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Knesset Preliminary Vote a Win For Exercising Sovereign Rights

A law banning the hoisting of Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) flags in Israeli universities and academic institutions was approved last night in a preliminary reading in the Knesset plenum. The law was submitted after PLO flags were raised at recent “Nakba Day” rallies at Ben Gurion and Tel Aviv universities.

The explanatory notes to the bill state that it “draws a red line between a legitimate protest and a protest during which flags are flown by those who do not recognize the State of Israel or pose a threat to its existence, in bodies budgeted or supported by the state.”

Just yesterday, a large Palestinian flag hung by a left-wing group near the Diamond Exchange in Ramat Gan was taken down after sparking social media criticism and public calls by lawmakers for its removal.

Israel’s beautiful blue and white flag is a symbol of its Sovereignty as one free nation. It proudly waves as a reminder of all that Israelis have defended and sacrificed for the country. AFSI applauds the 63 Knesset members who voted in favor of this important bill, which included Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (16 opposed while Yesh Atid, Blue and White and Labor parties were absent). The bill recognizes that hostile enemies of Israel should never be permitted to dictate their message of hatred and violence in this way.

Bennett votes in favor: Knesset approves law banning waving of PLO flags, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, June 2, 2022

Palestinian flag comes off Ramat Gan tower after outcry, by TOI Staff/Times of Israel, June 2, 2022






Open post

PA Consulate Opening Still On The Table

It was reported earlier this week that in lieu of the immediate reopening of a PA Consulate in Jerusalem, Washington was planning to appoint the current top State Department diplomat for the region, Hady Amr, as a special envoy to the Palestinians.

In a briefing on Tuesday, Price rejected any report of the US shelving the opening of a PA Consulate in Jerusalem. Price was asked to comment and responded that the reports were inaccurate. “We remain committed to opening a consulate in Jerusalem. We’re continuing to discuss this with our Israeli and our Palestinian partners, and we’ll continue to consult with members of Congress as well. Meanwhile, at this very moment, we have a dedicated team of colleagues working in Jerusalem, in our Palestinian Affairs Office, focused on engagement with and outreach to the Palestinian people.”

Traditionally, the U.S. Department of State has been hot bed of anti-Semitism and Jew hatred. It continues on this destructive path towards Israel. Governmental changes seem to have little effect on this Department. It would be interesting and worthwhile to discover why. For now, we take comfort in remarks made by Mark Zell, Chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel. “The US does not have the legal authority to establish or expand a consulate in Jerusalem without Israel’s consent. That is international law. They understand that. They can’t open a consulate to the Palestinians in Israel without the Israeli government’s consent. The Israeli government said no, so that is why they didn’t do it.”

Price: US committed to reopening consulate to Palestinians in J’lem, by Reuters and ILH Staff/Israel Hayom, June 1, 2022




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US Counterparts Agree: No Nukes For Iran

Israel’s National Security Council chairman Eyal Hulata and his US counterpart Jake Sullivan have concluded the latest meeting of the US-Israel Strategic Consultative Group in Washington.

The SCG has met several times since the start of the Biden administration to coordinate efforts aimed at curbing the various threats posed by Iran. The meeting was attended by foreign policy, defense and intelligence officials from both governments.

The officials committed to coordinate on efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon and toward deterring Iran’s aggressive regional activities. They also discussed economic and diplomatic steps to achieve these goals and reviewed ongoing cooperation between the U.S. and Israeli militaries.

It’s great that Hulata and Sullivan agree that Iran should never be able to obtain nuclear weapons. If the US agrees on this, then they need to wake up and commit to no negotiations with Iran at all. At the expense of sounding like a broken record, the US needs to cancel the Iran “deal”, continue to impose sanctions and recognize the threat it poses to not only Israel, but the entire Western world. The West needs to assist the Iranian people in overthrowing the dangerous theocracy that rules the country with an iron fist. Attempts by young Iranians are being made but communications are being cut off and other roadblocks are in the way. This is an important fight to join. We must find a way to help now!

Israeli, US national security convene meet of strategic group aimed at addressing Iran, by Jacob Magid/Times of Israel, June 1, 2022






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Bennett: We Got Our Hands on Iran’s Deception Plan

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Tuesday published documents he said were taken from Iran. The documents, procured in the daring 2018 raid, show Iranian intelligence spied on the UN’s atomic agency in order to better cover up its rogue nuclear activities.

Bennett tweeted a link to the Google Drive files, which are in Persian, along with a video in which he responded to remarks by Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian dismissing the spying allegations last week at the Davos Economic Forum as “Zionist lies.” (Prior to this, the files had been shown only to the US.) “Iran lied to the world, Iran is lying to the world again right now, and the world must make sure that Iran doesn’t get away scot-free,” Bennett warned.

As Iran continues to be exposed for its true intentions and continues to repeat its lies, the pressure on Israel continues to grow with urgency for her to be prepared against any attack by Iran.

‘The proof’: PM publishes seized papers he says show Iran spied on UN nuke watchdog, by TOI Staff and Agencies, May 31, 2022





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Is Bennett’s Coalition Closer to Collapse?

Israel’s Justice Minister threatened to topple the government if it fails to pass a bill extending the term of enforcement of Israeli civil law in Judea and Samaria. He recently warned coalition partners that a vote against the Judea and Samaria Law would be tantamount to dissolving their own government.

“Coalition members who vote against this law are basically saying ‘I don’t want this government to exist’,” Sa’ar said.

The Judea and Samaria Law, renewed every five years by the Knesset, is a temporary measure which applies Israeli civil law to Area C – the territories under full Israeli control – in Judea and Samaria, without establishing Israeli sovereignty over the area. Again the Arabs are showing their muscle – no Israeli government should succumb to its blackmail although it appears that several factions are making outlandish offers to procure their votes.

We can’t say it enough times – apply sovereignty now! ENOUGH!! Do the right thing and let Israel exercise her legal right to the land.

‘Vote against Judea and Samaria Law, and this government is done’, by Israel National News, May 31, 2022




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If At First, You Don’t Succeed, Try, Try, Again

The Biden administration has settled on a series of steps aimed at boosting its diplomatic ties to the Palestinians in lieu of reopening the US Consulate in Jerusalem.

According to two sources, Joe Biden will elevate Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs Hady Amr to the role of special envoy to the Palestinians.

Any plans the US considers in order to bolster ties with the Palestinians must include a reality check. We need to face up to the fact that the PA still calls for Israel to be wiped off the map. We also need to acknowledge the horrific and continual terrorism Israel must continue to defend itself against. Without recognizing and conducting affairs in sync with these truths, the US should scrap its plans to befriend the Palestinians. We’re not holding our breath in the hopes that this administration will ever get it right.

US readies steps to boost ties with Palestinians after freezing consulate reopening, by Jacob Magid/Times of Israel, May 29, 2022






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No Caving to Threats! Yom Yerushalayim Flag March Was A Great Success

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett stands behind his decision to approve the Flag March for Jerusalem Day. The annual event successfully passed through the Damascus Gate in accordance with the route that has existed for decades.

Bennett said, “We decided that the Flag March would go along its traditional route, and so it was. This year we broke records with over 50,000 participants who painted the city with the colors of our flag. It is moving and joyful to see all the people of Israel celebrating together. Am Yisrael Chai.”

MK Simcha Rothman from the Religious Zionist faction offered praise for the government, writing: “When they deserve it, they deserve it. Hats off to the Israeli government, the Public Security Minister, the Prime Minister and the Alternate Prime Minister, the commissioner, and anyone who had a hand in the decision not to fold in the face of threats.”

The success of the 2022 Flag March just goes to show that all can go well and in Israel’s favor when the right decision is made. Israel must continue to not cave in to threats or bow to outside pressure. She must continue to exercise her legal and sovereign rights.

Bennett: We broke records with over 50,000 participants in the Flag March, by Orli Harari/Israel National News, May 29, 2022





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Ra’am Celebrates Large Budget Win as Homesh Fights To Survive

The Ra’am party celebrated Tuesday the authorization of over NIS700 million to the Arab sector, the majority of which will go towards construction. However, the Homesh community in Samaria was threatened once again with destruction this week.

Can we take comfort in the fact that dedicated Zionists, such as MK Ayelet Shaked, are fighting tooth and nail to save Homesh while MK Benny Gantz continues on Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s train wreck of appeasing the Arabs? Gantz has stated that Homesh will be evacuated since “Israeli law requires it.”

On a Jerusalem Day event, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett responded to a student’s question about the evacuation of Homesh: “Common sense should be exercised in terms of whether, when, and how.” He couldn’t be more vague and non-committal in his response, which should have been words that reflect the Zionist commitment to Homesh being the lawful land of Israel not to be demolished. Bennett should define what “common sense” means. It is clear now (as it was to most of us) the entire disengagement was against common sense. What makes sense is to restore full sovereignty of everything that possibly can be restored to the State of Israel. That certainly includes Homesh. Our readers will not be mollified with a murky decision that many expect whereby the government decides that Homesh should be evacuated and without setting a date for carrying out the decision. Too many political games!

Today the state is expected to submit its answer regarding the proposed evacuation of Homesh. We pray for a miracle.

Shaked to do ‘everything’ to prevent evacuation of illegal West Bank outpost Homesh, by Carrie Keller-Lynn/Times of Israel, May 25, 2022

Homesh community to be destroyed, Gantz says; Arabs get millions for construction, by Batya Jerenberg/World Israel News, May 25, 2022

Bennett on Homesh evacuation: We need to act with common sense, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, May 24, 2022



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Israel Preps for Jerusalem Day With Joy and Self Defense

The U.S. administration today appealed to Israeli officials to express their concern over what they see as the “controversial right-wing” flag march this weekend and its route through the Muslim Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Sderot will deploy mobile bomb shelters amid concerns Palestinian terrorists could fire rockets toward Israel during this joyous march in the Old City on Sunday.

Israelis will proudly march through the route of concern to the US. Not one Israeli will incite violence with stone throwing, setting fires or shooting rockets. AFSI Chizuk missions have watched and joined in this joyous celebration numerous times throughout the years. As always, this will be a peaceful celebration while the threat of terror forces Israelis to increase security in the event of an attack. Hamas is already urging their followers to disrupt the flag march. The US needs to face the truth and express their concerns to the people who are the real problem. By not doing so, they enable the problem they wish did not exist.

Hamas urges crowds at Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day: ‘Thwart the occupation’s plans’, by TOI Staff, May 26, 2022

Americans urge Israel to avoid Muslim Quarter in controversial flag march, by Itamar Eichner/, May 26, 2022



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Confront The Enemy Within On The College Campus

On Monday, for the first time, the Knesset Education Committee chaired by MK Sharren Haskel (New Hope) debated freedom of expression, incitement to terrorism, and violence on Israel’s campuses. She said: “When students turn to this committee and say they are afraid to enter the campus, and they ask to study on Zoom, fearing for their safety, something here is not working.”

During the illegal Nakba demonstration of Arab students on the grounds of state universities (May 15, 2022 photo above), Jewish students who protested this malevolent expression of hate toward Zionism were attacked physically, with scant police intervention. This is but a small sample of what Jewish students on campus contend with.

“Since Operation Guardian of the Walls, we are seeing a distinct upturn in incitement against Jewish students. Unfortunately, the educational institutions are not offering a clear way to prevent these phenomena.” ~Im Tirtzu’s National Coordinator Shai Rosengarten

MK Galit Distel Atbaryan (Likud) said she doesn’t blame the Arab students who hurt Jews on campus “…but the lecturer who called waving the national flag a sickness.”

To make matters worse, many Israelis are outraged over the recent decision by Open University staff to give more weight to the Palestinian narrative in courses on Israel Studies. Such a narrative has the potential to be in direct conflict with the positive view of the state’s history and culture taught in the Israel Studies track.

A Jewish student should not be afraid to go to classes. Educational institutions should be a place of learning and discovery with a healthy exchange of ideas and respectful debate. Rage, hatred, false claims and propaganda against Israel should not be given a forum of any kind. Each person teaching, rather, spewing this vitriol, has a sickness within and it’s time they figured out why they need to channel so much hatred toward Israel – for many, a place they call home. The real lesson they need to learn is that their sickness incites Arabs to commit more terrorism against Israel.

Matan Peleg of Im Tirtzu summed it up best, “It simply cannot be that Israeli academia will pave the way for the elimination of the State of Israel from within.”

Finally: Knesset Education Committee Debates Arab Violence & Incitement to Terrorism on Israeli Campuses, by David Israel/Jewish Press, May 24, 2022

‘DISGRACE’: Israeli University to promote Palestinian narrative in new curriculum, by Batya Jerenberg/World Israel News, May 24, 2022



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