IDF issued a mandatory order to residents of the north to “shelter-in-place” to avoid casualties. That order was later lifted about an hour later, after the incident ended.

The incident comes amid heightened tension between the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist group and the Jewish state after a senior Hezbollah official was killed in a strike that has been attributed to Israel in Syria.

IDF thwarts Hezbollah cross-border attack, no Israeli casualties reported, by Israel Hayom Staff. Israel Hayom – July 27, 2020

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PA Terrorist Pay Day is Over as Israel Scores a Big Win in Court

An Israeli district court on Sunday evening approved the government’s seizure of tens of thousands of shekels that the imprisoned terrorist Fakhri Zahir Mansour Omar received from the Palestinian Authority (PA) as a salary His father’s petition was also rejected on the matter, setting a legal precedent for further similar seizures.

Mansour Omar was involved in an attack and transported the terrorist who carried out the attack on the market in Hadera in October 2005 in which six Israelis were killed.

The seizure order that allowed the money to be taken is part of a precedent-setting move initiated by the National Headquarters on Terrorist Economic Counter-Terrorism at the Ministry of Defense to issue seizure orders for salaries paid by the PA to terrorists.

Israel has recently begun to confiscate the monthly stipends paid by the PA to convicted terrorists with Israeli citizenship and their families.

The PA has a policy of paying the families of convicted terrorists imprisoned in Israel, including Arabs with Israeli citizenship. The payments have been criticized as a financial incentive to commit terrorist attacks against Israelis.

It’s a great day and huge win for Israel.

Breakthrough Court Ruling Approves Seizure of Terrorist’s PA-Paid Stipend, by Aryeh Savir, Tazpit News Agency. Jewish Press – July 27, 2020

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Jabotinsky in the Mirror of Reality by Yaakov Hagoel

Eighty years ago, the stormy heart of Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Zionist leader, founder of the Revisionist movement and Betar Youth Organization, fell silent.

After decades of his teachings being pushed to the margins of public discourse, today Jabotinsky finally receives a proper place in history. His ideology has slowly but surely seeped into the public consciousness and is appreciated for its merits.

The Jewish and Zionist world is facing a very significant period. Today, both the political right and left now see the inevitable implementation of the process of applying Israeli Sovereignty to Jewish communities in all parts of the Land of Israel.

#Jabotinsky #SovereigntyNow #SilenceIsDespicable

Jabotinsky in the mirror of reality, by Yaakov Hagoel. Arutz Sheva – July 23, 2020

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US State Department to Correct 2019 Report (Psst, wrong numbers were based on UN figures)

Ezri Tubi of Boomerang Fighting for Israel fought for the truth about Israel and WON! Americans For A Safe Israel is so proud of our friend, colleague and guest on this week’s AFSI ZOOM meeting.

A recent Israel Hayom report showed that the US State Department was incorrectly tallying the number of Palestinian terrorist incidents in the Israel 2019 Human Rights Report it published several months ago. The US government said it would amend the document.

US Congressmen Doug Lamborn and David B. McKinley pressed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo after Israel Hayom reported the errors, which were based on UN figures that took their information from left-wing NGOs or Palestinian advocacy groups.

The data about Palestinian attacks on Israelis were collected by Boomerang- Fighting for Israel. The group advocates for Israel and publishes a weekly report on terrorism statistics. Kol haKavod Ezri Tubi!

Boomerang’s reports are included towards the bottom of every AFSI newsletter under the “Resources” section. To view our recent Zoom meeting with Ezri, visit our YouTube Channel.

#TruthInNumbers #UNNumbersWrong

Following flawed report, US to publish new figures on Palestinian terrorism, by Ariel Kahana. Israel Hayom – July 15, 2020

Why did US report on Palestinian terrorism get the numbers wrong?, by Ariel Kahana. Israel Hayom – July 7, 2020

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