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Netanyahu Warned Everyone. Now An Explanation is Needed.

In a speech last year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to visit the site of what he warned was a “secret atomic warehouse” in Tehran.

As we expected, the UN nuclear watchdog found samples of traces of uranium from this site. Iran has yet to offer and explanation, reports two diplomats who follow the IAEA’s inspections closely.

Images show Iranian efforts to cover up nuclear facility ~Arutz Sheva Staff

UN atomic watchdog confirms Iran installing advanced centrifuges ~AFP and TOI Staff


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An Early Al Chet

For those of you who had the opportunity to join AFSI at last month’s Jabotinsky Memorial & Tribute, you’ll remember that Amotz Eyal of TPS showed us the many ways in which the media distorts not only written text, but images too. These false narratives end up slandering and hurting Israel.

On this subject, last week, action was taken by Ad Kan’s attorney Tzur Falk. Ad Kan is a group dedicated to defending the good name of Israelis who are attacked by the left, as well as turn in leftist criminals who collaborate with the Palestinian Authority. Falk sent Meretz leader Moshe “Mossi” Raz a strong warning letter describing the actual event behind the provocative image shown here.

Raz issued an apology via his Twitter account to Yair Trabelsi, local security coordinator for Karnei Shomron. While AFSI appreciate’s Raz’s apology, it is imperative that facts on the ground be established first before rushing to judgment and spewing unnecessary attacks against Israel. We expect better from all of Israel’s leaders.

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AFSI Remembers September 5, 1972

Today, September 5, marks the 47th anniversary of the massacre of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich, Germany.

For a full history on this terror attack, the neglect of German authorities to handle it properly – before and after – please read The National Library of Israel’s archived story by Ioran Melcer, “Munich Olympics: Massacre of the Israeli Athletes on German Soil.”

Never forget. Always remember.

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Netanyahu: We Will Remain In Hevron Forever

Prime Minister Netanyahu participated in the state ceremony in Hevron on Wednesday marking 90 years since the 1929 riots there. This was Netanyahu’s first visit to Hevron since 1998. He was accompanied by President Reuven Rivlin and the Speaker of the Knesset, Yuli Edelstein.

Netanyahu addressed the strengthening of Hevron, saying, “The Machpela House was populated last week and we are addressing other important issues regarding access to the Cave of the Patriarchs and rights to Jewish property. We do not come to dispossess anyone, but no one will dispossess us. We are not foreigners in Hevron, we will remain in it forever.”

Unfortunately, the Prime Minister did not make a clear commitment to returning the land in the Avraham Avinu neighborhood to the Jewish community. We hope to have an unequivocal comment on that in the near future so that long-awaited construction of housing can begin.

‘Netanyahu’s visit to Hevron is very significant’ ~Nitsan Keidar

Under Pressure From Right, Netanyahu To Make History in Hebron Today ~Tovah Lazaroff

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PA Radicalization Worse Than Previously Thought

Benjamin Kerstein in his Algemeiner article reports on a study that found that new Palestinian educational materials slated for use during the 2019-2020 school year have, despite considerable international criticism, become even more ridden with anti-Israel and sometimes anti-Semitic propaganda.

IMPACT-se, the group that evaluated the materials according to UNESCO standards, stated the materials contain “a systematic insertion of violence, martyrdom and jihad across all grades and subjects.” The materials “indoctrinate for death and martyrdom, utilizing a variety of tools to convince children to risk their lives as martyrs.”

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Israel Remains Unscathed After Weekend Attacks

Terrorists operating out of southern Lebanon fired multiple anti-tank missiles at Israeli positions and vehicles near the town of Avivim in northern Israel on Sunday afternoon.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said that no Israelis were killed or injured in the attacks. “We have no casualties. No one was injured – not even a scratch.”

Breaking this morning: With machines from Iran: Hezbollah compound for precision missile production exposed ~Mordechai Sones

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IDF Report Reveals Secret Hezbollah Missile Project

Yesterday afternoon, the IDF revealed details on Hezbollah’s Iranian-backed precision guided missile project. This comes just days after drone attacks attributed to Israel targeted a site allegedly used by Hezbollah to manufacture missiles.

According to the IDF report the precision missile project was first launched six years ago, following Iranian transfers of missiles to Lebanon via Syria. Had this missile project advanced, it would have posed a very serious threat to Israel’s security.

More on this breaking story HERE.

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A New Partnership? DO NOT ENGAGE!

Steve Emerson’s new report in The Investigative Project on Terrorism should have every American concerned.

Emerson writes that despite current knowledge about CAIR’s affiliation with the Hamas supported network – the Muslim Brotherhood, the U.S. Census Bureau believes the conservative, Sunni-dominated Islamist organization is a trustworthy organization to partner with in next year’s national population count. CAIR leadership has made it known that it is pleased that it will help get the Muslim community the funding and government representation it deserves.

Yet, we know that a senior FBI official wrote in 2009, “[U]ntil we can resolve whether there continues to be a connection between CAIR or its executives and HAMAS, the FBI does not view CAIR as an appropriate liaison partner.”

This policy is still in effect at the FBI. We see no reason why the Census Bureau (or any US government agency) should partner with this or any group where there is evidence of ties to HAMAS, a designated terrorist organization.

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Tensions Remain High in Israel: Major Drone Attack Thwarted and Rockets Fired into the South

Israel thwarted a large scale attack on Sunday by striking Iranian Quds Force operatives and Shiite Militia targets in Syria.

“In a major operational effort, we have thwarted an attack against Israel by the Iranian Quds Force & Shi’ite militias. I reiterate: Iran has no immunity anywhere. Our forces operate in every sector against the Iranian aggression,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Twitter. “I have directed that our forces be prepared for any scenario. We will continue to take determined and responsible action against Iran and its proxies for the security of Israel.”

IDF: Foiled drone strike planned and funded by Iran from luxury villa near Damascus ~Yoav Zitun

Early Monday morning, the Israeli Air Force launched a series of airstrikes on targets in the northern Gaza Strip after Palestinian terrorists fired three rockets at southern Israel, sending thousands of residents rushing to bomb shelters. A music concert in Sderot was interrupted by the alert sirens forcing hundreds to flee to safety.

The Israel Defense Forces said it had hit targets on “a military base belonging to the Hamas terror group in northern Gaza, including the office of a Hamas battalion commander.”

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