How tragic it is that for some people, especially those in leadership roles, it is so difficult for them to see, hear, and understand truths that are so obvious. While talk of communicating, appeasing, and negotiating with Jihadists seems a possibility to some, others understand the realities all too well. This latest article was sent by Steve Emerson of the Investigative Project. See below: Continue reading
Category: Articles
Report: Netanyahu Ready to Give Up 90% of Judea and Samaria
We at AFSI are so distressed about the talk of giving up 90% of Judea and Samaria to the Arab terrorists, leaving 10% in Israeli hands. We know this would mean that the Arabs would be poised to destroy Israel, as they have always threatened to do. Their charters never acknowledged Israel’s right to exist, and the Israeli government’s appeasement and conciliation have made the goal of the PA and Hamas and Hezbollah and all the terrorist organizations, just that much easier to accomplish. After reading David Lev’s article, please see Mark Langfan’s map just below it. Continue reading
Instilling Order in the Wild Negev
unknown author
While our dear friends, Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katzover, and their team of workers at Women In Green (WIG), struggle to hold onto Jewish land, and we at AFSI try to help a little bit, the government of Israel is giving away this precious land to our enemies. Continue reading