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MK’s Offer a Proposal to Prevent a 4th Election

Knesset members Yoaz Hendel and Tzvi Hauser conveyed a message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. They stated that if he enters a unity government, they will support his views in any dispute with Blue and White over legal issues.

In a meeting with Judea and Samaria Council leaders, Hendel pledged that, should there be no consensus on issues related to the Justice Department, he and MK Tzvi Hauser would support Prime Minister Netanyahu’s position to find the way to form a government and prevent a fourth election.

Samaria Council head Yossi Dagan, Binyamin Council head Yisrael Gantz, and Yesha Council head and Jordan Valley Council head David Alahiani met with MK Hendel on Monday. They issued the following statement:

“…We are strengthening the Prime Minister’s demand for sovereignty to be applied throughout the [Jewish] areas in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley.”

Hendel and Hauser to PM: ‘Sign unity – get our support’ by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – April 13, 2020

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Opportunity for Sovereignty Must Not Pass

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called Yesha Council Chairman David Elhayani on Monday. Elhayani was updated on the understandings made with the Blue and White party on the formation of an emergency unity government.

Elhayani said following the call: “I thank the prime minister who called and made it clear that he would not allow the opportunity for Sovereignty to pass and I trust that he is determined to advance the issue in the coming months.”

Before his conversation with the prime minister, Elhayani condemned the reported wording of the agreement between the Likud and Blue and White.

“We oppose the proposed wording that calls for dialogue with the international community to apply Israeli sovereignty in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley. This is a Blue and White trap.”

‘Netanyahu pledged to promote sovereignty in coming months’ by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – April 6, 2020

Yesha Council Chairman: ‘Death sentence to dream of sovereignty’ by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – April 6, 2020

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Just Say YES to True Zionist Sovereignty

“For years, the Sovereignty Movement has been calling for the application of Israeli sovereignty over Judea and Samaria. This hope, which realizes the Zionist vision and the dream, rose from the People to the decision makers and from there to the government’s desk, but we cannot accept a plan that attempts to sweeten the poison pill of establishing a Palestinian state with partial Sovereignty over the Jewish communities and the Jordan Valley.”

“We cannot allow the Zionist ideology and the vision to depend on the expected rejection by any Arab leadership of the moment. Our principled and tenacious declaration must be heard: the entire Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel and only to the People of Israel!”

Land of Israel lovers, beware by Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsover. Arutz Sheva – April 2, 2020

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Apply Sovereignty Without Conditions!

Former Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked (Yamina) held a live Facebook chat on Wednesday in which she clarified her party’s position on unity government negotiations.

She criticized the Likud’s conduct towards her party, emphasizing that Likud is concentrating most of its efforts on Blue and White and “not us.”

“From what we hear, giving the Defense, Justice and Communications Ministries to the left-wing bloc is also a very heavy payment. In the Justice Ministry, there are a lot of issues besides legislation, such as appointing judges, settling in Judea and Samaria, that will be a serious blow to all our work and all our efforts to authorize the settlements,” Shaked added.

Shaked set a condition for her party’s entry into government. “If the developing government does not agree to apply Sovereignty within a month without conditions, it has no right to exist.”

Ayelet Shaked’s ultimatum on unity government by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – April 1, 2020

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Sovereignty “Debatometer” Engages Youth

The coronavirus, like many other obstacles, is not impeding the activities of the Sovereignty Movement, which has been engaged in promoting the vision of Sovereignty over Judea and Samaria for the past decade.

The present days of partial closure and isolation also serve to expand the Movement’s circles of support. Informational materials are being prepared in anticipation of continuing activities and strengthening the bond between members of the movement who are spread out over the entire Land.

Sovereignty Movement presents: Relevant questions for the novice debater by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – April 1, 2020

Hundreds of youths to Minister Levin: Do not forgo sovereignty in the Government Platform by Women in Green, April 1, 2020

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Time to Break This Silence: Open An Investigation NOW

Israeli Zionist activist NGO, the Ad Kan Organization, and senior reserve IDF and Israel Police officers have filed a petition with the High Court of Justice. Their request compels the Attorney General to open an investigation into the Breaking the Silence group and its foreign donors for illegally gathering classified IDF information.

Ad Kan is known for infiltrating Israeli leftist organizations, as well as organizing protests against anti-Israel groups.

The court ordered the Attorney General and Breaking the Silence to respond to the petition within the next two months. The petition was also forwarded to the European Union and foreign embassies – all of which have funded Breaking the Silence.

AFSI applauds Ad Kahn for demanding an investigation be opened into Breaking the Silence. It’s long overdue that they be held accountable for the information they gather and use against Israel. When such information falls into the wrong hands it makes Israel less safe.

Senior IDF Officers Petition High Court to Compel Prosecution of Breaking the Silence by David Israel. Jewish Press – April 2, 2020

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Encouraging and Inspiring

A 101-year-old man, identified as ‘Mr. P’ has been released from isolation after recovering from COVID-19 in Rimini, Italy. Mr. P., a WWII and Spanish Flu survivor was admitted last week to a hospital in northeast Italy after he tested positive for the Coronavirus.

According to Gloria Lisi, Vice-Mayor of Rimini, as the patient began to recover it became “the story everyone talked about” in the hospital.

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“Everyone saw hope for the future of all of us in the recovery of a person more than 100 years old,” Lisi said in a televised interview.

101-Year-Old WWII And Spanish Flu Survivor Just Beat COVID-19 by Nicole Benham. Jewish Journal – March 29, 2020

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Rocket Fire Lands in Sderot, Breaks Long Period of Calm

Despite the coronavirus pandemic across Israel, the IDF did not hesitate to act after it was attacked on Friday evening.

The IDF struck targets in the Gaza Strip on Friday night in response to the firing of a rocket sent into Israel earlier in the evening. This is the first attack after a lull of violence amid the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

“IDF aircraft and tanks attacked military positions and infrastructure used for underground activity by Hamas in the northern Gaza Strip. The attacks were carried out in response to rocket fire launched from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory earlier in the evening,” the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit said in a statement.

There were no reports of damage or injuries.

Israel strikes Gaza in retaliation for rocket fire by Anna Aharonheim. Jerusalem Post – March 28, 2020

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Is Israel’s Unity Government A Cause for Concern?

The Regavim Movement is deeply concerned by the agreements that are being formulated between the Likud, Blue and White, and Labor. Specifically, this includes the repeal of the Kaminitz Law, placing the Bedouin Authority in the Labor Party’s hands, and setting aside the commitment by Netanyahu and the Likud to extend Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.

Regavim’s spokesperson explained: “An emergency government that abandons Zionist values presents a clear and imminent danger to the Land of Israel and to the preservation of Israel’s national land resources.

“In Judea and Samaria – moving forward toward the “Deal of the Century” without establishing Israeli Sovereignty means handing over 70% of the territory to the Palestinian Authority without establishing safeguards for the remaining 30%.”

Regavim: The Govt Taking Shape Under Netanyahu Endangers the Land of Israel by BIN. Breaking Israel News – March 30, 2020

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Sovereignty in Judea and Samara Must Be Included

The Sovereignty Movement congratulates Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for demanding that Blue and White Chairman Benny Gantz include Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria in the basic guidelines of the government and expects the Blue and White head to accede to Netanyahu’s demand.

Although we are indeed in a time of national and global emergency, those who love Israel and are faithful to her, whether part of the government or not, must remember their Zionist mission to protect the Land of Israel and not to promote steps that would bring about the establishment of a Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel, Heaven forbid. The Trump plan is a disaster for the Zionist vision and the government of Israel must renounce it and promote steps of Sovereignty regardless of this plan.”

Sovereignty Movement: ‘Sovereignty must appear in government basic guidelines’ by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – March 30, 2020

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