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This Plan is a Non-Starter

Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI welcomes the invitation of the Trump Plan to declare Sovereignty over all existing Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and has high hopes that this will be done with minimal delay.

The Peace Plan is a Non-Starter

by Helen Freedman

It’s only because President Trump is leading the way in shaping and proposing a peace plan for the Arabs and Israelis that we are giving any credence to this plan. In the past, every plan was turned down by Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas and so we came to believe they would always inadvertently help us in the end. Slamming doors, walking out on negotiations on the part of the Arabs was guaranteed to help Israel. Even today, President Trump does not have faith in the PA. PA President Mahmoud Abbas would not even talk to President Trump on the telephone, and PA Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh denounced the plan, saying that it gives Israel sovereignty over land the PA claims as its own. Trump’s reaction to this is “They probably won’t want it initially, but I think in the end they will…It’s very good for them…Without them we won’t do the deal and that’s OK.”

It’s very OK because the biblical promise of a Jewish homeland means that all of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. The hilltops of the Shomron/Samaria, the Judean hills, Gaza, Hebron, the Gallilee, the Negev, the Golan, and the Jordan Valley, were always part of Israel and must remain in Israeli hands. Sovereignty has become a leading movement in Israel, led by two dynamo women, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover. They have instilled in the people of Israel the facts that ALL of Israel makes up the nation state and NONE of it can be given away. The Six Day War of 1967 brought all of Israel under Israeli control. “Settlers” were encouraged to settle the lands of Judea and Samaria which had been under Jordanian control. Today there are over 350,000 Jews living in flourishing communities like Kedumim, Shilo, Bet-El, Itamar, Efrat, Elon Moreh, and more. Businesses are flourishing. Prize winning wineries, farms, cattle herding and more are part of every day life. What have the Arabs to show for their efforts?

Terrorism and educating the young and old to hate Jews and Israel are the main themes of Arab life. Tragically, the EU and the UN work together with the PA to fund them and to support their claims to Israel’s land. After the signing of the hateful Oslo accords of 1993, with Bill Clinton overseeing the travesty and pushing Arafat, along with Rabin and Peres, to accept the idea of the “two-state solution,” Israel became the oppressor in the “occupied territories” and the “poor Palestinians” were left to their evil devices. Israel was seen as the Goliath, while the PA was the weak David. Truth was turned on its head. The PA leadership was only interested in pocketing the profits that came to them, and promoting the religious battle between the Jews and the Muslims. Terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, surrogates of Iran, took control in Gaza and in Lebanon, threatening Israel’s northern cities. Illegal takeover of land by Bedouin Arabs, supported by the EU, have taken over areas around Jerusalem in the Adumim region. Illegal Arab building is rampant even in Jerusalem.

The regional threat of a nuclear Iran is a menace to Israel. Khameni, Iran’s Ayatollah Khameni has called Israel a “cancerous tumor that must be destroyed.” Former Iranian president Rafsanjani, boasts that an atomic bomb would destroy Israel, and “just produce minor damages in the Muslim world.” Israel is not alone in its concerns about Iran. America is wrestling with the problem of a nuclear Iran as are the Middle Eastern countries. It would be a dangerous error to strengthen our enemies, offering what President Trump calls the “deal of the century” which will be “overly good to them.”

We know the PA leaders will reject the plan. We’re thrilled with that, because then there will be no threat to Israel’s sovereignty. We are grateful to President Trump for all the positive things he has already done for Israel. Once the PA rejection is official, let’s hope the “deal” will be torn up and that will be the end of the “negotiations.” Israel must be recognized as an intact, sovereign Jewish state, fulfilling its biblical promise.

Trump’s Peace Plan: Key Points

“We are not here to lecture—we are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be, or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership – based on shared interests and values – to pursue a better future for us all.” ~President Donald J. Trump

Please note that Trump’s long-awaited peace plan calls for a two-state solution – a component of the plan that Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI does not endorse.

Here are a few key acknowledgements the 181 page plan makes that you should know:

  • The territory that Israel is being asked to transfer is “territory to which Israel has asserted valid legal and historical claims, and which are part of the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people.”
  • Under UN Security Council Resolution 242, Israel is not legally bound to provide the Palestinians with 100% of pre-1967 territory. and that Israel has already withdrawn from 88% of the territory Israel captured in 1967.
  • Israel will not have to uproot any Jewish communities in Judea-Samaria where 450,000 Jews live.
  • Jordan Valley will be under Israeli sovereignty.
  • Israel will retain sovereignty over territorial waters.
  • Full demilitarization of Gaza, Hamas, PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad), and other militias and terror groups; and placing a body acceptable to Israel in control of Gaza. This is required prior to Israeli implementation of peace agreement obligations.
  • The Jewish people’s right to pray on the Temple Mount.
  • “Jerusalem will remain the sovereign capital of the State of Israel” and should remain an undivided city. It was stated at the press conference the Palestinians will have a capital in the part of eastern Jerusalem that is on the other side of the security fence. We do not endorse this point.
  • The embassy of the United States to the State of Israel will remain in Jerusalem.”
  • Full demilitarization of any Palestinian State and Gaza.
  • Calls for Palestinians to “demonstrate both a clear intention and a sustained capacity to fight terrorism,” to be determined by Israel.
  • The Plan calls for all Israeli captives and remains be returned to Israel.


President Donald J. Trump’s Vision for Peace, Prosperity, and a Brighter Future for Israel and the Palestinian People. Official White House Statement – January 28, 2020

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Inside Israel: Hamas Spy Ring Uncovered

Israeli security forces uncovered a Hamas intelligence-gathering network inside of Israel, the Shin Bet internal security agency revealed Monday.

The network, which was operated by Hamas terrorists inside of the Gaza Strip, included Israeli Arab citizens from central Israel.

The Shin Bet internal security agency discovered and dismantled the spy network three and a half weeks ago, according to an indictment filed Monday.

Hamas spy operation uncovered in Israel used Gazans with Israeli mothers, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – January 27, 2020

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We Applaud This Stand Against Illegal PA Construction

Defense Minister Naftali Bennett asked the High Court for 45 days to formulate a policy on the open areas in Judea and Samaria and the attempts by the Palestinian Authority to take control of them.

In a hearing held last week, the High Court granted the request and rejected the petition by attorney Michael Sefard which seeks to allow a Palestinian Arab company to undertake massive development work near the new town of Amichai in Binyamin under the TABO project.

An extension was issued following the State announcement that “the defense minister wants to examine the issue in depth and discuss it with all relevant parties, since this is a complex issue that must also be examined in aspects and implications that deviate from the specific case.”

‘Construction company worked for PA since 2011’, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – January 26, 2020

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Presidential Message Issued on International Holocaust Remembrance Day 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz

“On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we remember the millions of precious souls who perished as a result of the horrific crimes perpetrated by the Nazi regime. We also reaffirm our steadfast commitment to confronting the vile poison of anti-Semitism wherever and whenever it arises.”

Presidential Message on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2020. Official White House Statement, January 27, 2020

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Political Window of Opportunity: Sovereignty Over Jordan Valley

The Sovereignty Movement responded favorably to the statement by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu regarding his intention to apply Sovereignty in the Jordan Valley and over the communities in Judea and Samaria.

“The Prime Minister is restoring the political discourse to an ideological, moral, and Zionist one. As a politician with a profound and farsighted historical perspective, he is aware of the momentousness of this period and of the rare political opportunity that has presented itself, with the Israeli consensus and American support standing together behind the decision to apply Sovereignty over the Jordan Valley and over the communities in Judea and Samaria,” say movement heads Yehudit Katsover and Nadia Matar.

The Movement calls upon the Prime Minister to accelerate the Sovereignty process “and not waste the political window of opportunity that is presenting itself.”

Sovereignty Movement calls Jordan Valley proposal ‘momentous opportunity not to be wasted’, by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – January 21, 2020

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A Reminder Why Israeli Sovereignty is Needed

Today world leaders convened to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz at the Yad Vashem Holocaust museum in Jerusalem.

Since the end of World War II, what have world leaders learned and done to prevent another Holocaust? Seventy-five years after the liberation we still see genocide, mass killings and human rights abuses. World leaders meet and talk. There will often be a moment of silence to remember and declare “Never Again.” There always are lots of photo ops and networking. Meeting over and everyone heads for home.

Except surrounding today’s event many of the leaders are adding a visit to Ramallah for a visit with Abu Mazzen who wants to wipe Israel off the map.

What is wrong with this picture?

We know that swift and decisive action during World War II that might have put a stop to the Nazi killing machine was not taken. At the height of the killing, the Allied leaders had first person witness accounts of what was happening and Germany’s plan for the “Final Solution” were published but downplayed by the media.

When it comes to Israel, seventy-five years later we still see disbelief, excuses and lies, along with double standards, demonization and delegitimization.

That Israel is the legal, historical and biblical homeland of the Jewish people is a fact.

Accepting the truth about Israel is still a problem for too many.

The truth about Israel is downplayed, smeared and twisted by the enemies who refuse to acknowledge the truth.

“Never Again” will Jews be dependent on anyone for anything.

“Never Again” will Israel be unable to DEFEND ITSELF.

“Never Again” will Israel fail to REMAIN A SOVEREIGN STATE.

Why the bombing Auschwitz argument still matters, by Jonathan S. Tobin. Israel Hayom – January 21, 2020

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For Domestic Enemies of Israel the Clock is Ticking

The Israel Defense Forces can make use of administrative restraining orders to ban left-wing activists from the Judea and Samaria, according to orders issued Saturday night by Defense Minister Naftali Bennett.

It marks the first time the Defense Ministry has determined that blanket injunctions, as opposed to isolated ones here and there, can be used against left-wing activists.

“The circus is over. We will act harshly against domestic enemies that harm IDF soldiers and the country’s security,” Bennett said. He has asked the IDF Central Command, the general security establishment including the Shin Bet and the Israeli police force, to work on the matter.

What more can we say other than it’s about time to get tough on those who seek to harm the IDF and Israel? It’s totally unacceptable for such hostile organizations to conduct business against Israel in the manner that they do. Bravo MK Bennett!

Bennett to ban ‘left-wing anarchists’ from W. Bank, by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post – January 18, 2020

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Legal Victory in Court for Jewish Property

Ateret Cohanim, an organization which works to protect Jewish property rights in Jerusalem and to redeem Jewish real estate in and around the Old City scored a legal victory Sunday, when a Jerusalem court accepted the group’s demand that property in eastern Jerusalem be returned to its Jewish owners.

The property in question was part of the ‘Kfar Hashiloah’ neighborhood: a Yemenite Jewish community established in the area in the 19th century which was destroyed during Arab riots prior to the establishment of the State of Israel. During Jordan’s occupation of the area beginning in 1948, the property was seized by local Arabs, becoming part of the Silwan neighborhood.

Americans For A Safe Israel gives a big Yasher Koach to Motti Dan and Daniel Luria and all the dedicated staff of Ateret Cohanim, not only for this enormous legal victory, but for their tireless and ongoing work to reclaim Jewish land and return it to Jewish hands.
This organization has our full support and plays an integral part in every one of our Chizuk Missions to Israel.

Court backs Jewish group’s demand that Jewish-owned property be returned, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – January 20, 2020

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Report: IDF Intelligence Says Iran’s Nuke Goals Are Clear

The IDF Military Intelligence Directorate presented its annual intelligence assessment to the political echelon Tuesday morning.

The findings indicate that Iran is continuing to advance at a slow pace and is capable of reaching enough material within a year to produce one nuclear bomb. Production of a missile capable of carrying the bomb will take another two years.

“We know exactly what is going on in the Iranian nuclear program. Iran thinks it will obtain nuclear weapons. I will say again – Israel will not allow Iran to obtain nuclear weapons,” stated Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

‘We know exactly what’s up with Iran’s nuclear program’, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – January 14, 2020

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A Win for Israel in Area C

Israel approved the creation of seven Israeli nature reserves in Area C of the West Bank, just one week after Defense Minister Naftali Bennett announced that he had embarked on a campaign to ensure that the area remains under the control of the Jewish state.

According to the Defense Ministry, it’s the first time since the 1993 Oslo I Accord that such an approval had been issued. The Defense Ministry’s announcement of the move also includes the expansion of 12 already existing nature reserves.

“Today we are greatly strengthening the Land of Israel by developing Jewish settlement in Area C – with actions, not words. Judea and Samaria have natural sites with amazing views. We will expand existing sites and develop new ones…. I invite all Israeli citizens to get up and walk the land, to tour Judea and Samaria, hike, discover new things and to continue the Zionist enterprise.” Bennett said.

In Area C battle, IDF approves 7 Israeli West Bank nature reserves, by Tovah Lazaroff, Khaled Abu Toameh. Jerusalem Post –  January 15, 2020

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