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Could the Middle East Ignite?

An interesting article in today’s Jerusalem Post suggests that the PA is worried that Hamas’s “Great March of Return” in Gaza may upstage and eclipse it. Palestinian political movements compete for who can be the most anti-American and anti-Israeli. So it is logical that the PA will stage their own march, only this time from the West Bank into Jerusalem, Hebron, or Bethlehem

With that said, believe it or not, Israel may have been given a gift, as its adversary is clearly signaling in advance what it is planning to do. It is up to Israel to come up with an effective plan to deal with tens of thousands of Palestinians crossing the ’49 armistice lines from both Gaza and the West Bank simultaneously.

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American Victims of PLO Terror Attacks Demand Congressional Hearings

A lawyer who represents American victims of terrorism has called on the U.S. Senate to hold hearings into the events that led Department of Justice Solicitor General Noel Francisco to file a brief with the United States Supreme Court siding with the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority against American victims of terror.

AFSI joins the call for Congressional hearings.

Read the full story in the Israpundit article by Sara Carter 

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From Israel – AFSI Advance Team

A meeting was held in in Ramat Gan to discuss plans for AFSI’s visit to south Tel Aviv for an update on the illegal infiltrators issue. This effort was spearheaded by May Golan.

Pictured L – R: Judy Freedman Kadish, AFSI Co-Executive Director with May Golan CEO of the Hebrew City, an NGO, and a campaigner against illegal immigration.

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YOM HASHOA Remember. Never Forget.

In Israel, when the sirens sound off at 10 AM, for a full two minutes the entire country comes to a standstill in silence to pause and remember the Six Million who perished in the Holocaust. People all over Israel from local cafes, beaches, neighborhood residences, schools, and major highways observe Yom HaShoah together as a People and a Nation. Please take a moment to remember the Six Million.

View the video below. More photos HERE

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