Is Israel Heading Toward the Unthinkable 4th Election?

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin on Thursday informed Blue and White head Benny Gantz that his mandate to form a government would now pass to the Knesset. This comes as Gantz failed to present a government by the midnight Wednesday deadline. If after 21 days the Knesset cannot produce a candidate to form a government, it will automatically dissolve, triggering new elections.

The latest reports state that Rivlin has set August 4 as the date for an unthinkable round of fourth elections. As of Thursday night, negotiations between the two sides was deadlocked.

Rivlin’s office released a political timetable citing May 7 as the date by which an MK must be tasked by the Knesset with forming a government. May 8 is the date for informing the Knesset speaker as such, and August 4 as the date for the next election, allowing for a three month campaign.

We continue to await the results of negotiations between Netanyahu and Gantz and hope that it doesn’t come down to the need for a 4th election.

After Gantz fails to meet deadline, Rivlin tasks Knesset with forming government ~JNS Brief. Jewish News Syndicate – April 16, 2020

Rivlin sets August 4 as date for fourth elections if unity govt not formed ~Jeremy Sharon. Jerusalem Post. April 17, 2020

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