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Of the 3 recent House Resolutions on the 2-state illusion, the first two resulted in shockingly high levels of support for this dangerous illusion – a difference of 200-plus or 300-plus congressmen, between supporters and opponents of Israel’s nemesis.

HR 326, which DID PASS on Friday had a discrepancy between support and opposition of a mere 38 congressmen – less than 10%. The number of TSS (TWO STATE SOLUTION) supporters used to be horrifically high, in the mid- or high- 300’s. Currently only slightly more than 200 congressmen supported this dangerous illusion, all but a tiny handful being from one side of the aisle – making it difficult to present TSS as being bi-partisan from now on. Also, in terms of opposition, whereas up to now opposition was well below 100 (less than one-quarter), the opposition this time jumped to almost 200 (almost half).

It is important to note that the number of Republican sponsors for the 2-state illusion, which was 100 or more in the 2 previous resolutions, is now down to zero, again making it difficult to present TSS as being bi-partisan from now on.

AFSI will continue working until ALL congressmen in BOTH parties understand that supporting Israel means rejecting the dangerous 2-state illusion which would result in a new terrorist failed state just a bike-ride away from Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv and Ben Gurion airport.

AFSI will continue to educate Americans; emphasizing that NEITHER of Israel’s large parties support the 2-state illusion, nor does it appear in Israel’s Government Guidelines.

PM Netanyahu told the New York Times months ago, that “A Palestinian state…. will endanger our existence.” Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely, just a few days ago, stated again that Prime Minister Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Israel Katz, and herself, in all political meetings abroad, “reiterate that the idea of ​​the Palestinian state is an idea that the State of Israel is completely opposed to”, adding that “Anyone who supports the establishment of a Palestinian state is unquestionably acting against the Israeli interest”.

We will continue to insist that the USA must not coerce its ally Israel to assume a risk that the Government of Israel does not want its population to assume.

We are hopeful that AIPAC which previously took an extremely controversial stance to support the 2-state illusion, will increase the small step back it appears to have taken. If AIPAC truly does walk back its unilateral decision to support the 2-state illusion, it may regain some of its relevancy by working to finally rid congress of this delusional TSS thinking entirely. We call on AIPAC and all the organizations that are true friends of Israel to support Israel and return to the consensus approach, removing TSS language the in future so that all resolutions on Israel will once again enjoy 2/3 majorities as usual.


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Part 3(?): Can We Keep Up With the Elections

The earliest date that the next election in Israel could be held is February 25 due to the challenges of running the election, Central Elections Committee director-general Orly Ades said at a press conference in the Knesset today.

By law, if the Knesset is dispersed automatically on Wednesday night when the deadline to form a government passes, the election would be held on Tuesday, March 10, which is Purim. Ades said she expected the Knesset to vote to change the date of the race but that holding it on Purim was indeed possible.

Israeli elections to be held on February 25 at the earliest by Gil Hoffman, The Jerusalem Post – December 5, 2019

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AFSI Applauds France’s Historic Decision: Anti-Zionism Is Anti-Semitism

The National Assembly of France passed a historic decision Tuesday night that anti-Zionism is a modern form anti-Semitism. This decision comes as rising anti-Semitism, including acts of violence, have taken place in France.

The motion passed with 154 in favor and 72 opposed in the parliament’s lower house. It was proposed by lawmaker Sylvain Maillard of LREM, President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist party.

World Zionist Organization vice chairman Yaakov Hagoel told The Jerusalem Post that he welcomed this “important decision…and expects other countries in Europe to pass a similar decision. I am very happy that the mask has been removed,” he said, “anti-Zionism is antisemitism. This disguise tried to legalize anti-Semitic and racist motives against the Jewish people – enough to make people hate.”

AFSI feels that this is a good start in recognizing that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. Ultimately we are interested to see how individuals and groups who commit acts of anti-Semitism will be held accountable. We want the rest of Europe (and the world) to follow France’s lead and enact legislation of their own to declare anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. We know It’s long overdue.

French parliament praised for anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism decision by Ilanit Chernick, The Jerusalem Post – December 4, 2019

University of Bristol adopts IHRA definition of anti-Semitism by Ilant Chernick, the Jerusalem Post – December 5, 2019

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Historic Move in Hebron and Israel Already Has the Deed

Israel’s new Defense Minister Naftali Bennett ordered a new Jewish neighborhood at the site of an old Jewish marketplace in Hebron on Sunday.

Bennett instructed the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories and the Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria to inform the Hebron municipality of the plan, Arutz7 reports.

The new neighborhood will lead to a continuous Jewish presence from the Cave of the Patriarchs, where, according to the Bible, Abraham purchased a burial plot for his wife Sarah, to the Avraham Avinu Jewish neighborhood. It will “double the number of Jewish residents in the city.”

The new community will be established in the market complex. The banner in this photo shows that the land was purchased by Jews over 200 years ago in 1817! Our friends at Im Tirtzu, along with the Jewish Community of Hebron, hung this banner together. (Im Tirtzu will be hosted by AFSI in a special program this coming Wednesday evening. Have you RSVP’d yet?)

While this may sound like old news made new again, AFSI looks forward to seeing the construction vehicles there and having this long fought for dream turned to reality!

Israeli defense minister OKs new neighborhood in Hebron, will double Jewish population by World Israel News (WIN), World Israel News Staff – December 1, 2019

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Keeping Up With Israel’s Elections

Likud MK Gideon Sa’ar openly dares to take on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as leader of the Likud party.

Blue and White leader Benny Gantz is prepared to join Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in making compromises ahead of the December 11 deadline to form a government and prevent a third election in under a year, sources close to Gantz said on Sunday.

Gideon Sa’ar dares to openly take on Netanyahu Sa’ar is fully aware of the difficult path he has embarked on by Gil Hoffman, The Jerusalem Post – November 29, 2019

Benny Gantz, Netanyahu readying compromises on unity by Gil Hofman, The Jerusalem Post – December 2, 2019

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Israeli Diplomats Celebrate 72nd Anniversary of UN Decision That Led to Jewish State’s Founding

Friday marked the 72nd anniversary of the UN General Assembly’s passage of Resolution 181, which led to the establishment of the State of Israel.

Israel’s current UN ambassador, Danny Danon, celebrated the occasion with a tweet, saying the Jewish state “continues to exemplify the Zionist ideals, fulfilling our ancestors’ dreams.”

Israeli Diplomats Celebrate 72nd Anniversary of UN Decision That Led to Jewish State’s Founding by The Algemeiner, The Algemiener – November 29, 2019

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Israel’s Elections: Heading for Round 3?

Last week Benny Gantz returned the mandate to form a coalition back to President Reuven Rivlin. What’s next in the election process?

Recent reports tell us that MK Shlomo Kari said he received a “green light” from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to promote legislation that would have Israelis choose between the heads of the two most popular political parties in Israel: the ruling Likud and Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party. This new election showdown would also potentially be the third round of elections in 12 months. A third election could also signal the end of Netanyahu’s leadership as it is highly questionable that he could receive a mandate to form a government while indicted or at the trial stage.

Meanwhile, an attempt to overthrow Prime Minister Netanyahu FROM WITHIN LIKUD continues as Gantz begins attempting to put together a majority to form a government. Jerusalem Post report HERE.

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Where’s the Mandate? Gantz Returned It To Rivlin. Rivlin Handed It To The Knesset. What’s Next?

Wednesday evening Blue and White leader Benny Gantz concluded he could not form a coalition and handed the mandate back to President Reuven Rivlin.

Today, Rivlin handed back the mandate to the Knesset. In the process he blasted both Gantz and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for failing to put together a coalition.

The next step in this process allows for any lawmaker to put together a coalition and hopefully avoid the need to conduct a third round of elections. Israel’s Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit handed down indictments today against Netanyahu in all three cases against him. Does this signal the end of any chances for a unity government?

The Israeli public is losing patience with this entire state of affairs. This “…miserable political situation” is a first in Israel’s history, said Rivlin, who also urged lawmakers to ask themselves, “What is my duty to the State of Israel?” How many politicians will put their country before themselves? This may be an opportunity to put that question to the test.

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Momentum for Sovereignty Builds Following US Policy Change

Immediately following this weeks US policy change regarding the legality of Judea and Samaria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved advancing a Jordan Valley annexation bill. The bill would have Israel apply Sovereignty to the Jordan Valley.

The bill was proposed several weeks ago by Likud MK Sharren Haskel who said, “The bill has the prime minister’s full backing. There is no reason that this important bill won’t pass in the plenum with an 80-member majority.”

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