“Pathologically Obsessed” Biden Reverses Funding Policy

The US government will stop funding and participating in research, development, and scientific cooperation projects in Judea and Samaria. This reversal comes three years after then President Donald Trump approved the cooperation.

Apparently, the decision to cancel the Trump Administration’s policy change was made at the US State Department two years ago. However, it was only recently necessary to act upon the policy in practice because of Ariel University’s request submitted for a grant for a scientific project beyond the so-called ‘Green Line.’

AFSI is grateful to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for speaking out on this outrageous reversal. Sen. Cruz blasted the Biden administration for imposing an anti-Israel “boycott” following its “outrageous” and “antisemitic” reversal of Trump’s policy. Cruz’s statement indicated he “will do everything possible to reverse this decision and prohibit such antisemitic discrimination by the U.S. government in the future.

While on the subject of Biden’s constant undermining of Israel, let’s remember his failure to enforce the Taylor Force Act. This Act is a Federal Law, yet somehow Biden keeps getting money to the PA, which only aids in empowering the terrorists.

Ariel University has shown nothing but amazing contributions to both science and medicine along with being a model for peaceful co-existence with Arabs. Biden’s policy reversal does nothing to promote the cooperation between Jews and Arabs that he so desperately seeks, especially through his endless quest for two-state delusion. Biden has now taken something good for both sides and turned it into a wrench that will hurt Jews and Arabs who seek lifesaving medical care, education, and jobs.

US announces resumption of research boycott of Judea and Samaria, by Israel National News, June 25, 2023

Ted Cruz Slams Biden Administration for ‘Outrageous, Antisemitic’ Discrimination Against Israel, by Joshua Klein/Breitbart, June 25, 2023



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