Enforcing the Law Helps Fight Illegal Land Grabs

It is doubtful the guests invited to celebrate at the Ragdan Halls on the outskirts of the city of Tira knew that the land on which they were dining and dancing was intended for the construction of a cemetery. Almost four years have passed since the Regavim movement’s area coordinator located two large and illegal events gardens which were being built on the outskirts of the city of Tira, only a few yards from Highway 6.

It also turned out that those event gardens were being built, without a permit, below the IEC’s high voltage lines – contrary to safety guidelines and in a way that greatly endangered the lives of anyone staying below them.

The Regavim movement successfully appealed to the Israel Police National Enforcement Unit to carry out the demolition orders issued for the buildings, before they expired.

“This case is a clear expression of the necessity of the Kaminitz Law, which today enables law enforcement agencies to operate with a wide range of tools to create immediate deterrence,” said Yachin Zik, Regavim’s director of operations.

#IsraelNeedsTheKaminitzLaw #IllegalEventHallDemolished

Like in the Settlements, But to Arabs: Israel Police Demolish Illegal Events Hall in Tira ~David Israel. Jewish Press – July 23, 2020

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