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It’s Great on the Golan!

The Group at Har (Mount) Bental, Golan Heights

The AFSI Chizuk Mission spent Thursday touring the Golan Heights with Yifa Sigal, Director of the International Legal Forum. The ILF is a nonprofit proactive legal “hub” centralizing efforts of lawyers, organizations and activists worldwide, in their fight to promote justice, peace and equality in Israel and the Middle East. The ILF provides them with much-needed knowledge, strategic planning, research and international networking in order to successfully tackle human rights violations, radical ideologies, terror and the BDS movement. Continue reading

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President Trump – Don’t Be Fooled By Abbas

Palestinian Arabs throwing shoes at picture of President Trump

Mahmoud Abbas appeared to be aglow with new energy after his meeting with President Trump at the White House yesterday. After all, he seemingly received the “seal of approval” from the president, who spoke favorably about Israel and the “Palestinians” renewing negotiations. Of course, we do not know what was discussed during their private conversations. Continue reading

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