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Behind the Cuff Links: Report Shows Terrorist Ties To BDS

The Strategic Affairs Ministry issued a new report that cites more than 100 links between Hamas and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and the BDS movement.

More than 30 members of Hamas and PFLP hold senior positions in BDS-promoting NGOs. The majority have been in prison for terrorist-related crimes.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan said the research “reveals the true nature and goals of the BDS movement and its connection to terrorism and antisemitism.”

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It’s Over – Time to Go Home – GOODBYE!!

After a presence of almost 25 years in Hebron, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that TIPH – the Temporary International Presence in Hebron – is finally going home.

Two days after Netanyahu’s announcement, we learned just yesterday that the World Council of Churches (WCC) will pull its “ecumenical accompaniers” from Hebron due to “security concerns.”

The Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), the WCC’s top project, sends operatives to Israel to “monitor” and “report human rights abuses.”

Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg said, “These organizations do nothing apart from fuel the fires of conflict and provoke IDF soldiers, and they are the true obstacle to peace.”

Yasher Koach to Im Tirtzu, the organization at the forefront of exposing EAPPI. Im Tirtzu members have continuously filmed the activities of EAPPI in Hebron. By posting these videos on social media, they have nearly gone viral with “hundred of thousands” viewers learning the truth about what’s really happening in Hebron.

Any entity that intentionally works to delegitimize Israel cannot be allowed to stay in Israel.

AFSI is pleased to hear that these anti-Israel groups will no longer be operating in Hebron. We feel this now paves the way for Netanyahu to dismantle the Bedouin hamlet of Khan al-Ahmar, the illegal foreign-government backed outpost.

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Netiv Ha’Avot Six Months Later

The total destruction of Netiv Ha’Avot homes last year is old news.

So why are we bringing this up now?

During the Prime Minister’s visit this week to Netiv Ha’Avot he said, “What has fallen shall yet arise. It’s ours, we’re building here. You live here. We didn’t return from a journey of thousands of years for us to be uprooted. We shall plant and increase.”

We hope these are sincere words from the Prime Minister and that never again will we witness the destruction of Jewish homes in the Jewish Homeland.

Rabbi Yitzchak Neria’s Arutz Sheva OpEd, “Mr. Prime Minister, You Exceeded All Boundaries” is AFSI’s suggested read on this matter.

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Please Explain Yourself! US Republicans Take Action

In advance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day this year, three Republican members of Congress last Wednesday introduced a House resolution condemning anti-Semitic and anti-Israel vitriol in the United States and worldwide.

Reps. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.), Ted Budd (R-N.C.) and Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), introduced the resolution that calls out both Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan for his extensive record of spewing anti-Jewish rhetoric and Women’s March leader Tamilka Mallory, who refused to condemn Farrakhan.

Also in the resolution. Rashida Tlaib is asked to explain her relationship with Abbas Hamideh, who previously stated that Israel doesn’t have aright to exist.

If you have not yet done so, AFSI reminds everyone to please review the ACTION ALERT HERE and take action!

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We Won’t Hold Back – Our Response Will Be….

On Tuesday, sniper fire from Gaza slightly wounded an IDF soldier along the Gaza border. In response the IDF attacked a Hamas military camp.

During a visit to a military base in the south, Prime Minister Netanyahu warned if Hamas escalates conflict with Israel:

“I suggest that they understand that the response will be destructive and very painful, and we are ready for any scenario and escalation.”

Israel’s IDF is the only army in the world confronting Iran’s military.

The photo here is a Facebook post from the IDF. It is the helmet the IDF officer was wearing when he was shot at – the helmet that saved his life.

AFSI donated these same types of helmets on its last trip to security personnel. It hits very close to home when we read this and is a demonstration that the work AFSI does keeps Israel safe.

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Follow the Money!

Q. How much does Iran spend annually on its terror network in the Middle East?

A. $7,000,000,000

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon warned the U.N. Security Council chamber members earlier this week:

“Follow the bloody trail of money starting in Tehran, and you will arrive at the terror tunnels in Lebanon and Gaza and the weapons warehouses in Syria. It is now trying to infiltrate Judea and Samaria.”

Q. Does the European Union continue to fund organizations that boycott Israel?

A. Yes. When the EU was questioned about this by Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs they pushed back. Story HERE. Read the Ministry’s full report “Money Trail: 2nd Edition.

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They Will Bear Full Responsibility: Israel Carries Out Air Strikes Against Syria

In an extraordinary statement, the IDF confirmed early today that, in a rare daytime attack, it struck multiple Iranian military targets in Syria on Sunday. This was in response to a missile fired by Iranian forces at the Golan Heights on Sunday afternoon. Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted the missile fired by Iranian forces. —Israel Hayom.

The missile that was fired by Iranians could have killed Israeli civilians.

Speaking out today, PM Netanyahu said, “We will strike at anyone who tried to harm us. Whoever threatens to eliminate us will bear full responsibility.”

Israel is a SOVEREIGN nation that has the right to defend itself.

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They Are Not Consistent With Our National Values

For the last two weeks we have reported on the anti-Israel/anti-Jewish activity of freshman Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. AFSI is keeping a close watch on the disturbing rhetoric coming from this American politician.

We are pleased to see Tlaib is starting to be challenged as reported by Jewish News Syndicate (JNS). The first is Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX) calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi not to approve a proposed congressional delegation to Judea and Samaria led by Tlaib.

Babin stated in a letter to Pelosi, “I am writing to express my extreme concern. This action, from an outspoken supporter of the ‘BDS’ Israel boycott movement … is both ill-conceived and inconsistent with our national values.”

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt posted in a Twitter thread: “Days ago, @RashidaTlaib was photographed at an event with Abbas Hamideh, a man who has praised terrorist groups Hamas & Hezbollah and equated Zionists with Nazis. We ask her to clarify his attendance and denounce his anti-Semitism.”

On the same subject, newly elected Somali American Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is a BDS supporter and virulent anti-Semite. She now sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the group that determines funding to foreign countries. This appointment could have and should have been nixed by Nancy Pelosi. A complete lack of bias and hatred should be a pre-requisite for an appointment to such an important committee. Shame on Pelosi for undermining our national values.

“Open Jew and Israel-haters Are Now in the US Congress” by Alan Bergstein who speaks out in his Arutz Sheva OpEd.

AFSI’s mission of educating the public about the REAL ISRAEL includes exposing both Tlaib and Omar. We are grateful organizations and individuals have begun to step up to the plate to denounce these open and unabashed Jew haters. Now words must be met with action.

Both politicians are a serious threat to the national values of the United States and a complete threat to Israel and the Jewish people.

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