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Another Excuse to Delegitimze Israel

PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi’s recent comments on the coronavirus are nothing more than a desperate attempt to delegitimize Israel. On Wednesday she accused Israel of exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to “annex Palestinian occupied territories.”

The statement was released following Defense Minister Naftali Bennett remarks that he plans to promote paving a road between the E1 area and Jerusalem, which he called the “road of Sovereignty” project.

PA official: Israel exploiting coronavirus to promote annexation by Israel Hayom Staff. Israel Hayom – March 12, 2020

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Cancel This School’s Funding Now!

El Oskopia, an Episcopal Catholic High School, which receives government funding, was selected three years ago as one of Israel’s most outstanding schools.

This week in the Israeli-Arab city of Shfar’am the school held a “Heritage Day for the Palestinian People” that wiped Israel off the map.

The event celebrated cultural heritage, including a mock “Palestinian wedding” and culinary traditions. There were also Palestinian flags on the walls and maps of “Palestine” in place of Israel.

Zionist watchdog Im Tirtzu called on the Education Ministry to take immediate action.

“It is inconceivable that an Israeli high school under the supervision of the Education Ministry is brainwashing its students into thinking that they are Palestinians and must hate Israel,” said Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg.

Christian Israeli-Arab high school holds ‘Palestine Day,’ wipes Israel off map by Paul Shindman. World Israel News – March 12, 2020

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Israel’s Gov’t Still in Formation – and Trying to Prevent a 4th Election

Yoaz Hendel and Zvi Hauser are members of Moshe Ya’alon’s Telem’s party that makes up Blue & White along with Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid and Benny Gantz’s The Israel Resilience Party. Ya’alon met with the two MKs on Sunday in an attempt to persuade them to back the minority government but apparently to no avail.

Sources in the Blue & White said the party has a two-step plan in an effort to avoid the fourth elections. It consists of an initial phase of forming a minority coalition with Labor-Gesher-Meretz and Yisrael Beytenu, with outside support by Joint List and a second phase. Assuming that a minority government is formed, members of various right-wing parties would be willing to join the coalition.

So, what’s really going on? The outcome of these elections are still a maze of confusion. Different possible combinations continue to emerge. We pray for a Purim miracle and the formation of a sound and effective government that will protect Sovereignty, safety and truth for all Israel.

Top Blue & White MKs oppose Arab-backed government by Moran Azulay, Yuval Karni, Tova Tzimuki. YNet News – March 9, 2020

Gantz’s Path to Israeli Minority Gov’t Littered with Obstacles by Charles Bybelezer. MediaLine – March 9. 2020

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Building the Road to Sovereignty

Israel’s Defense Ministry has green-lighted planning for what it called a “Sovereignty road” that would allow Palestinian traffic to bypass Jewish neighborhoods in the E1 area.

“We’re applying Sovereignty in deeds, not words,” Defense Minister Naftali Bennett said on Monday.

As part of his re-election campaign, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month agreed to advance plans for 3,500 new homes in an unbuilt area of the Ma’aleh Adumim area, known as E1.

Israel advances plans for West Bank ‘sovereignty road’ to bypass E1 area, by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post – March 9, 2020

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Columbia University President Speaks Out Against BDS

I plead with everyone on our campus to be careful and vigilant against legitimate debate turning into anger, then to hatred and demonization, and invidious discrimination. 

I can say that Jewish students are feeling this, and it’s wrong. I feel it, and it’s wrong. We all feel it, and it’s wrong. ~Lee C. Bolinger

While Americans For A Safe Israel deeply appreciates President Bollinger issuing this statement, it is not enough! What about the professors employed at Columbia who spew vile hatred about Israel in their evil attempt to indoctrinate students? Why are they still on payroll? We know that American college campuses are a hot bed for anti-Semitism thanks to one too many a professor teaching false narratives about Israel. President Bollinger, the problem is much deeper and must be rooted out at its source. Do you recognize this and what action will you take to remedy it?

Source and Full Statement:
President Bollinger Condemns Anti-Semitism in a Statement Before the Senate Plenary. Official statemtent from the office of Lee C. Bollinger. March 6, 2020

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Can Netanyahu Form a Government?

Americans For A Safe Israel congratulates Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on his election win on Monday evening.

Netanyahu immediately convened his bloc of right-wing parties on Tuesday to celebrate his victory in Monday’s election. The process of forming a new governing coalition has begun.

The MKs decided that they would continue to coordinate as one bloc under Netanyahu’s leadership in order to form a right-wing government as soon as possible. They also decided to not rule out adding other parties except the Joint List.

“The country had its say,” a Likud spokesman said. “The people want a nationalist government under Netanyahu.” 

Final election results as of today: Likud 36, Blue and White 33. Right-wing bloc receives 58 seats, left-wing bloc and Arabs a combined 55 seats after final votes counted.

Netanyahu begins effort to form new coalition, by Gil Hoffman. Jerusalem Post – March 3, 2020

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Israel @ the Voting Booth

As Israelis cast their ballots at the voting booth today, a downhearted President Reuven Rivlin cast his vote in Jerusalem. Rivlin expressed “deep shame” that Israel’s politicians had forced the electorate into a third election in less than a year.

“We just don’t deserve this. We don’t deserve another awful and grubby election campaign like the one that ends today and we don’t deserve this never-ending instability,” he said. “We deserve a government that works for us.”

The inability to form a government thus far has left Israel hanging in the balance. It’s been almost one year since the first election and with a continued political stalemate the country cannot move forward. We pray the third time will be the charm. Israel’s future – its security and Sovereignty – are depending on it.

We see some cause for hope as 56.3% of eligible Israeli voters cast their ballot by 6:00pm, the highest voter turnout since 1999, and up 2.8% from September’s election. The polls are open until 10pm. Arutz Sheva is reporting low voter turnout in Blue and White strongholds – but the candidates will be out electioneering until the polls close.

Casting his ballot, Rivlin expresses ‘deep shame’ at political morass, by Amir Alon, Nina Fox. YNet News – March 2, 2020

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Maps, Plans and Reality

Avraham Shvut, an urban planner and one of the first residents of the renewed communities in Judea and Samaria, analyzed the map of the Trump plan. Upon comparing it to the Oslo map, he determined that the Trump map is worse and actually more dangerous for Judea and Samaria.

In his lecture, Shvut presented the key points of the TAMA 100 National Outline Plan, initiated by the Sovereignty Movement in which he participated as one of the designers. The main point of TAMA 100 is planning for the State of Israel in the hundredth year since its establishment. As of now, it is the only plan that views Judea and Samaria as an integral part of the State of Israel.Shvut presented his conclusions in a lecture that he gave at the Oz veGaon preserve, during which he emphasized the importance of preparing a long-range plan for building and settlement.

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“Maps and plans determine reality”, states Shvut, relating from past experience how, in places where plans were drawn, whether by the Right or the Left, they became the primary basis for execution in the field.

Expert: ‘The Trump Map is worse than the Oslo Map’, by Arutz Sheva Staff. Arutz Sheva – March 1, 2020

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‘A vote for ZOA Coalition is a vote to defend Israel and the Jewish people’ – Yaakov Hagoel

Since the establishment of the modern Zionist movement, the Jewish people have been given the opportunity to influence its path through the Zionist Congress elections. One of the issues I deal with in my role at the National Institutions is to transmit the Zionist message to future generations at a time when screens have replaced books, apps have replaced meetings and 15-second videos have replaced sentences.

As part of our role as “the People of the Book,” it is incumbent upon us to tell the story of the Exodus. We are commanded to remember our past in every generation, but we also have a duty to plan our future.

‘A vote for ZOA Coalition is a vote to defend Israel and the Jewish people’, by Yaakov Hagoel. Arutz Sheva – February 24, 2020

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“Very Significant” News for Ma’ale Adumim

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that he plans to authorize the construction of 3,500 homes in an undeveloped E1 area of Ma’aleh Adumim. We’ve heard these promises before, but this time it sounds like the real thing! Mayor Benny Kashriel said he believes Netanyahu intends to follow through because the professional staff has already been ordered to work on submission of the plans to the Higher Planning Council for Judea and Samaria.

“We are building up Jerusalem and the outskirts of Jerusalem. I gave an immediate directive, to deposit plans to build of 3,500 housing units in E1,” Netanyahu said.

The Yesha Council welcomed this news for the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley. It said that the E1 plan would enable “strategic construction” that would link Ma’aleh Adumim to Jerusalem.

Netanyahu says authorizing 3,500 settler homes in West Bank’s E1, by Tovah Lazaroff. Jerusalem Post – February 25, 2020

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