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Israeli Youth Remain Steadfast on Applying Sovereignty

Earlier this week Health Minister Yuli Edelstein devoted time to a meeting with Sovereignty Youth Movement representatives. They discussed Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria against the background of Israeli commitments not to raise the issue again made in the context of political steps with the United Arab Emirates.

Representatives of the movement raised their concern to Minister Edelstein about return to discussions of a Palestinian state and the existential danger to the future of Israel it poses, in addition to violating the principle of the People of Israel’s right to its Land.

“Neither coronavirus nor anything else should stop the important activity on behalf of our sovereignty in Judea and Samaria,” said the Minister, who praised the movement’s extensive activities.

At a time when Sovereignty is being used as a political bargaining chip, it’s critical now more than ever that Israeli youth understand the importance of and urgent need to APPLY SOVEREIGNTY NOW.

#SovereigntyYouth #ApplySovereigntyNow

Health Minister to Sovereignty Youth: ‘I’m committed to the sovereignty vision’, by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – September 1, 2020


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An Historic New Beginning as Sovereignty is on Hold

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu trusts US President Donald Trump not to endanger Israel’s security, White House Special Adviser Jared Kushner said on Monday, aboard the first-ever direct El Al flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates.

As for the first Israeli flight over Saudi Arabia, Kushner said the Saudis are “very gracious,” and that the flight is “a manifestation of what is possible in the Middle East.”

Americans For A Safe Israel is pleased to see the beginnings of what we trust will be a lasting and productive peace with the United Arab Emirates. Today’s historic first direct commercial flight from Israel to the UAE gets this initiative off to a good start. There are many things can be said about Israel’s new partnership with the UAE and potentially with what are rumored to be more peace deals in the works with other Arab states. Israel’s strength in the Arab world could possibly be used to place the Palestinian Authority into a corner, leaving them no choice but to recognize Israel’s right to exist. AFSI is will be watching closely on these developments.

We’ve been longing to see a real and permanent peace for Israel. The UAE agreement gives us a glimmer of hope into what a future peace can look like with other Arab states.

However, remember that Israel’s right to apply Sovereignty was sacrificed for this peace deal as required by the UAE in order for the agreement to be approved. Of course, we hope that Israel will apply Sovereignty at the first opportunity. When that will be is an unknown.

So, before you rush to take your next vacation in Abu Dhabi or were thinking of attending the Expo 2020 in Dubai (postponed to October 1, 2021) stay connected with AFSI. As soon as all of us are able to safely visit and travel throughout Israel again, we’d love to have you join us on our Chizuk Mission to Israel. A visit to the UAE can wait.

#SovereigntyNow #AFSIChuzukMission

Israel-UAE flight lands safely in Abu Dhabi, F-35 talks to be held, by Lahaz Harkov. Jerusalem Post – August 31, 2020

First-ever direct Israel-UAE flight lands in Abu Dhabi following peace deal, by ANI News. August 31, 2020

Next Year in Dubai?, by Eric Ruskin. Arutz Sheva – August 31, 2020


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Shabbat Night Sees Jews Forced From Homes While Arabs Rejoice

The new Jewish community in Binyamin, Ma’ale Shai was evacuated for the third time, and on Shabbat night. The community is in memory of Rabbi Shai Ohayon, z’l, who was murdered in Petah Tikva last week,

Residents said they begged not to be forced to travel on Shabbat, but to no avail.

The Jewish families were evacuated from the site along with about twenty supporters who came to spend Shabbat with them. The residents reported extreme violence on the part of IDF and Border Police soldiers during the evacuation, which included using pepper spray against them.

After the evacuation, local Arabs posted joyous videos from Ma’ale Shai on social media, with singing and clapping over the bonfires that burned down equipment belonging to Jewish homes.

This scene is all too familiar. It reminds us of the awful days back in 2005, still fresh in our memory, of the expulsion of the Jews of Gush Katif from their rightful homes. This would not have happened had Sovereignty been applied properly.

Arabs Rejoice, Burn Down Outpost, following Police Expulsion of Jewish Residents on Shabbat Night, by David Israel. Jewish Press – August 30, 2020

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Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has frozen new housing construction in Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria, withholding new housing permits for the expansion of Israeli towns for more than half a year.

The Civil Administration Higher Planning Committee’s next meeting has been repeatedly pushed off, apparently at the instruction of Netanyahu, who has called for the rescheduling of the committee meeting to a later unknown date.

That has effectively blocked new construction in Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria, creating a de facto freeze.

There are 5,500 planned housing units waiting for approval from the Higher Planning Committee, half of which are slated to be built immediately following the final approval of the committee.

Yesha Council leaders blasted the repeated delays. “For more than half a year not a single housing unit has been approved in the area, and we haven’t been given a final date for the convening of the committee. We now find ourselves in the midst of a construction freeze in Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley.”

AFSI is deeply troubled by this latest news. Just last week Sovereignty was put on hold “temporarily” which could be for quite some time. Now Jews may not build on the land that is legally theirs. Whatever the politics are behind this decision, we know one thing: Israelis should not have to wait for approval to build on land that is theirs. Jews in Judea and Samaria should be able to build now and without limitations.

#SovereigntyNow #BuildJudeaSamaria

Yesha Council Outraged: Netanyahu freezing construction in Judea and Samaria, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – August 26, 2020

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Binyamin Residents Have 3 Years to Find Another Place to Live

The Supreme Court ruled today that the housing units in the Binyamin community of Mitzpe Kramim must be demolished within the next three years. The judges further ruled that the State has the responsibility of demolishing the structures and gave the residents three years to find another place to live.

According to the ruling, “the evacuation of the buildings will take place only after the residents have found, within 36 months from the date of the ruling, a proper and appropriate alternative solution by allocating alternative land on state lands and erecting alternative structures or relocating existing structures to the alternative land.”

We previously reported that Sovereignty is on hold. Today we learn that building in Judea and Samaria is on hold. Now the Binyamin community is facing expulsion. Is this what a Sovereign nation should look like?


Supreme Court: Destroy Mitzpe Kramim, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – August 27, 2020

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PA Budget: Lost in Translation or Creative Accounting 101?

Every month, the Palestinian Authority publishes a monthly budget performance reports in Arabic, and for the international donor community a translation is published in English. The Arabic and English reports with hundreds of entries should be identical, which they are, except for one item in all the reports since February 2020: the Arabic includes the budget entry “Commission for Prisoners and Released” – which ostensibly documents the PA salaries to terrorists – while this entry is missing from the English.

The photo here above the Arabic chart with Palestinian Media Watch’s translation. Note the fourth sub-category (highlighted in yellow) which is in the Arabic – “Commission for Prisoners and Released Prisoners” – is missing in the English.

To date, the PA has not given in to international demands to stop paying salaries to terrorists. The Director of the Commission of Prisoners Qadri Abu Bakr himself told Palestinian TV that all the salaries continue to be paid in 2020. “Regarding the salaries, everything was perfect [yesterday]… We haven’t received a single call [of complaint] from any prisoner. They (i.e., family members) went to the banks and it was paid to them.”

PA budget reports differ from Arabic to English, by Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Itamar Marcus. Palestinian Media Watch – August 25, 2020

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Determined to Preserve Israeli Sovereignty, Caucus Says to Netanyahu Build Beyond the Trump Plan Boundary

The Knesset Land of Israel Caucus pushed back on President Trump’s peace plan this week stating that in lieu of annexation in Judea and Samaria, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must protect the entirety of the Area C for future Israeli Sovereignty.

The 43-member caucus, which has long campaigned for the application of Israeli Sovereignty over all Area C, spoke out in the aftermath of the suspension of plans to annex 50% of Area C as outlined Trump’s peace plan, in exchange for a peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The caucus called on Netanyahu to strengthen existing Jewish communities slated for annexation and expressed particular concern for the 50% of Area C, which under the Trump plan, is designated for a Palestinian state. The caucus wants that territory to be preserved for Israel.

Caucus to PM: Expand West Bank settlements beyond Trump plan boundary, by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post – August 26, 2020

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Pompeo Visit Brings a Guarantee to Israel’s Military Edge

The United States is promising to ensure that Israel still holds a military advantage in the Middle East under any future U.S. arms deals with the United Arab Emirates. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made this important statement on Monday as he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem.

“The United States has a legal requirement with respect to qualitative military edge. We will continue to honor that,” Pompeo said.

With the possibility on the horizon of other Arab nations establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, Pompeo also stated, “The opportunity for them to work alongside, to recognize the State of Israel and to work alongside them will not only increase Middle East stability, but it will improve the lives for the people of their own countries as well.”

#GuaranteeIsraelsMilitaryEdge #ArabDiplomaticRelationsWithIsrael

Pompeo in Jerusalem: U.S. will guarantee Israel’s Mideast military edge, by Associated Press. YNetNews – August 24, 2020

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Attacks in Israel’s South Continue: Arson Balloons Spark Multiple Fires, Rocket Alert Sirens Sounded Saturday Night

In response to the launching of explosive-laden balloons into Israel on Sunday, Israeli warplanes, tanks and drones attacked Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip before dawn on Monday.

The Israel Defense Forces said it attacked “military posts and underground infrastructure of the Hamas terror group in southern Gaza.”

Four days ago one Sderot home was severely damaged. Last week on Friday morning, the IDF carried out airstrikes on the Gaza Strip for the third time since Thursday in response to multiple rockets launched from Gaza overnight as well the continuous launching of incendiary balloons from the Strip over the past two weeks.

Thankfully there were no human casualties during these ongoing terror attacks against Israel but the devastation to land has been enormous.The Magen David Adom rescue service did treat three people for anxiety attacks. This has become a routine and almost expected part of daily life for the people of Israel’s Jewish communities in the south but is something that no one could or should ever have to live with.

#StopIncendaryBalloons #ProtectIsraelsSouth

Israel strikes targets in Gaza after incendiary balloons spark 28 fires, by Times of Israel Staff and Aaron Boxerman.Times of Israel – August 24, 2020

Sderot home damaged as Gaza rockets fly amid fresh IDF airstrikes, by Times of Israel Staff. Times of Israel – August 21, 2020

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Sovereignty is Off the Table…For Now

President Donald J. Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates spoke last Thursday, August 13, and agreed to the full normalization of relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The agreement is called the “Abraham Accord.”

The official White House release states that this is an historic diplomatic breakthrough intended to advance peace in the Middle East region and is a testament to the bold diplomacy and vision of the three leaders and the courage of the United Arab Emirates and Israel to chart a new path that will unlock the great potential in the region.

As a result of this diplomatic breakthrough and at the request of President Trump with the support of the United Arab Emirates, Israel will suspend declaring sovereignty over areas outlined in the President’s Vision for Peace and focus its efforts now on expanding ties with other countries in the Arab and Muslim world. The United States, Israel and the United Arab Emirates are confident that additional diplomatic breakthroughs with other nations are possible and will work together to achieve this goal.

According to an Arutz Sheva article, Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, “Sovereignty hasn’t been taken off the agenda. After all, I was the one who had it included in the Trump peace plan, with American agreement. We will apply sovereignty with US approval. It’s not that I had a choice of either applying sovereignty or peace with the United Arab Emirates right now. They [the US] requested a suspension in the application of Sovereignty, but they haven’t taken it out of their peace plan.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan stated, “… A decades-old paradigm has been broken here, according to which it is impossible to achieve peace and normalization with Arab countries without bowing to Palestinian demands for a withdrawal to the 1967 lines….I think the agreement with the UAE fits in the context of the national right-wing [positions]. This has value for our demand and our insistence on keeping all of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in whatever scenario may arise in the future.”

Americans For A Safe Israel is grateful to President Trump for once again standing strong behind Israel with his behind-the-scenes facilitation of this groundbreaking peace deal.


It is another disappointment that the application of Sovereignty is temporarily suspended and for what may be quite some time. Sovereignty is not a political football nor should it be used as a bargaining chip to appease Arab states. Over the last year, Israel’s opportunity to apply Sovereignty has been missed one too many times. Yes, it is unfortunate that Israel’s numerous elections, the global coronavirus pandemic, and now the upcoming US presidential election, have diverted attention away from applying Sovereignty. It’s also irrational that Israel has to wait for consent from the United States. If Sovereignty is not applied now, then when? Going forward, it is AFSI’s fervent hope that nothing stands in the way of applying Sovereignty. It’s Israel’s right to do so.


Joint Statement of the United States, the State of Israel, and the United Arab Emirates ~The White House. August 13, 2020

Netanyahu: ‘I wasn’t bluffing on sovereignty’, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – August 17, 2020

Ambassador Erdan: ‘UAE agreement benefits settlement in Judea and Samaria’, by Nitzan Keidar. Arutz Sheva – August 17, 2020

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