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Israel Ready to Help, But….

Israel Ready to Help, But….

Israel is once again ready to turn the other cheek and bring aid to Gaza while the attacks coming from Gaza continue to escalate.

Israel has agreed to help solve the electricity crisis in the Gaza strip. The problem is that the PA is blocking workers from receiving delivery of fuel to the power plant.

Reports are surfacing that Abbas is furious at the move by Bulgarian UN envoy Nickolay Mladenov, who coordinated the transfer of Qatari money to Hamas, which went right past Abbas’s authority. In response, Abbas will stop the flow of all PA funds into Gaza, which would incite Hamas to launch another round of violence against Israel.

We think it’s obvious that the refusal to allow delivery of fuel is directly related to Abbas’ fury at Mladenov’s disregard of him and his “authority.”

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Terror in Samaria Claims Jewish Lives

A 23-year-old terrorist from the nearby village of Shweika, near Tulkarem, handcuffed and shot two employees Sunday morning at the Barkan Industrial Park in Samaria at close range with a Carl Gustav assault rifle.

The victims are Kim Levengrond Yehezkel, 28, a mother from the central Israeli city of Rosh Ha’ayin, and Ziv Hajbi, a 35-year-old father of three from Rishon LeZion, south of Tel Aviv.

Yossi Dagan, Head of Shomron Regional Council firmly demanded, “We must respond to such a serious terrorist incident with unprecedented military action against the terror nests in Judea and Samaria.”

“The incitement and atrocities must end,” said US Senator Ted Cruz who condemned the attacks.

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AFSI’s If Not Us in Gush Etzion

Today was an important day for American students studying in Israel. Two weeks ago, a hero of the Jewish people, Ari Fuld, was brutally murdered by a Palestinian Arab in an act of terror. Ari was a champion of Israel both on the battlefield and on social media. A master educator, Ari was able to show his followers the truth about life in Israel, and in particular, Judea and Samaria.

AFSI’s new program, If Not Us, is dedicated to showing American students the truth about Israel’s rights to Judea and Samaria and its fair treatment of the Arabs who live under Israel’s control. By ignoring the narratives, If Not Us takes students into the heart of the land and shows that Israel has nothing to hide. Today, If Not Us led an educational and inspirational trip to the places most important to Ari.

The day started in Israel’s capital, where students heard from Ari’s father, Rabbi Yonah Fuld, and brother, Hillel Fuld. The students then traveled to the spot where Ari saved lives and stopped the terrorist who fatally wounded him. Hearing form Gush Etzion’s spokesman, Josh Hasten, the students understood what happened in this act of terror…and why. During a Q & A session with master advocate, Avi Abelow, the students sat in Oz V’Gaon, a park built to answer another tragic terror attack, and were able to ask the crucial questions to understand the conflict. Israel’s rights to Judea and Samaria and the need for Israeli sovereignty were discussed at length.

The day ended with a trip to Ari’s Synagogue in Efrat. The students joined the community for Mincha and sat in Ari’s row, looking at the majestic view he enjoyed while he prayed. The students were challenged to make up for the Jewish people’s lost voice and take on a part of Ari’s large efforts. With a Torah lesson to end the day, these American students left with a sense of pride and determination to defend their land.

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United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres spoke Wednesday at a high-level forum to combat hatred against Jews that was held on the sidelines of the General Assembly.

Guterres said that modern antisemitism expressed “itself in attempts to delegitimize the right of Israel to exist, including calls for its destruction, using the pretext of the situation in the Middle East to target Jews and Jewish symbols.”

Guterres further stated, “This is tribalism run amok. Not only are their vile views coming into the mainstream, but the mainstream unfortunately, sometimes, is coming to them.”

It’s a breath of fresh air to finally hear the top UN official issue a strong statement at a major public forum in support of Israel. With that said, we would like to see the truth about Israel positively transform every UN member nation and every individual affiliated with the UN.

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Letter to Student Goes Viral

University of Michigan Associate Professor John Cheney-Lippold is feeling the heat now for denying a student’s request to write a letter of recommendation for a semester-long study-abroad program in Israel. He claimed he could not write the letter because of a departmental decision supporting the BDS movement.

It should be noted that the school’s administration itself does not allow its departments or any part of the school to boycott or divest from Israel, according to University of Michigan spokesperson Rick Fitzgerald.

It’s obvious that the professor’s personal politics are getting in the way of his professional decision making – it’s also called a conflict of interest – and he must answer for it!

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Guilty are the Politicians

“Guilty are the politicians who signed the Oslo Accords, which placed a confederacy of low-life gangsters, the PLO, on equal footing with Israel, a nation founded through Divine promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This nation led by Moses, conquered by Joshua, were commanded, by Moses, to “never break down before the enemy.” (Deuteronomy)” Read Jack Engelhard’s Arutz Sheva OpEd HERE.

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Ari Fuld, Baruch Dayan HaEmet

Ari Fuld, a 45- year old American Israeli, was stabbed to death in a terror attack on Sunday. He was from the Efrat settlement, a father of four and grandson of a Holocaust survivor.

Shortly before noon on Sunday, a Palestinian teenager stabbed Fuld outside a shopping mall near Efrat, at the Gush Etzion Junction south of Jerusalem. Despite his wounds, Fuld chased and shot at his attacker before collapsing to the ground.

Moshe, Ari’s brother, described him as a man of strong convictions who stood his ground against all odds. A scholar, with a sense of fun, Ari loved his family, his country and his religion. Fuld was the Assistant Director of Standing Together, an organization that supports IDF soldiers.

May the entire family be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. May they know no more sorrow.

Tributes are pouring in for Ari, plus today’s recommended/related reading:

“He was an advocate for Israel who fought to spread the truth about Israel.” Read PM Netanyahu’s tribute HERE.

“Ari Fuld was a passionate defender of Israel and an American patriot.” Ambassador David Friedman pays tribute.

“Ari Fuld – May G-D Avenge His Blood” tribute by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover.

“Remembering Ari Fuld: Miracle in Lebanon.” Read Yael Mermelstein’s September 2007 tribute to Ari Fuld.

“Palestinian Teenage Murderers – The PA-Poisoned Generation,” PMW’s article by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik.

There is a video of Arab children being prepared for war against Israelis that is fair warning that Ari Fuld will not be the last victim of Arab terror. It’s long past time to take action against the root causes and the indoctrination which is instilled in the children at the earliest ages and cannot be unlearned. Watch the video HERE.

We agree with the Women in Green. “His memory should be perpetuated by settlement and the application of sovereignty. Any other response would not reflect his strong Jewish identity.”

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