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As PA Takes Advantage, Israel Must Act Without Delay!

The Palestinian Authority is taking advantage of the absence of Civil Administration inspectors during the coronavirus shutdown. They are consolidating a takeover of “Tel Aroma,” a Hasmonean fortress in Samaria, according to Israeli NGO Regavim.

Sunday the NGO reported that a fleet of heavy engineering tools from the PA and the Beta Village Council arrived at Tel Aroma and paved a road leading toward the remains of the fortress.

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan assessed the destruction of the site, saying: “Enforcement authorities must give this matter the attention it deserves; they have a responsibility to live up to, this is their job and we expect them to do it. This systematic destruction of Jewish heritage sites throughout Judea and Samaria cannot continue. We demand that they put an immediate stop to the ongoing destruction of Tel Aroma; we call upon the relevant authorities to take action without delay.”

#TelAroma #Samaria #HasmoneanFortress #SamariaRegionalCouncil #YossiDagan #Regavim

Report: Palestinians exploiting corona to destroy Hasmonean-era fortress, by JNS. Jewish News Syndicate – May 11, 2020

Regavim Video #1. May 10, 2020

Regavim Video #2. May 10, 2020

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Israel’s 35th Government

Israel’s thirty-fifth government will be sworn in this Thursday at 1:00 pm, Knesset Speaker and Blue and White party chief Benny Gantz said today.

Gantz finalized the timing for the swearing-in of the unity government, initially set for Wednesday afternoon.

Due to the upcoming visit by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, the swearing-in was pushed back to Thursday.

#Israel’s35thGovernment #UnityGovernment

It’s Final: Israel’s new government to be sworn in on Thursday, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – May 11, 2020

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SHAME ON THEM! Israel’s Enemies From Within Struggle For Relevance

The Irish Times website last week published a column that includes former Israeli government officials calling to promote legislation against trade and economic activity with Judea, Samaria, and the Jordan Valley.

They are Israel’s enemies from within and include: former Israeli ambassador to Portugal and former Israeli consul Colette Avital, former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, former Meretz Chair Zahava Galon and more.

Yesha Council Chairman David Elhayani responded, “Former Israeli Knesset members, and all sorts of ‘formers’ have decided that because their public lives are over and the public has decided not to support them, they need to return to being relevant.”

The action of these former Israeli public officials is a stab in the back to the State of Israel. Americans For A Safe Israel condemns these former Israeli representatives whose sole intention is to elevate their selfish agendas while inflicting tremendous harm to Israel. SHAME ON THEM!

#SHAMEONTHEM #Israel’sEnemies #StateofIsrael

Former Israeli officials call to boycott Judea and Samaria, by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – May 7, 2020

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Netanyahu Endorsed for an Additional Term, Formation of Gov’t Expected Soon

The planned unity government led by the Likud and Blue and White cleared its last major hurdle Thursday afternoon. A majority of Knesset Members endorsed Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu for an additional term as premier.

A total of 72 members of the 120-member Knesset signed onto the endorsement, which was delivered to President Reuven Rivlin Thursday afternoon, just hours before the end of the Knesset’s mandate to nominate a new premier.

Once the signatures are verified and the mandate formally given to Netanyahu, the prime minister will have two weeks to secure the support of 61 MKs for a new government. With 72 MKs backing the government however, Netanyahu and Benny Gantz are expected to easily form the next government, which will likely be sworn in next Wednesday.

December 2018 was the last that time Israel had a fully functioning government. AFSI is hopeful that Israel will soon have one again – one that can begin to work on its challenging and complex issues.

#Netanyahu #UnityGovernment #Israel

Unity Government: 72 MKs nominate Netanyahu for Prime Minister by David Rosenberg. Arutz Sheva – May 7, 2020

President Reuven Rivlin tasks Netanyahu with forming new government by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – May 7, 2020

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The opportunity to apply Israeli law to a vast majority of the Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria and keep full control of Jerusalem with the blessing of the US is one that should not be passed up. Under the direction of Donald Trump, Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt have presented a “deal” that’s too good to ignore.

Under the deal, the “Palestinians” have four years to comply with a set of very rigid requirements in order for them to get a state and the benefit of this bargain. The state will only come into existence in four years if the “Palestinians” accept the plan, if the Palestinian Authority stops its pay for slay policies, ceases all incitement to terror, and if Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad put down their weapons. In addition, the deal calls on the Palestinians to give up corruption and respect human rights, freedom of religion and a free press. The benchmarks for success are laid out in detail in the deal. If ALL those conditions are met, the US will recognize a Palestinian state and implement an economic plan to assist it. We believe wholeheartedly in their inability to ever comply with these requirements.

Ambassador Friedman is not demanding that the government of Israel SUPPORT a Palestinian State. He is just pointing out that the deal calls for the prime minister to be ready and willing to negotiate with the Palestinian Authority for four years. We believe wholeheartedly in their inability to negotiate.

Yes, all of the land of Israel is the Am Yisroel’s. Yes, we must never give up any of the Promised Land. But, having the prime minister continue to negotiate for four years with an entity that could not possibly, even if it had the best of intentions, live up to their side of the deal, is not giving anything away.

Why not proceed with a deal that for the first time ever gives Israel the upper hand and apply Israeli law now to those areas that are outlined? In four years, the rest will follow.

Judy Freedman Kadish and Helen Freedman, Co-Executive Directors, Americans For A Safe Israel/AFSI

#DealoftheCentury #AmbassadorDavidFriedman #JaredKushner #JasonGreenblatt #POTUS

Applying Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria is Israel’s decision’ by Ariel Kahana. Israel Hayom – May 6, 2020 

Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Briefing with Ambassador David Friedman, February 9, 2020

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Biased Connection: The ICC and Terror Groups

A report from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (JCPA) says The International Criminal Court is working alongside several organizations and individuals tied to terrorism. The ICC currently seeks to prosecute American and Israeli personnel for war crimes. The findings call into question the court’s integrity at a time when it is facing international backlash over its pursuit of politically motivated cases.

The report concludes that under the leadership of Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda, the ICC collaborated with terror-tied groups to pursue charges against American and Israeli military officials it claims are guilty of committing war crimes against civilians. The cases originated with complaints filed to the court by two nonprofit advocacy groups with ties to terrorism.

Americans For A Safe Israel expresses outrage over the ICC’s abuse of legal power and allowing influence by terrorist groups to infiltrate the ICC. The ICC needs to be exposed for what it is: a biased entity with a political agenda to destroy Israel.

#InternationalCriminalCourt #FatouBensouda

Report: ICC Colluding With Terror-Tied Groups to Push Prosecution of U.S., Israeli Personnel by Adam Kredo. Washington Free Beacon – May 5, 2020

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Deadline to Form A Government Hangs Over Israel

The Likud has threatened to put the country through a fourth round of elections. Israel could go through the voting process again if the High Court of Justice nixes even only parts of the unity coalition agreement following Monday’s hearings of petitions against the deal.

“This coalition agreement is very complex and moving any brick in the agreement can topple the entire structure and decree upon us unnecessary fourth elections in the midst of a health-economic crisis,” wrote Minister Ze’ev Elkin in a Facebook post.

Why the Israeli Supreme Court has the power to review and make decisions to override the Executive and Legislative branches of the Israeli government is an issue in itself. There is much debate on that issue and expert analysis can be found at:

Likud: Fourth elections if Supreme Court nixes unity deal by Batya Jerenberg. World Israel News – May 4, 2020

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We would like to see The Knesset hold an immediate preliminary reading of a private members bill filed by MK May Golan (Likud). The bill would allow for the application of Sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria,

Yesha Council head David Elhayani said on Sunday, “The bill can already be brought now for a preliminary reading” in the Knesset plenum. The bill will apply Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley without recognition of a Palestinian state that would endanger the future of the state of Israel…”

“The bill was designed to remedy the existing situation and finally allow for historical justice. I have no doubt that there is a broad consensus in all parts of the [Knesset] that supports the legislation and the time has come to implement it,” MK Golan said.

Settler leader: preliminary Knesset vote on annexation bill can happen now by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post – May 4, 2020

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Germany Outlaws Hezbollah: A Step Closer Toward Keeping Israel Safe

Israel and the United States have long pushed for Germany to ban the Shiite terrorist group Hezbollah. Today at 6:00am, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced a ban on Hezbollah, including its political wing. Germany now views their activities as violations of criminal law.

Germany was able to take this important action after receiving intelligence information from Israel.

Police in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen and Berlin began searches in mosques and residences tied to Hezbollah “due to their financial support and propaganda for the terrorist organization,” shortly after the ban was announced early this morning.

The ban was also put in place because Hezbollah is a terrorist group and “calls for the violent elimination of the State of Israel and questions the right of the State of Israel to exist.”

Americans For A Safe Israel applauds Germany’s significant decision to ban Hezbollah. The next step is for all of Europe and the larger international community, to ban Hezbollah and other like-minded organizations. When the truth about radical terrorist groups are realized and the correct actions are taken to stop them, it is only then that we can begin to look forward to a safer world and a safe Israel.

Germany outlaws Hezbollah, raids mosques and local leaders’ homes by Lahav Harkov. Jerusalem Post – April 30, 2020

Germany received Israeli intel prior to Hezbollah decision by Mordechai Sones. Arutz Sheva – April 30, 2020

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Homesh Yeshiva Demolished. What’s the Urgency?

Srugim Hebrew news site reported that large police forces arrived in the Jewish community of Homesh in northern Samaria today and destroyed the local yeshiva on court orders. The yeshiva included a study hall and living quarters. The Homesh Yeshiva has operated for over 12 years, and was also used to house students.

Head of Samaria Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, strongly criticized the demolition, saying, “I don’t understand the urgency to destroy a yeshiva, certainly not residential buildings, especially at a time like this when everyone is shut up in their homes, and certainly nowhere near the same eagerness is shown when it comes to destroying illegal Arab housing in the exact same location. Something is wrong here and I urge Defense Minister Naftali Bennett to clear up this issue immediately. Last week security forces were only too happy to destroy buildings in four communities in Judea and Samaria…”

Samaria Regional Council Head Yossi Dagan: ‘What’s the urgency to destroy a yeshiva?’ by Eitan Divinsky. Arutz Sheva – April 30, 2020

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