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A Security First in Judea and Samaria

In a first, armed drones will be used in Judea and Samaria to aid in better securing the region. Israel Defense Forces units in Judea and Samaria will now be permitted to use armed drones during counterterrorism raids, pending approval from IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Aviv Kochavi.

The order came amid an uptick of violence, with several terror attacks against Israelis as well as firefight between Palestinian gunmen and IDF troops.

Air Force squads have used armed drones as far back as 2008 but only in targeted assassinations against terrorists in Gaza. They were also employed heavily during the recent flareup against the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group in the Gaza Strip. Until August, a gag order prevented Israeli journalists from reporting on attack drones.

With the Jewish holidays upon us, the IDF must increase its activities in Judea and Samaria and the police presence in city centers. Permission to use armed drones is welcome news and it is critical that Israel be allowed to use every possible tool at its disposal to safeguard Judea and Samaria.

IDF approves use of armed drones to attack terrorists in Judea, Samaria, by Debbie Reiss/World Israel News, September 29, 2022




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BETRAYAL! Meet the Man Ready to Compromise Israel’s Security

Israel’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid faced heavy backlash from within the country yesterday in anticipation of his speech today at the UN General Assembly in New York City. What sources revealed on Wednesday was confirmed today when Lapid announced that he promotes the two-state solution.

Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated, “With the recent rise of Palestinian terror and in light of Abu Mazen’s scandalous speech in Berlin, any mention of a Palestinian state is tantamount to surrendering to terror.”

MK Ayelet Shaked said, “Lapid represents only himself in this statement and not the government. A Palestinian state is dangerous to the state of Israel.”

Even Alternative Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said there is “no place or logic” to the idea of a two-state solution, stating that people who promote such an idea in the year 2022 “should stay in the [nineteen] nineties.”

Likud party offered its criticism: “After Lapid established the first Israeli-Palestinian government, now he wants to establish a Palestinian state on the border of Kfar Saba, Netanya, Ben-Gurion Airport, and handing over the territories of our homeland to our enemies.”

Today’s much awaited speech by Lapid puts Israel in harm’s way. It does so now and in the future and will only empower terrorist entities to commit more attacks on the Jewish people. It is well known that most Israelis oppose the two-state solution. It’s also widely understood that Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas, do not qualify as partners for peace. These groups are looking for a one state solution – with Israel in the sea. These vile groups control the PA. With that said, we’d like to know who Lapid is referring to making peace with.

As Israel prepares for its forthcoming elections, we will be relieved that Lapid’s service as interim prime minister is coming to an end very soon and pray that his slate shows no promise of getting votes in the November elections.

Listen to Lapid’s speech HERE.

Lapid at UN: Israel will accept a Palestinian state on the condition it be peaceful, by Yoni Kempinski/Israel National News, September 22, 2022

‘Terror State’: Lapid’s Plan to Promote Two-state Solution at UN Faces Domestic Backlash, by Haaretz, September 21, 2022




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Erdan Walks Out, UN Sinks to New Low

Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan walked out of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s speech at the UN General Assembly Wednesday.

Erdan said, “It is a new moral low for the UN. A mass-murdering Holocaust-denier gets the podium at the UN to speak his hatred. Every ambassador that stays to hear him should be embarrassed.” It represents a “new low” for the world body to be addressed by someone with a record of human rights abuses and Holocaust denial such as Raisi.

We applaud Ambassador Erdan for taking a stand against Raisi’s presence at the podium. The United Nations has bowed to evil by giving Raisi an extremely high profile public platform to spew his hate filled rhetoric and twisted, sick versions of the truth. He never should have been allowed to speak and nothing good will come of this. By allowing Raisi to present at the General Assembly, the UN gave a green light that legitimizes Iran and its threats and nefarious activities against Israel – and the world.

Watch: Israeli Amb. leaves UN General Assembly during Raisi’s speech, by Yoni Kempinski/Israel National News, September 21, 2022



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Back and Forth on The Temple Mount

The Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court ruled Monday that it is permitted to blow the shofar and perform religious rituals at the Eastern Wall of the Temple Mount without interference. This ruling rejects police claims of provocation and disrupting public order following the arrests on Sunday of Temple Mount activists, Yehuda Glick among them, for blowing the shofar there.

No sooner than the court issued its ruling, and in an act of blatant disregard for the rule of law, the very next day police arrested a group of Jews blowing shofars outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Without compromise, Israel must make it clear to its security forces that asserting Israel’s legal right to the Temple Mount and to the free exercise of religion overrides all politics. Order must be enforced and sovereign rights exercised to avoid a Muslim takeover of this holiest site.

WATCH: Ignoring Court Ruling, Police Again Arrest Shofar Blowers Outside Temple Mount, by Jewish Press News Desk, September 20, 2022

Court Rules It’s Okay to Blow Shofar Outside Temple Mount Walls, by Hana Levi Julian/Jewish Press, September 19, 2022


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Lapid’s Secret Negotiations: Israelis Don’t Support It

Israeli negotiators tasked with resolving the ongoing dispute with Lebanon on the maritime border near the Israeli gas field Karish have been exploring the possibility of having the Diplomatic-Security Cabinet hold a secret vote on any final deal before it is presented to the public.

Under official government procedures, an international agreement with a foreign country must be submitted to Knesset by the relevant cabinet minister for a two-week review process, after which the government holds a vote on it. In rare instances, there are rules that allow for a mechanism to bypass Knesset review and full government vote.

Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Danny Danon pointed out that Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s approach to the negotiations is tantamount to an “instrument of surrender to Hezbollah” and that “Lapid knows that Israelis do not support him on this, and that is why he has been trying to secretly push an agreement using legal maneuvers with unprecedented measures that would bypass the Knesset and the public.”

The Prime Minister’s Office told Israel Hayom that “there is no confirmation on this information because at this point there is no agreement; when we have updates we will provide them.” However, if this is true and an agreement is reached, then it is a flagrant overreach by any prime minister, no less a caretaker.

Sources: Lapid might bypass Knesset by holding secret vote on border deal with Lebanon, by Ariel Kahana/Israel Hayom, September 19, 2022









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For the Love of Money, 60 Minutes Normalizes Terrorism

Last night on the TV show 60 Minutes, Iranian President Ibrahim Raisi was interviewed. When he was asked whether he believed that Six Million Jews were slaughtered in the Shoah, Raisi said, “Historical events should be investigated by researchers and historians.” Less reported but equally heinous was his response to the question of whether Israel had a right to exist. He asserted that “this was the right of the people of Palestine”.

In response Prime Minister Yair Lapid posted graphic images from the Holocaust to his official Twitter account. IDF Chief of General Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi on Monday slammed Raisi, “You don’t need to be a historian or researcher to understand the horrors of the Holocaust – you need to be human.” Chairman of Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum Dani Dayan labeled Raisi a “vile antisemite” and called his remarks “dangerous and deserve condemnation.”

It goes without saying that Raisi never should have been interviewed on “60 Minutes,” nor should he be a guest on any other media platform. It is clearly an attempt by Raisi to increase his legitimacy as a world leader, something no one but an Islamist could possibly give an ounce of credence. We’re hard pressed to believe that CBS doesn’t know better. It seems they would rather not heed any lessons when it comes to terrorism and that capturing ratings is all that matters. While “60 Minutes” is looking to grab a large audience, their interview with the head of the #1 State Sponsor of Terror has normalized the face of terror. What about the TV commercial sponsors? A strong message could have been sent to CBS if companies declined to sponsor last night’s show. Sadly, that did not happen.

The only good thing that did come out of last night’s show is that last night’s ratings for 60 Minutes were down from its 2021 season premiere. Maybe the public is finally waking up to the truth.

IDF chief slams Iranian president for questioning Holocaust, by Yoav Zitun/, September 19, 2022

Lapid hits back after Iranian leader claims only ‘some signs’ of Holocaust exist, by JNS and ILH Staff, September 19, 2022

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This Happens When Israel Defends Its Sovereign Rights

The Biden administration on Tuesday appeared to step away from urging Israel’s military to review its open-fire protocols in the wake of the killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. This comes after Israeli leaders expressed ire over the US’s suggestion.

The State Department called on Israel publicly last week to consider reforming its rules of engagement after the fatal May 11 shooting, which an Israeli probe found had likely been the result of errant Israel Defense Forces fire, as a way of providing accountability for her death. But the comments sparked a furious Israeli backlash, including from interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid, who fumed over the attempt to “dictate” Israel’s policies.

State Department spokesman Ned Price said, “No one knows the IDF’s processes and procedures better than the IDF, and so it is not on us or any other country or entity to say precisely what the IDF or any military or security organization around the world should do.”

Israel stood strong for its sovereign right to conduct business as it saw fit. The US got the message. The more Israel stands up for itself in every way the more the world will respect it instead of dictating to it.

US appears to back off pressuring Israel on IDF rules of engagement after backlash, by Jacob Magid/Times of Israel, September 14, 2022

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AD KAN Request to Remove Ra’am From Elections

The ‘Ad Kan’ organization, which is leading the disclosure of Ra’am’s ties to Hamas, has revealed its request that the ‘Arab Union List’ party, known as Ra’am, be disqualified from running for the 25th Knesset. The Ra’am charter defines the party as the political arm of the Islamic Movement.

A party that wishes to run for Israel’s Knesset cannot fool the public and pretend to work for the good of the people while at the same time it finances (often using government money) and supports enemy groups, Hamas among them, that seek Israel’s destruction. It’s known that Ra’am’s nefarious activities also violate the law and they should not be registered on any election slate. Knesset elections exist for the people to decide on who they want to lead and shape the country. Terrorists not welcome.

Ad Kan org. demands Ra’am be barred from running over Islamic Movement ties, by Israel National News, September 14, 2022


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Don’t Trust This: Iran Said It Will Cooperate with IAEA

Iran said on Monday it was ready to continue cooperating with the IAEA while revealing a drone supposedly capable of hitting major cities in Israel.

The IAEA’s Board of Governors met today, three months after adopting a resolution urging Iran to give credible answers to the agency’s investigations into uranium traces at three sites in Iran. Iran says the probes are politically motivated. “Iran announces its constructive cooperation with the agency as its obligation … While Iran has obligations, it also has rights,” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani told a televised news conference.

Iran wants the world to believe it’s capable of doing the right thing while at the same time it continues to devise new ways to taunt and annihilate Israel. As long as Iran continues to build weapons production facilities in proxy nations for the sole purpose of spreading war and terror across the region and world, they can never claim to have “rights” nor be viewed as a trusted, credible country in world affairs.

Iran claims new drones ‘designed to hit Tel Aviv’ as Israel warns regime from reprisals, by Reuters and ILH Staff, September 12, 2022






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Deal Off the Table, But Iran Tensions Remain

Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz yesterday headed to the United States for a series of meetings with United Nations officials. The talks are expected to focus on Iran’s nuclear program and the Abraham Accords.

Gantz said, “Iran has gained knowledge, infrastructure and capabilities—much of which is irreversible. This will enable Iran to further expand its nuclear program during the period of an agreement that would have fewer restrictions. Iran would be able to acquire a nuclear weapon when said agreement ended in 2031.”

As long as Iran continues its nefarious nuclear activities, Gantz made it clear that Israel will not be bound by any deal and will maintain its right to defend itself. Despite last week’s news that a nuclear deal is off the table and won’t be signed in the foreseeable future, ongoing work must be done to stop Iran from its campaign to eliminate Israel.

Amid Iran tensions, Gantz heads to US for talks with UN officials, by JNS Brief, September 11, 2022



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