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7 Years to Justice!

Thanks to the pressure exerted by Israeli NGO Regavim and the Shomron Regional Council, the Civil Administration removed illegal structures built on land belonging to the Jewish community of Leshem in Samaria.

The case at hand: Taysir Abdallah was a squatter on government land that belongs to the Jewish community of Leshem in the Shomron. He illegally occupied a prime piece of property, directly on top of what was meant to be the safe, modern access road to the community.

“The tactics used by Abdullah are classic examples of a system that involves thousands of illegal Arab structures. Nonsensical permit requests, appeals designed to clog the system, abuse of the legal process – the State of Israel must take action vis-à-vis the system as a whole. Otherwise, every lawbreaker is rewarded, and the law enforcement system is brought to its knees.” ~Yishai Hemo, Regavim Field Coordinator for Judea and Samaria.

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Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Revealed, Part 1

Just days before the US sponsored Bahrain conference, the White House released the first of a two-part Middle East peace plan, outlining the Trump administration’s “economic vision” for Palestinian Arab territories and neighboring Arab countries.

The highly anticipated proposal calls for a $50 billion investment in PA territories from private companies and donor countries to jump start local economies and boost conditions in Jordan, Egypt and Lebanon, which would each receive a portion of the funds.

The 40-page plan rests on three initiatives: 1) to “unleash the economic potential” of the Palestinians, 2) “empower the Palestinians to realize their ambitions,” and 3) “enhance Palestinian governance.”

The second part of the plan is meant to address the political implications of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process and is expected to be released in the fall.

Read Part 1 of the proposal Peace to Prosperity, The Economic Plan: A New Vision for the Palestinian People.

Saudi diplomat argues that this includes a “clear path leading to complete Palestinian Independence” ~Jerusalem Post Staff

PA says Trump deal nothing more than a financial bribe while everyone else jumps on the American bandwagon ~David Israel

Bolton: Without security there can be no peace ~Arutz Sheva Staff

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Next Stop: Trump Square

Petah Tikvah in central Israel will name a city square after US President Donald Trump in a special inauguration ceremony on July 3. The name will be Trump Square.

“The State of Israel has not had a more sympathetic and supportive president than US President Donald Trump. We appreciate his support for the State of Israel and its residents and it is fitting that a central square in the fourth largest city in the State of Israel be named after him.” ~Petah Tikvah Mayor Rami Greenberg

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On Monday Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted to her Instagram account that the “United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.”

Many institutions and individuals were quick to lash out at Ocasio-Cortez. The Holocaust History Museum at Yad Vashem responded by suggesting she learn about concentration camps first.

Democrats have remained silent thereby allowing these inflammatory remarks to distort right from wrong and truth from falsehood. Weak and ineffective House Speaker Nancy Pelosi blew off her comments: “I’m not up to date with her most recent remarks.”

BEST RESPONSE: “We are not running concentration camps … in any part of the United States, you damn fool.” AFSI likes commentator Mark Levin’s response to Ocasio-Cortez’s deliberate distortion of truth. Listen to Levin HERE.

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Intentional Arson in Yitzhar

Earlier this week, for two consecutive days, Arab arsonists set fires specifically intended to harm the community of Yitzhar in Samaria.

Israelis living in the targeted area were forced to leave their homes as the fires that were intentionally set spread quickly.

AFSI’s initiatives by installing a firebreak in Yitzhar sends Arab arsonists to the other side of the Yishuv. It’s unacceptable that the government does not go after the arsonists.

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Sovereignty Must Not Be Threatened

An Arutz Sheva report revealed that the New Israel Fund (NIF) is appealing to supporters to support US Senate legislation against the application of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.

Shair Glick, CEO of the Jewish human rights organization, B’tzalmo, said that the NIF’s appeal “crosses a red line. The NIF always prides itself on being an Israeli organization operating inside Israel, but it now turns out that it is employing outsiders to exert external pressure against Israel.”

“I call upon the government of Israel to declare the severing of any contact with this organization, which is a foreign corporation operating against the interests of citizens and the State of Israel,” Glick added.

AFSI applauds the action of B’tzalmo and urges the Israeli government to cut all ties with the NIF and other left-wing NGO’s that seek to harm Israel now.

The IDF Should Cut Contact with B’Tselem ~Gilad Zwick

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Rocket Launched From Gaza- Hits Sderot Hesder Yeshiva

A Red Alert in southern Israel was sounded Thursday as a rocket hit the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva. Thankfully, the building was empty at the time and there were no injuries, however the building suffered extensive damage.

“As I have said in the past, this situation cannot continue. Only a military operation will bring quiet to our area. Our dear citizens are entitled to raise their children in a quiet and routine manner, like the rest of the country.” ~Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi

Original reporting by media sources incorrectly stated that the Sderot Chabad Yeshiva was struck by the rocket attack. It was the Sderot Hesder Yeshiva. This is where the AFSI Chizuk mission spent a Shabbat a few years ago, and which honored Judy Freedman Kadish at their April 10 dinner in New York City. Rabbi Dovid Fendel , the head of the Yeshiva, is a close friend of AFSI.

We have a lot of thanks to G-d. ~Rabbi Dovid Fendel

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Next Stop: Ramat Trump – Trump Heights

On Sunday, as an expression of Israel’s deep gratitude to President Donald J. Trump, the Israeli cabinet began the process of moving toward establishing a new community on the Golan Heights called Ramat Trump (Trump Heights).

This action comes only three months after President Trump recognized Israel’s Sovereignty over the Golan Heights.

“We are proud to have the opportunity to establish a new community, and also to honor a big friend,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at the opening of the special cabinet meeting held on the Golan Heights.

‘Hundreds of Jews want to make aliyah and live in Trump Heights’ ~Adi Hashmonai

AFSI’s recent Chizuk Mission went to the location while the name was being debated. We’re happy to see the decision was made.

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Stop Talking Right and Doing Left

Council leaders in Judea and Samaria will begin campaigning against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies in the area. Under the slogan, “Stop talking right and doing left,” they will demand the government commit itself to Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria and to ending the illegal Arab construction in Area C.

Traveling throughout Israel, the AFSI Chizuk missions witness endless illegal Arab construction everywhere. It is totally out of control and must be stopped before it becomes an impossibility.

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This is Not a Ceasefire: Rocket Fire on Israel

In retaliation for a rocket launch towards Israel, the IDF attacked a Hamas tunnel in the Gaza Strip overnight Wednesday. The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted the rocket and no injuries or damage were reported.

No calls for both sides to hold to the recent ceasefire agreement is possible when the other side continues its attacks against Israel.

The Airstrike on Syria Observation Post was a Long Time Coming ~Ron Ben Yishai

PM: Israel Will Strike First, Not Wait To Be Attacked ~Gary Willig

Hizbullah Positions Hit by Israeli Missiles on Syria ~Naharnet Newsdesk

Balloon-Borne Bomb From Gaza Explodes Over Israeli Town ~Judah Ari Gross

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