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Obama Did Nothing. Rutgers Did Nothing. But Trump…..

In 2011, a Rutgers University “event” ended up being a threat to Jewish students and was no more than a cover up to drum up support for BDS. When a formal complaint was filed with the US Department of Education, the Obama administration dismissed it and refused to consider an appeal.

And Rutgers did nothing to protect Jewish students.

The Trump administration is now taking anti-semitism cases seriously. It will reopen the case brought by a Zionist group against Rutgers University, claiming the college allowed a hostile setting for Jewish students. In addition, Assistant Secretary of Education for Civil Rights Kenneth Marcus will seek a working definition of anti-semitism, one that is widely used by governmental agencies.

AFSI applauds the Trump administration once again for doing the right thing.

It’s really true that Jews have no better friend than President Trump. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

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The Times of Israel reports that the US State Department confirmed Monday it was ordering the closure of the Washington mission of the Palestinian Liberation Organization, citing that the Palestinians were not supporting “direct and meaningful negotiations” with regard to peace talks with Israel.

Prime Minister Netanyahu commented: “The US took the correct decision. Israel supports these actions that are meant to make it clear to the Palestinians that refusing to negotiate will not bring about peace.”

“The United States made the right move.” The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) today issued the following statement regarding the United States’ decision to close the PLO’s Washington office.

AFSI is asking everyone to contact John R. Bolton, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, to thank him for his part in this decision andhttp://@AmbJohnBolton to let him know that we would like to see the “Permanent Observer Mission of the State of Palestine to the United Nations” (formerly the PLO Mission) in New York City closed as well. Contact John Bolton HERE or on Twitter: @AmbJohnBolton.

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Rx for the United Nations: Tashlich

Israel’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, has an excellent Opinion piece in the Jerusalem Post. His prescription for the UN is Tashlich – a cleansing of the soul – or in this case, a cleansing of anti-Israel trends.

We thank Ambassador Danon for working tirelessly to bolster Israel’s position at the UN.

Photo shows Ambassador Danny Danon with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and 40 other diplomats performing Tashlich ahead of the Rosh Hashanah holiday.

Read his Opinion HERE.

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A First for Beit Hanina Jews

The Jerusalem Planning and Building Committee this week approved a plan to build 150 housing units in the Beit Hanina neighborhood of northern Jerusalem. Previously, no urban plan of this size has ever been approved for Jews in Beit Hanina, which includes details to the level of completing construction, public areas and more.

More HERE.

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US Officially Cuts All UNRWA Funding

The Trump Administration has officially cut off all funding of UNRWA. The decision was made last month in a meeting between Jared Kushner, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and R. David Harden. While Pompeo and Harden were opposed to such a drastic cut, in the end it was Kushner who pushed the hardest for the full cut.

Read what PM Netanyahu had to say about the decision.

“UNRWA is a foreign and unnecessary organization that has failed miserably. I intend to expel it from Jerusalem.” said Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat.

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When Trump Learned What UNRWA and the PA Did He…..

David Bedein’s organization, The Center for Near East Policy Research (CNEPR), has been in touch with the Trump administration at the highest levels giving them everything CNEPR has collected and researched regarding the UNRWA schoolbooks.

When the most recent CNEPR report reached President Trump directly, according to Bedein, Trump “blew his stack.” The report showed that “the right of return through the armed struggle became the most important and dominant theme of Palestinian Authority and UNRWA education.” Story HERE.

The IDF is very concerned about UNRWA funding cuts. A senior officer in the Shomron region said: “We are concerned that if the schools aren’t funded the youth will go out and carry out attacks.”

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Enough Said

We like today’s JNS Story:

Haley: US To Work With UNRWA Again When Refugee Numbers Are Corrected

US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley called for a thorough review of the Palestinian claim to “right of return.” Haley says, until UNRWA reforms itself, the “right of return” should be taken “off the table.”

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Time to Face the Truth

Reports are surfacing that the Trump administration is prepared to announce a new policy that effectively cancels the so-called “right of return” for Palestinians. The policy will have consequences for both the “refugees” and the disastrous UNRWA – an enormous issue AFSI that has been following closely.

The administration is expected to announce its plan in September – – one that will have several stages.

AFSI eagerly looks forward to forthcoming information and what we hope is the start of the long overdue resolution to the UNRWA matter.

Just last week the US cut $200 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority after a State Department review found that the funding was not being spent in line with US national interests.

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