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Abandoned by the Gov’t, Residents Can’t Wait – Action Needed!

Hundreds of residents of Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley protested outside the home of Defense Minister Benny Gantz in Rosh Ha’ayin on Thursday afternoon. They demanded that the government authorize an Operation Protective Edge II in order to stop the current wave of Palestinian terrorism in its tracks.

Binyamin Regional Council head Yisrael Gantz addressed the crowd saying, “We don’t have equal rights as citizens and now the enemy is rearing its head because the government lets it do so. The Prime Minister talks about two states, about a Palestinian state. The Defense Minister himself has revived the Palestinian Authority of unblessed memory. This is a terrorist and dictatorial organization that harms Arabs and shoots at Jews.”

As the residents of Judea and Samaria prepare for the coming Sukkot holiday, it sometimes seems as if they are still temporary dwellers in their own land. It’s high time that the government exercises its sovereign right to the land and authorizes a true sense of permanence by unfreezing housing development in this region.

Residents of Judea & Samaria protest outside Defense Minister’s home, by Hezki Baruch/Israel National News, October 6, 2022

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Lapid Stays Strong On Israel’s Security, Rejects Changes to Maritime Deal

Today, Israel rejected revisions requested by Lebanon to a U.S.- mediated border demarcation proposal, throwing into doubt years of diplomatic efforts to enable both enemy countries to extract gas in or around a disputed Mediterranean prospect.

After being briefed on substantive changes that Lebanon was seeking to make to the agreement, Prime Minister Yair Lapid instructed his negotiating team to reject them. Lapid made it clear that Israel would not compromise on its economic and security interests, even if it meant no deal would be reached anytime soon.

Lapid is putting on quite a show of strength as he remains firm that Israel’s security interests will not be compromised. Still, we question whether it was all planned from the start – to get votes in the November 1 election. First Lapid declares on the world stage at the UN General Assembly that he supports a two-state solution and then tries to appear bold as he rejects any changes in this maritime deal saying Israel will not compromise on its economic or security interests. How can he be unaware of the threat to Israel’s economic and security interests that would be brought about by a two-state DISSOLUTION!

Lapid rejects Lebanese revision requests in maritime border deal, by Ynet, Reuters, October 6, 2022

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Khan al Ahmar Gets Another Extension – Why?

The High Court of Justice handed down a decision Monday evening granting the state an additional three months to explain why the illegal outpost in the Adumim region has not been dismantled despite six “final” High Court decisions. The deadline is pushed off until February 1, 2023, three months after Israel’s upcoming national elections. This points once again to the crying need for reform in the High Court.

“Time and time again, the High Court has declared the outpost at Khan al Ahmar illegal and called for the relocation of the squatters – but Khan al Ahmar remains,” said Regavim Attorney Yael Cinnamon.

Meir Deutsch, Director General of Regavim stated, “Meanwhile, Khan al Ahmar continues to grow, dozens more Palestinian Authority outposts are swallowing up the open spaces of Area C by replicating this proven method of occupation, and the High Court, despite its ‘displeasure’, is allowing the government to continue to sit idly by.“

High Court Gives Government 3 Month Extension for Response on Khan al Ahmar, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, October 3, 2022

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Violation of Constitutional Rules: How Did Israel Get to This Point?

Israel’s decision to all but endorse a US plan to redraw the maritime border between Lebanon and Israel has drawn heavy criticism from Israel’s Right, as well as from its US allies. The deal would have Israel concede some of the economic waters it currently controls, in exchange for royalties stemming from potential gas discoveries north of the border.

Former US Ambassador David Friedman lamented Monday that this was a squandered opportunity that wasted years of hard work while he was in the Trump administration. “No one then imagined 100% to Lebanon and 0% to Israel. Would love to understand how we got here.” Republican Senator Ted Cruz voiced his concern over the plan, alleging that the White House had Israel capitulate to Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a formal partner in the Lebanese government and considered a terrorist organization by the US, Israel and other Western countries. Eugene Kontorovich said signing this agreement during a lame duck government would violate Israeli constitutional rules. “After being proposed and rejected a decade ago, the deal is being rammed through, just weeks before the Israeli elections – in violation of Israeli constitutional rules – because the Biden Administration and Hezbollah understand the desperation and weakness of the Lapid-Bennett government.”

Can we rest assured that since this deal violates Israel’s constitutional rules that it is destined to fall apart? Was getting to this point simply a vote garnering tactic for Yair Lapid? We can only hope that good sense prevails and that this one-sided, terrorist favoring agreement collapses never to be revived.

Former Trump official says gas deal gives ‘100% to Lebanon and 0% to Israel’, by Ariel Kahana/Israel Hayom, October 3, 2022

‘Maritime deal gives 100% to Lebanon, 0% to Israel’, by David Rosenberg/Israel National News, October 3, 2022


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Judea and Samaria Residents Left Defenseless

A shooting attack in northern Samaria ended with Jewish residents firing in the air and miraculously escaping harm. One soldier was lightly wounded.

The head of the Samaria Regional Council Yossi Dagan was among those who were almost hit by bullets in the event, which took place after hundreds had gathered at a junction just near Nablus to stage a protest against what they say is government inaction in the face of terrorism.

Dagan helped protect the protesters with his own body when the shots were fired, and also made sure they ducked for cover. Just moments before the incident, Dagan spoke at the rally and said that Israeli authorities were “leaving Judea and Samaria residents to their own devices, as well as the residents of Tel Aviv. We demand another Operation Defensive Shield.”

WATCH: Israeli settler leader takes action as terror attack unfolds, by Hanan Greenwood/Israel Hayom, October 3, 2022



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Election Tactic: Shut Down Democracy

Last Wednesday Yesh Atid petitioned the Central Elections Committee to formally list Channel 14 as a mouthpiece of the Likud party. In response, thousands of Israelis signed a petition backing Channel 14 against efforts by Yesh Atid to have the channel listed as a political platform and placed under heavy government regulation.

Channel 14 said in a statement, “A day when a transitional prime minister uses a High Court judge to shut down a media outlet that criticizes him is a black day for Israeli democracy. We invite Prime Minister Lapid to stop his boycott and come for an interview on the channel, instead of trying to shut it down.”

Yesh Atid is motivated to censor political opponents in this manner knowing that Israel’s High Court continues to operate with uncontrolled power. If proper measures were in place that curb the High Court’s tyranny, Yesh Atid would have nowhere to turn and chances are we wouldn’t even be reporting on this.

Ha’aretz backs effort to stop Lapid’s party from censoring right-wing news channel, by World Israel News Staff, October 3, 2022






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Terrorists Barred From Running in November Elections (For Now)

The Central Election Committee (CEC) voted on Thursday to block the Israeli-Arab party Balad from running in the upcoming election, on the grounds that it opposed Israel’s definition as a Jewish state. Meanwhile, the CEC voted earlier in the day to allow Ra’am to run in the election, after two appeals were filed against it on the grounds that it “supported terror” Both decisions are likely to be the appealed in the High Court of Justice, which overturned a similar decision against Balad in both 2009 and 2019.

NGO Ad Kan, who filed the appeal against Ra’am, issuesd the statement, “There is no place in the Israeli Knesset for representatives of a movement that operates in an institutionalized manner to aid declared terrorist elements and for the benefit of elements in enemy countries in violation of the law.”

The Religious Zionism party response pointed out that the decision “…has no meaning because the Supreme Court will in any case legalize the running of the Arab parties that support terrorism.” In what world does a sovereign nation’s highest court in the land allow a political party that supports terrorism against citizens of that nation to run in its election?

Although NGOs like Meshilut have been fighting the method of choosing justices with a bit of success, the High Court is still operating like a Left Wing club with the sitting justices choosing the majority of the new justices. With the upcoming November elections, we trust the Israeli people will vote for a government that will demand measures be implemented to limit the unfettered power the High Court of Justice has given itself. The tyranny of the High Court must be stopped.

Balad banned from running in election, Central Election Committee rules, by Eliav Breuer/Jerusalem Post, September 29, 2022

Arab Balad party barred from running in Knesset elections, by Israel National News, September 29, 2022


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A Security First in Judea and Samaria

In a first, armed drones will be used in Judea and Samaria to aid in better securing the region. Israel Defense Forces units in Judea and Samaria will now be permitted to use armed drones during counterterrorism raids, pending approval from IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi.

The order came amid an uptick of violence, with several terror attacks against Israelis as well as firefight between Palestinian gunmen and IDF troops.

Air Force squads have used armed drones as far back as 2008 but only in targeted assassinations against terrorists in Gaza. They were also employed heavily during the recent flareup against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group in the Gaza Strip. Until August, a gag order prevented Israeli journalists from reporting on attack drones.

With the Jewish holidays upon us, the IDF must increase its activities in Judea and Samaria and the police presence in city centers. Permission to use armed drones is welcome news and it is critical that Israel be allowed to use every possible tool at its disposal to safeguard Judea and Samaria.

IDF approves use of armed drones to attack terrorists in Judea, Samaria, by Debbie Reiss/World Israel News, September 29, 2022




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BETRAYAL! Meet the Man Ready to Compromise Israel’s Security

Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid faced heavy backlash from within the country yesterday in anticipation of his speech today at the UN General Assembly in New York City. What sources revealed on Wednesday was confirmed today when Lapid announced that he promotes the two-state solution.

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated, “With the recent rise of Palestinian terror and in light of Abu Mazen’s scandalous speech in Berlin, any mention of a Palestinian state is tantamount to surrendering to terror.”

MK Ayelet Shaked said, “Lapid represents only himself in this statement and not the government. A Palestinian state is dangerous to the state of Israel.”

Even Alternative Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said there is “no place or logic” to the idea of a two-state solution, stating that people who promote such an idea in the year 2022 “should stay in the [nineteen] nineties.”

Likud party offered its criticism: “After Lapid established the first Israeli-Palestinian government, now he wants to establish a Palestinian state on the border of Kfar Saba, Netanya, Ben-Gurion Airport, and handing over the territories of our homeland to our enemies.”

Today’s much awaited speech by Lapid puts Israel in harm’s way. It does so now and in the future and will only empower terrorist entities to commit more attacks on the Jewish people. It is well known that most Israelis oppose the two-state solution. It’s also widely understood that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas, do not qualify as partners for peace. These groups are looking for a one state solution – with Israel in the sea. These vile groups control the PA. With that said, we’d like to know who Lapid is referring to making peace with.

As Israel prepares for its forthcoming elections, we will be relieved that Lapid’s service as interim prime minister is coming to an end very soon and pray that his slate shows no promise of getting votes in the November elections.

Listen to Lapid’s speech HERE.

Lapid at UN: Israel will accept a Palestinian state on the condition it be peaceful, by Yoni Kempinski/Israel National News, September 22, 2022

‘Terror State’: Lapid’s Plan to Promote Two-state Solution at UN Faces Domestic Backlash, by Haaretz, September 21, 2022




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Erdan Walks Out, UN Sinks to New Low

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan walked out of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s speech at the UN General Assembly Wednesday.

Erdan said, “It is a new moral low for the UN. A mass-murdering Holocaust-denier gets the podium at the UN to speak his hatred. Every ambassador that stays to hear him should be embarrassed.” It represents a “new low” for the world body to be addressed by someone with a record of human rights abuses and Holocaust denial such as Raisi.

We applaud Ambassador Erdan for taking a stand against Raisi’s presence at the podium. The United Nations has bowed to evil by giving Raisi an extremely high profile public platform to spew his hate filled rhetoric and twisted, sick versions of the truth. He never should have been allowed to speak and nothing good will come of this. By allowing Raisi to present at the General Assembly, the UN gave a green light that legitimizes Iran and its threats and nefarious activities against Israel – and the world.

Watch: Israeli Amb. leaves UN General Assembly during Raisi’s speech, by Yoni Kempinski/Israel National News, September 21, 2022



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